In case you haven't noticed, Obama is about to lose Iraq

LexusLover's Avatar
JDIdiot, were you able to locate an advance copy of the "THINKING FOR IDIOT's book?

You really need to get started on it soon. Time's a wastin'! Originally Posted by bigtex
Only BigTitsLiarStalker would know about the existence of that book!

Was it reviewed in the Chronicle or the Statesman?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Clarksville Daily Douchebag!
LexusLover's Avatar
Clarksville Daily Douchebag! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Do you sell many of them down at Nau's right outside of Clarksville?

I would think they would be a hot item in Austin.

Note to self: I understand why these Obaminable "loyalists" desire to discuss anything but the current reality ... of the INCOMPETENCE of THEIR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Calling everyone "else" an "idiot" always works among LIBERALS. Outside the realm. Not so. "The Dream" is fading.
JDIdiot, were you able to locate an advance copy of the "THINKING FOR IDIOT's book?

You really need to get started on it soon. Time's a wastin'! Originally Posted by bigtex
Not that anyone wants to borrow your copy - probably spunk encrusted with side scribbles like "Im smert" and "Go Coogs" all thru it.

lustylad's Avatar
If you check with your local bookstore, you probably can find a "THINKING FOR IDIOT's" book laying around. Hopefully, the book will give you a head start on your fellow Idiot's should you decide to take a beginners level "THINKING FOR IDIOT's" class, at some point in the future. Originally Posted by bigtex

JDIdiot, were you able to locate an advance copy of the "THINKING FOR IDIOT's book?

You really need to get started on it soon. Time's a wastin'! Originally Posted by bigtex

How rich. Bigkotex thinks he's being clever when all he is really doing is showing everyone what an idiot he is.

Anyone who passed fourth-grade English knows the difference between plural and possessive case. Here you go, dimwit. Let us know how you score.

TheDaliLama's Avatar least he remembers where he left the book.
LexusLover's Avatar least he thinks he remembers where he left the book. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Modified it for clarification.