trump the traitor

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
President Trump just gave 1 million dollars of his personal money to the victims of Harvey. Can you say the same? I don't think so. Pay attention Junior - that's what good people do instead of whining,bitching and crying. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I think it's great that Trump has donated that amount of money to the victims of the Harvey hurricane. However, there will always be those that question him.

"The size of Mr. Trump’s fortune has been a topic of ferocious debate, with the president estimating it at more than $10 billion, and outside analysts calculating it to be much less. But Mr. Trump reportedly donates far less of his income and assets than many of his ultra wealthy peers, and this donation comes with questions attached. In the past, he has failed to follow through on promised donations from his nonprofit foundation."

lustylad's Avatar
"Special counsel Bob Mueller has teamed up with the IRS. According to sources familiar with his investigation into alleged Russian election interference, his probe has enlisted the help of agents from the IRS’ Criminal Investigations unit.
This unit—known as CI—is one of the federal government’s most tight-knit, specialized, and secretive investigative entities. Its 2,500 agents focus exclusively on financial crime, including tax evasion and money laundering. A former colleague of Mueller’s said he always liked working with IRS’ special agents, especially when he was a U.S. Attorney.
And it goes without saying that the IRS has access to Trump’s tax returns—documents that the president has long resisted releasing to the public."

Your boy Trump is fucked and done. Originally Posted by Observing
Do your boy crunchyass a favor... ask those IRS special agents to "verify" Trump's charitable deductions, ok? Then maybe crunchyass can stop looking like a self-contradicting idiot!
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar

If you already "can view his tax returns" then why are you whining that he needs to release them? Originally Posted by lustylad

LOL keep showing your stupidity pigeon-brained lustyturd!

Ok, since you are slow:

1. You can view Obama's tax returns. That way you can verify Obama's charitable contributions.

2. You cannot view Trump's tax returns. Therefore, you can not verify whether he gives to charity or is completely full of shit.

Could you be any more dense? LOL Funniest part is you are too dumb to know how dumb you are!

I'm lusty----turd.
Please buy me a brain!
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
I think it's great that Trump has donated that amount of money to the victims of the Harvey hurricane. However, there will always be those that question him.

"The size of Mr. Trump’s fortune has been a topic of ferocious debate, with the president estimating it at more than $10 billion, and outside analysts calculating it to be much less. But Mr. Trump reportedly donates far less of his income and assets than many of his ultra wealthy peers, and this donation comes with questions attached. In the past, he has failed to follow through on promised donations from his nonprofit foundation."

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Excellent points, Speedracer.

Now, watch while lustyturd goes into "Trump Surrogate" mode to defend his beloved Trump. I swear that turd-for-brains so desperately wants to fuck Trump up the ass.
Ha! He does love his pigeon shit. I think he may have a secret fetish for pigeon shit because I have never,ever seen a grown man use so many examples using a pigeon.

Yes, I see you are a verifiable idiot! If you already "can view his tax returns" then why are you whining that he needs to release them?

All that pigeon shit in your lib-retarded brain has clogged the synapses! Step 4 of your 12-step recovery program will help you learn how to stop contradicting yourself... I pray you make it that far, crunchyass! Originally Posted by lustylad
Ahh the bias of people today..

First 8 months of job creation in 2016 was 1,548,000 and all we heard was that the economy was horrible. We need someone to come fix it.

First 8 months of job creation for 2017 is 1,405,000. Yet all I hear from those same people are look at the jobs being created by Trump. He's doing better than anyone. He's turning the economy around. Blah blah blah.

Funny how that works. Less jobs but you see a person you voted for doing it so you believe in the economy. Obama turns around the economy after a recession and has steady job growth. The economy is in shambles. And people wonder why you there is a divide.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ahh the bias of people today..

First 8 months of job creation in 2016 was 1,548,000 and all we heard was that the economy was horrible. We need someone to come fix it.

First 8 months of job creation for 2017 is 1,405,000. Yet all I hear from those same people are look at the jobs being created by Trump. He's doing better than anyone. He's turning the economy around. Blah blah blah.

Funny how that works. Less jobs but you see a person you voted for doing it so you believe in the economy. Obama turns around the economy after a recession and has steady job growth. The economy is in shambles. And people wonder why you there is a divide. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
That has always bothered me. When Obama was in office and the DJIA went from 6,600 to over 18,000, the unemployment rate went from 10% to 4.6%, and the number of jobs created was similar to what has happened under Trump, Obama critics always complained about the indices being inaccurate and false and the POTUS has little to do with the stock market increase. Now that Trump is in office, the same indices are very accurate and HE is responsible for the rise in the DJIA.

Not a knock on Trump but rather a knock on Obama haters.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Excellent points, Speedracer.

Now, watch while lustyturd goes into "Trump Surrogate" mode to defend his beloved Trump. I swear that turd-for-brains so desperately wants to fuck Trump up the ass.
Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
I really did not post that to take away from the gift that Trump has given to the victims of the hurricane. I am assuming that the $1 million is in good faith and will make it to the people in need.

