Odds on Trump's Impeachment

goodolboy's Avatar
But he cannot pardon himself from Obstruction.... Originally Posted by grean
So you agree that the president has the authority to end a FBI investigation, and then pardon the target of the investigation. How would he then be charged with obstruction for stopping a investigation that he has the legal authority to end? Remember, based on Comeys testimony Trump was not under investigation at the time.
txexetoo's Avatar
No, sir. Obstruction is a crime. Even if there is nothing to cover up, if you attempt to impeed an investigation to prove one way or the other, that's obstruction. Originally Posted by grean

So is mishandling of classified information. Hillary had her staff copy and paste emails out of 2 secured networks and sent them to her via her regular email. That is a crime regardless of intent period. No gray areas. Yet Hillary skated.
goodolboy's Avatar
So is mishandling of classified information. Hillary had her staff copy and paste emails out of 2 secured networks and sent them to her via her regular email. That is a crime regardless of intent period. No gray areas. Yet Hillary skated. Originally Posted by txexetoo
So is destroying government documents and classified material, not to mention destroying evidence that is under a Federal subpoena. But Comey and Lynch yawned...
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
If Bradley / Chelsea Manning can be pardoned certainly anything Flynn could have done can be pardoned. Hillary deleted 33,000 emails while under a subpoena no obstruction there? Double standards abound in this investigation.

What dems and Clinton should be scared about is special investigator. Connect the dots and you move from a Trump investigation to a Hillary investigation pretty quickly.

Trump and Russia to Russia and hacking to Russia and Podesta emails to Clinton campaign and Loretta Lynch and from there it can go anywhere as far back as whitewater! Let's roll in Wiener and Huma Abadean and the multiple Clinton aides given immunity or plead the 5th. Muleller as special counsel has great latitude during his time as special counsel.

Oh damn, I forgot, Muller and the lawyers he has hired are big Clinton supporters and actually represented them in the Clinton piggy bank.......I mean foundation investigation.

Since he/she was pardoned I think he/she should pay back the government for the sex change. LOL!
texassapper's Avatar
And don't forget, Mueller is Comeys close friend...but of course if he recuses himself, then the Democrat appointed lawyers working for him head the investigation.. Sort of sounds like there is a fix in already right?

Of course it could take 2 years to do anything so they may to wait to release any findings until right before the next congressional elections...

yeah, its not a political stunt at all.
  • grean
  • 06-16-2017, 07:12 AM
Everyone is lawyered up now. Pense is directing all questions about it to outside attorney.

Pense conducts himself in a way I wish Trump would.
goodolboy's Avatar
And don't forget, Mueller is Comeys close friend...but of course if he recuses himself, then the Democrat appointed lawyers working for him head the investigation.. Sort of sounds like there is a fix in already right?

Of course it could take 2 years to do anything so they may to wait to release any findings until right before the next congressional elections...

yeah, its not a political stunt at all. Originally Posted by texassapper

Yea, this "special counsel" is getting filled with conflicts of interest. It's looking more like a old Salem Witch hunt investigation all the time.

"A more controversial pick of Mueller’s was former prosecutor and WilmerHale partner Jeannie Rhee. In 2015, according to Politico, she performed work for the Clinton Foundation, defending it from FOIA requests related to Hillary Clinton’s private email server."

I think Harvard law school Proffesor
Alan Dershowitz explains this "obstruction" well.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I'm tried of this already , Don is the boss ......, if you need to go after some body billary is a good start....
I'm tired of this already , Don is The Boss .......if you need to go after somebody, the lying, sexual-predator enabling, money-grubbing HilLIARy is a GREAT start.... Originally Posted by rexdutchman

FTFY....you're welcome.

TexTushHog's Avatar
Sigh.... Comey wrote in his memo to the FBI when exiting that the President has the Constitutional Authority to remove him from office. Period. Doing so cannot be obstruction of justice. And again this is simply an attempt by the libtards to delegitimize a duly elected President because they are crying little asshatted babies who can't believe their Old Nag didn't win.

You ought to be really careful about what you wish for. If you somehow manage to get Trump run out of office, the gloves are going to come off for the people that voted for him. If they realize that the ballot box doesn't matter, then the ammo box will. Originally Posted by texassapper
Again. You misunderstand the crime of obstruction of justice. Acts that are in other contexts legal become obstruction of justice depending on external circumstances and intent.

An example. Is it legal to shred you old bank statements? Certainly. And recommended if you're not keeping them. However, if you knew that you are under investigation the legal and recommended act becomes obstruction of justice. Unless you copied them first. But it's still obstruction of justice if you knew that the question was finger prints on the documents. All highly fact specific and context matters. What is a legal act on day one, may become a illegal act ten minutes later.

