Tucker Carlson reports

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
tonight's segment of TCT exposes Joey Biden the national security threat ..

HedonistForever's Avatar
I mean, could it get any funnier and ironic? People on MSNBC, I think it was Carl Bernstein who has a real hard on for Trump, said that Trump should be executed, like the Rosenberg's for betraying US secrets not actually knowing what was in those documents, only that they were classified and "hyped" by people like Bernstein, pretending he knew what was in them.

Fast forward to the revelation that classified and SCI documents, the super secret kind, have been found in President Biden's office at the University of Penn., who by the way paid Biden 1 million dollars to put his prestigious name on the door.

So here is what we know so far. About a week before the mid-terms, attorneys for Joe Biden, went to his office at Penn. University, went into what is described as a "locked cabinet", ring any Mar-A- Lago bells? and found classified documents. Were they looking for these documents or just stumbled upon them behind a locked door?

So how did those classified documents come to be in that closet? Did Joe take them there, about one year after he left the office of Vice President who has no authority to keep or de-classify classified documents like Trump had though admittedly never produced the proper paperwork saying he had de-classified the documents they found at Mar-A-Lago? Or did somebody else take them there? If so who and on who's orders?

And here is the interesting part of the story. These attorneys went to Biden"s office about one week before the mid-terms to get these documents. Did they do this on their own or were they ordered to retrieve these documents so that the new House investigative committee set to investigate Biden, couldn't get their hands on them or was it merely to hide this information from the voters a week before an election so as not to hinder chances of Democrats being elected?

So if Trump, while President had the authority to de-classify documents should have been "executed" for taking them home with him, what should happen to Joe Biden who had no authority what so ever to posses classified documents and couldn't have de-classified them if he wanted to?

Well, it didn't take long to get an answer from a former CIA attorney who said and I quote "it's not that unusual for Presidents to mishandle documents, it happens all the time". Why not just say Trump can't but Biden can?

Wow! Right? Should Biden be investigated was asked of James Clyburn? No! Clyburn said. Why not? Because I believe in Joe Biden he replied.

Then we get to Merrick Garland and "if and when" did he know about Biden having these classified documents? Was it before he authorized a raid on the home of the former President? Will Garland now change his mind on tying to prosecute Trump for the same thing Biden did with the exception? of an "obstruction of Justice" charge? But then we have no idea of Biden's involvement in all this. Denial culpability anyone?

And I see Joe Scarborough apoplectic about the new Republican House saying they are going to open an investigation into the FBI and Intel Services like you know, the 50 people who swore that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation when every one of them was in a position to know that wasn't true but hey, the ends justify the means", right?

And why would you investigate the FBI? Just because it is now clear that the FBI orchestrated the false investigation of collusion between Trump and Russia? A dozen or more agents fired or re-signed like Strzok and Page and oh yeah, one attorney for the FBI (Clinesmith) found guilty of falsifying information ona FISA warrant to investigate Carter Page, which is a felony for which the attorney got a slap on the wrist.

Oh, almost forgot about all the information that has come from the Twitter files which most main stream media viewers have never heard about because they haven't heard it on the news they watch and read!!!

The FBI, paid Twitter, 3.4 million dollars to help them "staff up" enough people to censure every comment made by a Conservative about Covid and any number of other issues.

It is clear from these files that the White House was running a "cabal" to force social media, Twitter and Facebook, to ban anybody that didn't adhere to what Joe Biden wanted reported. Maybe that isn't fair since I doubt Joe Biden is actually making these decisions in the White House. A Stanford professor was "banned" after saying that these school lock downs would harm children which we now know is true but couldn't be said or the Ministry of Truth run by the White House would demand that you be silenced.
VitaMan's Avatar
if you say so
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
if you say so Originally Posted by VitaMan

did you ...

a) watch the video
b) read HF's recap
c) all of the above

before you decided it was "fake news"?

thank you valued poster
Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^^ In case you haven't noticed, nobody has been posting routine videos of any talking heads on the left leaning networks. So why do you feel the need to do it with this fool on the right? We all have internet access. We all know where to find him on the right and the same fools on the left if we want to waste our time lowering our IQ every weeknight.

It's like you are trying to gaslight those of us who don't give a shit about Fucker Carlson. I'm starting to feel like I'm in a Pavlov's dog type experiment for whore board members who can't stand watching right wing extremist news, but someone is wasting their time trying to condition me to watch with no reward. A dog needs its treats! LOL
VitaMan's Avatar
It's turning into just another news feed by unpaid right wing reporters.

But they seem to have plenty of free time.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
^^^^ In case you haven't noticed, nobody has been posting routine videos of any talking heads on the left leaning networks. So why do you feel the need to do it with this fool on the right? We all have internet access. We all know where to find him on the right and the same fools on the left if we want to waste our time lowering our IQ every weeknight.

It's like you are trying to gaslight those of us who don't give a shit about Fucker Carlson. I'm starting to feel like I'm in a Pavlov's dog type experiment for whore board members who can't stand watching right wing extremist news, but someone is wasting their time trying to condition me to watch with no reward. A dog needs its treats! LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
It's turning into just another news feed by unpaid right wing reporters.

But they seem to have plenty of free time. Originally Posted by VitaMan

your angst over Carlson amuses me. keep it up.
Precious_b's Avatar
^^^^ In case you haven't noticed, nobody has been posting routine videos of any talking heads on the left leaning networks. So why do you feel the need to do it with this fool on the right? We all have internet access. We all know where to find him on the right and the same fools on the left if we want to waste our time lowering our IQ every weeknight.

It's like you are trying to gaslight those of us who don't give a shit about Fucker Carlson. I'm starting to feel like I'm in a Pavlov's dog type experiment for whore board members who can't stand watching right wing extremist news, but someone is wasting their time trying to condition me to watch with no reward. A dog needs its treats! LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Precious_b's Avatar
It's turning into just another news feed by unpaid right wing reporters.

But they seem to have plenty of free time. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Mimicking those freeloaders OAN.
Nobody here asking who's watching them.
Only that light weight fluff from foxy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by Precious_b
Mimicking those freeloaders OAN.
Nobody here asking who's watching them.
Only that light weight fluff from foxy. Originally Posted by Precious_b

VitaMan's Avatar
If you can't get your own show, there is always the political forum.

And it's 24/7
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you can't get your own show, there is always the political forum.

And it's 24/7 Originally Posted by VitaMan

if you say so
Lucas McCain's Avatar
your angst over Carlson amuses me. keep it up. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
No angst over Fucker Carlson for me, but your weird obsession about the dipshit amuses me.

Trust me, I am much more concerned about RL shit than a big mouth clown on Fox.

Edit for TWK's subsequent post below: If you think you are "winning" anything on the internet on a whore board, you may need even more cats than I thought. LOL
VitaMan's Avatar
if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

No one could tell this was coming ?
24/7, even on holidays

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No angst over Fucker Carlson for me, but your weird obsession about the dipshit amuses me.

Trust me, I am much more concerned about RL shit than a big mouth clown on Fox. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

are you? yet you keep getting baited into this thread. who's winning?