Michael Dell has also contributed very heavily to the Hurricane Harvey relief efforts.
Another generous organization is the Red Cross. I gave to the Red Cross. I can't say enough about the Red Cross. When I was working in property management and we had a fire at one of the complexes - they came in and helped us find places for the displaced residents. They are a great organization and very caring people.

I really did not post that to take away from the gift that Trump has given to the victims of the hurricane. I am assuming that the $1 million is in good faith and will make it to the people in need.

Michael Dell has also contributed very heavily to the Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
lustylad's Avatar
Ok, since you are slow:

1. You can view Obama's tax returns. That way you can verify Obama's charitable contributions.

2. You cannot view Trump's tax returns. Therefore, you can not verify whether he gives to charity or is completely full of shit. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Seriously? You’re TRIPLING DOWN on stupid? SMDH. Surely you are just a dumb troll. Surely you can't be this retarded. Surely you know you fucked up when you posted this:

Obama is verifiably far more charitable than Trump. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Obama is verifiably far more charitable than Trump. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
I quoted you twice because you stupidly posted it twice!

Now you’ve just admitted you can’t VERIFY the level of Trump’s charitable giving. Therefore, you can’t COMPARE it to Obama’s contributions. Therefore, you can’t VERIFY which is greater. Therefore, your twice-repeated statement that “Obama is verifiably far more charitable” is FALSE by your own admission.

I can appreciate that simple logic isn’t your strong suit, crunchyass, but you don’t need to keep advertising your sheer dim-wittedness over and over again! Learn how to quit before your pathetically sore and stretched-out rectum is permanently torn up!

White House walks back promise about Trump donating his ‘personal money’ to Harvey victims.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Another generous organization is the Red Cross. I gave to the Red Cross. I can't say enough about the Red Cross. When I was working in property management and we had a fire at one of the complexes - they came in and helped us find places for the displaced residents. They are a great organization and very caring people. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I donated at Sam's Club/Walmart. For every dollar donated there, Walmart will match the contribution dollar-for-dollar. I have read nothing but positives on the Red Cross during this disaster.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar


Take the $1 million Trump pledge (which may or may not come from personal funds), from a wealth of 10 Billion (says Trump)

and compare it to the $2 million Obama gave to Chicago summer jobs programs this year. Obama makes far less income.


In 2015, The Obamas earned $436,065. They also donated a total of $64,066 to more than 30 charities. So, the Obamas contributed 14.7% of their income to charity that year. More impressively, Obama donated more than $1 million to charity during his first 7 years in office.

The percentage of Obamas income which the public knows he has donated is higher than anything Trump has even CLAIMED to give.

So, what has Trump claimed to give? Well, over the past 5 years, the bulk of it is a Charitable tax dodge: Conservation Easements totaling $63,825,000. The rest is about $12 million over last 5 years. And that is what he CLAIMS.

BUT, BUT... perhaps as much as ALL of that comes from his foundation, which he personally hasn't contributed to in any many years.

Only an idiot would insist that Trump gives a greater percentage of his income compared with Obama.

Based on information available to the public, any reasonably person would conclude that Obama is more charitable than Trump.

And if you don't think so, show me facts to the contrary. Respond to the facts in this post, if you are capable.

Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
How Does Donald Trump's Charitable Giving Stack Up?

Read this if you want to know about Billionaires who are actually generously donating their money.

How miserly is The Donald?

From 1990 through 2014, Trump has personally donated a total of just $3.7 million to his foundation, which was incorporated in 1987. In fact, the billionaire is not even the largest contributor to his own charitable organization.

Tax returns show that World Wrestling Entertainment has given Trump’s foundation a total of $5 million in return for the developer’s assistance in working a couple of televised angles along with WWE boss Vince McMahon. The WWE gave Trump’s foundation $4 million in 2007 for his help in promoting that year’s WrestleMania festivities, and another $1 million in 2009, when Trump (pictured below with McMahon) pretended to purchase part of the WWE empire.

The real estate titan’s foundation has also banked $205,000 from media outlets and supermarket tabloids in return for exclusive photos (People magazine, for example, paid the foundation $150,000 in 2006 for the first shots of Trump’s newborn son Barron).

During the past two decades, the Trump foundation has made charitable contributions totaling a paltry $6.7 million.

Both the amount of money Trump has donated to his own foundation as well as the aggregate contributions made by the not-for-profit group are pitiful when compared to the philanthropy of other high-profile tycoons like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison, Ted Turner, Michael Bloomberg, David Geffen, or S.I. Newhouse.
According to the Associated Press, 43 people have died so far as a result of the hurricane
"It's been really nice," Trump said of the visit. "It’s been a wonderful thing. As tough as this was, it’s been a wonderful thing, I think even for the country to watch it and for the world to watch. It’s been beautiful."

You can't make this shit up.