And as I've said, I dint want him impeached. I want him effectively crippled but still in office and to use the stench that surrounds him to smear every other Republican. Impeaching him is a very poor idea.
  • grean
  • 06-16-2017, 11:38 AM
Again. You misunderstand the crime of obstruction of justice. Acts that are in other contexts legal become obstruction of justice depending on external circumstances and intent.

An example. Is it legal to shred you old bank statements? Certainly. And recommended if you're not keeping them. However, if you knew that you are under investigation the legal and recommended act becomes obstruction of justice. Unless you copied them first. But it's still obstruction of justice if you knew that the question was finger prints on the documents. All highly fact specific and context matters. What is a legal act on day one, may become a illegal act ten minutes later.

And as I've said, I dint want him impeached. I want him effectively crippled but still in office and to use the stench that surrounds him to smear every other Republican. Impeaching him is a very poor idea. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
They so understand. It's been explained in a manner even a kindergartner can grasp.

I appreciate the idea of politically crippling his office. However, he can still do so much damage with his rhetoric alone because he is Trump, maybe even more so crippled.

I would prefer to impeach him and see a crippled pense presidency. Pense will not energize, I hope, the white hate and other extremists that seem to love Trump so.

If Trump is impeached and subsequently removed, do you really see Pense accomplishing anything on his agenda?
goodolboy's Avatar
Again. You misunderstand the crime of obstruction of justice. Acts that are in other contexts legal become obstruction of justice depending on external circumstances and intent.

An example. Is it legal to shred you old bank statements? Certainly. And recommended if you're not keeping them. However, if you knew that you are under investigation the legal and recommended act becomes obstruction of justice. Unless you copied them first. But it's still obstruction of justice if you knew that the question was finger prints on the documents. All highly fact specific and context matters. What is a legal act on day one, may become a illegal act ten minutes later.

And as I've said, I dint want him impeached. I want him effectively crippled but still in office and to use the stench that surrounds him to smear every other Republican. Impeaching him is a very poor idea. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

("However, if you knew that you are under investigation the legal and recommended act becomes obstruction of justice.")

But as Comey's testimony shows Trump was NOT under investigation. And even IF he was as President, and head of the executive branch, he has the legal constitutional power to fire Comey,and request the end of the Flyn investigation, and pardon whoever he chooses.

You simply can not charge him with obstruction for using his constitutional powers to fire Comey, or ask for the termination of the Flyn investigation. At least not without a amendment to the constitution. This is all a dog and pony show.

"In 1992, then-President George H.W. Bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger and five other individuals who had been indicted or convicted in connection with the Iran-Contra arms deal. The special prosecutor, Lawrence Walsh, was furious, accusing Bush of stifling his ongoing investigation and suggesting that he may have done it to prevent Weinberger or the others from pointing the finger of blame at Bush himself."
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^They just don't "get it", the director of the FBI couldn't call it obstruction ( ex- fed Att # law man in the country) They need to stop listening to the media outlets that are trying to push the story. Im done with this thread !!
goodolboy's Avatar
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^They just don't "get it", the director of the FBI couldn't call it obstruction ( ex- fed Att # law man in the country) They need to stop listening to the media outlets that are trying to push the story. Im done with this thread !! Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Well, after about two years of surveillance and a year of official investigating, the only evidence of a crime is the FBI, and intelligence community leaking classified information to the press, and Comey withholding evidence, and leaking to the press. Along with some illegal surveillance of American citizens and illegal unmasking of US citizens.

So far the people being investigated are about the only ones that have no evidence against them committing a crime.
txexetoo's Avatar
Again. You misunderstand the crime of obstruction of justice. Acts that are in other contexts legal become obstruction of justice depending on external circumstances and intent.

An example. Is it legal to shred you old bank statements? Certainly. And recommended if you're not keeping them. However, if you knew that you are under investigation the legal and recommended act becomes obstruction of justice. Unless you copied them first. But it's still obstruction of justice if you knew that the question was finger prints on the documents. All highly fact specific and context matters. What is a legal act on day one, may become a illegal act ten minutes later.

And as I've said, I dint want him impeached. I want him effectively crippled but still in office and to use the stench that surrounds him to smear every other Republican. Impeaching him is a very poor idea. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

Is it illegal to take a hammer to a BlackBerry your wipe a server clean? No unless of course they are part of a criminal investigation. Where was your out cry when these crimes committed? You're talking out of both sides your mouth