Critique Thread for Photographers

Iaintliein's Avatar
Thanks for pointing out the blemish on DallasBella's leg. I think I hit it accidentally while digitally "ironing" the table cloth.

Here's another nice picture of her, taken in the back yard after the shoot. No good way to position a better hand crop because she had to stay on stepping stones so as not to loose a shoe in the soft ground. The gold reflector would have been better if the assistant had longer arms and could have raised it farther:

One more trip down memory lane, a simple one light (Fresnel on strobe) shot of Chelsie Simms, this one always made me think about a hot date in front of a fireplace:

john_deere's Avatar
Originally Posted by Iaintliein
this is nice, but you've got some masking problems with that background blur. it's no deal breaker for this market, but certainly the kind of thing an experienced eye will pick up instantly. it's also why threads like this are good because you find out just how noticeable these things may be.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-19-2014, 07:48 AM
i'll tell you the same thing i've told ms. snow many times….good photo, but don't let the "dutch angle" become your go to move. use it where it makes sense, not as a style. Originally Posted by john_deere
Duly noted and thank you sir. I will keep that in mind.

john_deere's Avatar
that photo is a good example. well shot, nicely posed, good processing… doesn't need the tilt, which adds nothing and some would say is just a gratuitous distraction.
Duly noted and thank you sir. I will keep that in mind.

Originally Posted by R.M.
wait a minute! Hold up! You shoot anyway you want! How I shoot makes me money, TILT and all... Ladies love the way I shoot. I'm pretty successful in all aspects of my photography career. Weddings, Children, Babies, Senior, Family, Boudoir, Erotic, etc etc etc...

You have to develop your own style, which will come in time. You shot my pics how I like to shoot, and I loved it! I'm getting lots of compliments on my new photos.

Even if we have the same style, doesn't matter, that just means you really like the way I shoot..

Keep rocking girl! Love you!
john_deere's Avatar
when you get to the point where photography is a legitimate bill-paying business, you do what works in your market and aligns as much as possible with your creative urges.

while you're learning, however, what's most important is to expose yourself to as much content as possible and as many creative perspectives as you can find. don't get locked into a particular way of shooting too early, and don't assume that just because something works for another photographer, it will work for you, too.
DDBD Photography's Avatar
when you get to the point where photography is a legitimate bill-paying business, you do what works in your market and aligns as much as possible with your creative urges.

while you're learning, however, what's most important is to expose yourself to as much content as possible and as many creative perspectives as you can find. don't get locked into a particular way of shooting too early, and don't assume that just because something works for another photographer, it will work for you, too. Originally Posted by john_deere
Very very true. Copying another photographers style is something that many do starting out but it stops them from finding their own creativity and style. RM did a great job with ML's photos but at first I thought it was ML's work. Do what works best for you as John stated but also be open to explore your own way and style of shooting and see what develops.

Thanks for posting the pics RM and I look forward to seeing more of your work.
john_deere's Avatar
it's just marketing 101.

as a photographer on the learning curve you should never want to be JUST like somebody else because the imitator will never be as successful as the originator.

as an stablished shooter, no matter how pleased you are with our own work, you should never want anybody else to shoot like you because it will cannibalize your market share.

megan has a formula that works for her and she's the eccie queen of the tilt so the last thing she should want is anybody shooting pics that could be confused with hers.
Thanks for the replies guys! Yes I have noticed some folks coming on the scene using my style, I guess I'm flattered(or not).

When Reese did my pics, she used my camera, my lens, my lights, my body, my guidance, I know how to pose since I've modeled(15 years) and I do my own pics(4 years). She knows which angles to use for my body type. I edited most of the pics since she is still learning. And I'm SUPER picky. Poor girl, I keep critiquing her editing and I'm sure she will get sick of it..

I'm so picky about my photos and she knows that, maybe that's the reason she shot my style? Also, I have done RM's pics 6 times(I think) and she knows how I work and she has assisted me with shoots in the past. I guided her pretty much the whole step of the way(with telling her to do her own thing as well), I mean if you are doing MY pics then please get it right the first time, she knew that....

She begged me for over a year to do my pics, since we got stood up by a client/model that day, I gave in and let her...

Yes, she will develop her own style I'm sure, using her own camera, lights, lens, model, etc.

I try to be a little different every-time I shoot, I don't like doing the same things.

This includes my civvie shoots as well.... I'm still evolving and learning too.

Also, when I looked at the photos after she took them I could have sworn I did them! I was a bit shocked, and made me feel odd...... But in a good way, glad she made me look good on the first try!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and happy shooting!
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-20-2014, 05:13 PM
I'm now saving for a camera up grade. Also I try to practice every day on my editing that is some thing that I need to work on and with time I will be better.
I love Megan's equipment.
I am very honored that she is mentoring me. This is one of my favorites.

Schmafty's Avatar
Yes, she will develop her own style I'm sure, using her own camera, lights, lens, model, etc.

I try to be a little different every-time I shoot, I don't like doing the same things.

This includes my civvie shoots as well.... I'm still evolving and learning too. Originally Posted by Megan Love
That was how I first learned. I found pictures that I liked and figured out how to emulate them. From there I tried different things and learned how it changed the end result, like: "If I move this light over here, now it does this" or "if I use this modifier instead, now it looks like this".

I edited most of the pics since she is still learning. And I'm SUPER picky. Poor girl, I keep critiquing her editing and I'm sure she will get sick of it.. Originally Posted by Megan Love
I know that feeling, too. I was a retoucher first, before I started with the photography (and it's still my favorite part of the process). Even days after what I swear is going to be the final edit, I still find things that I think need to be fixed.
I'm now saving for a camera up grade. Also I try to practice every day on my editing that is some thing that I need to work on and with time I will be better.
I love Megan's equipment.
I am very honored that she is mentoring me. This is one of my favorites.

Originally Posted by R.M.
Wow! Love this photo! I have some nice balls......
Playing around with some new looks, would love some feedback.

john_deere's Avatar
not bad.

the first one is ruined, however, by the light fixture being so close to her head. it would've been quite good otherwise. in the second one, her knickers are a terrible color, but you can't always control that, right?
Interesting feedback on this thread. Love to hear insight on these.