Odds on Trump's Impeachment

I would say twit head is "effectively crippled". He can't get anything passed that he promised his gun hugging, want violence in the streets, red neck, ignorant, believe anything he says supporters.

The GOP running the country know that he is a joke too. He is very entertaining though with his tough fake talk/tweets. Let him have his fun with his supporters before he quits and blames the fake news on his "alleged" abuse of power for personal gains.

He is the least powerful president in my lifetime. Look at me, I signed an executive order lol. Now I'm going to make health care and taxes great again...who knew it would be so difficult
goodolboy's Avatar
He can't get anything passed that he promised his gun hugging, want violence in the streets, red neck, ignorant, believe anything he says supporters. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
LMAO! You don't keep up much with current events do you?

"The man who opened fire on Republican members of Congress at a baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia is a supporter of Bernie Sanders and various liberal causes, according to his Facebook profile." http://dailycaller.com/2017/06/14/ma...mp-an-traitor/

"Gunman James T. Hodgkinson had volunteered on Sanders’ 2016 presidential bid, according to Sanders"

"Man Who Attacked GOP Politicians Was A Bernie Supporter With A Violent History" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/...b003d5948c6f50

Nothing say's Liberal peaceful "tolerance" like a riot on inauguration day. https://youtu.be/aZYuYxdZnWc
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
Got to change the name, TexAssholeHog.

"And as I've said, I dint want him impeached. I want him effectively crippled but still in office and to use the stench that surrounds him to smear every other Republican. Impeaching him is a very poor idea."

Great strategy preach more hate tactics! Don't worry smearing is the dems weapon of choice because the truth makes you look bad.
texassapper's Avatar
Let's face it libtards are mentally defective. They preach tolerance but advocate violence towards anyone that disagrees with them. They scream about gun control, but are the first to pick up a weapon and use it. They talk about free speech, but are the ones that need to restrict it. They rant about womens rights yet supported a guy that was diddling the interns. They will lie cheat or steal to advance their agenda...

They are mentally ill.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Impeached or not who cares, the will hang his and pences dead rotting carcasses in 2018, take back the house and upper chamber and wait till 2020 to throw out all the GOP trash once and foeall
2short@desky's Avatar
I would say twit head is "effectively crippled". He can't get anything passed that he promised his gun hugging, want violence in the streets, red neck, ignorant, believe anything he says supporters.

The GOP running the country know that he is a joke too. He is very entertaining though with his tough fake talk/tweets. Let him have his fun with his supporters before he quits and blames the fake news on his "alleged" abuse of power for personal gains.

He is the least powerful president in my lifetime. Look at me, I signed an executive order lol. Now I'm going to make health care and taxes great again...who knew it would be so difficult Originally Posted by Tsmokies

Oh yea! What do the polls say now? Hillary up by 10?
2short@desky's Avatar
Impeached or not who cares, the will hang his and pences dead rotting carcasses in 2018, take back the house and upper chamber and wait till 2020 to throw out all the GOP trash once and foeall Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
My my my, some can be so hateful and tolerant simultaneously. Was this a birthright or did you learn it on CNN?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Is it illegal to take a hammer to a BlackBerry your wipe a server clean? No unless of course they are part of a criminal investigation. Where was your out cry when these crimes committed? You're talking out of both sides your mouth Originally Posted by txexetoo
Destroying devices was actually required be security refs at a point in time shortly before the DoS staff destroyed the blackberries. They were just not aware of the change in regs. So, no, it wasn't illegal.

But HRC's conduct isn't what's in question now. It's Trump's. Suppose Hi.lary killed Kennedy. That has no effect on Trump's guilt or innocence.
TexTushHog's Avatar
They so understand. It's been explained in a manner even a kindergartner can grasp.

I appreciate the idea of politically crippling his office. However, he can still do so much damage with his rhetoric alone because he is Trump, maybe even more so crippled.

I would prefer to impeach him and see a crippled pense presidency. Pense will not energize, I hope, the white hate and other extremists that seem to love Trump so.

If Trump is impeached and subsequently removed, do you really see Pense accomplishing anything on his agenda? Originally Posted by grean
Pence could accomplish a lot more that Herr Groppenfurrer. First, he has some qualifications for the job. Second, he does not, to my knowledge, have severe personality disorders that cripple his effectiveness. And third, he actually has more than a snowball's chance in hell of being reelected. None of that can be said about Trump. And Pence has a choherent ideological agenda, that despite the meanness and spitefulness Trump's incoherent agenda, is actually more morally repugnant The Trump's.
goodolboy's Avatar
Destroying devices was actually required be security refs at a point in time shortly before the DoS staff destroyed the blackberries. They were just not aware of the change in regs. So, no, it wasn't illegal. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

("Was Clinton subject to government investigation? Yes. A Congressional investigation of Benghazi began in 2012 and there were several private Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests still pending, creating a legal duty to preserve and turn over responsive records.")

("In addition to the eight devices she used as secretary of state, the FBI said they sought at least five additional mobile devices as part of its inquiry. Clinton’s lawyers said they couldn’t provide any of the mobile devices she used. ")

("The inability to investigate the missing devices means investigators “could not make a determination as to whether” they were hacked, the FBI said. In addition, a personal laptop used to archive Clinton’s e-mails when she was secretary of state went missing after being put in the mail.")

("Did Hillary Clinton violate 18 USC §1519 when emails from her private email server were destroyed during government investigation? The statute applies to anyone who deliberately (knowingly) destroyed emails (records) with the intent to destroy them, rendering them unavailable during any investigation or court proceeding. Since legal matters were in progress, there existed a legal duty to keep all potentially relevant emails which extinguished any right to destroy those emails. While she may not have destroyed the records personally, she failed to protect them or place a legal hold on them and someone serving as her agent performed the actual destruction. In December 2014 she did instruct her team to destroy remaining emails after 60 days. And, ultimately, she never halted nor protested again any records destruction. ")
Impeached or not who cares, the will hang his and pences dead rotting carcasses in 2018, take back the house and upper chamber and wait till 2020 to throw out all the GOP trash once and foeall Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411

Posting when excessively inebriated is never a good idea....
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
I think it's posting when you are on extreme left is the problem! Certainly all the lefty's aren't alcoholics as well.

I'd ask for democratic agenda that will win both houses in 2018.

"Hillary Got Robbed and Trump is the Devil!" Hard to fit on on a bumper sticker.
goodolboy's Avatar
Liberals are easily TRIGGERED https://youtu.be/SwYd5cRlROE
scsholar's Avatar
I think it's posting when you are on extreme left is the problem! Certainly all the lefty's aren't alcoholics as well.

I'd ask for democratic agenda that will win both houses in 2018.

"Hillary Got Robbed and Trump is the Devil!" Hard to fit on on a bumper sticker. Originally Posted by DFWClubgoer
Im a left wing libertarian.

I think Dems would be better off getting Congress back in 2018 and ousting this disaster of a dog and pony show in 2020.
10 to 1 against, it's a very difficult process.