Odds on Trump's Impeachment

Luke Skywalker's Avatar
They so understand. It's been explained in a manner even a kindergartner can grasp.

I appreciate the idea of politically crippling his office. However, he can still do so much damage with his rhetoric alone because he is Trump, maybe even more so crippled.

I would prefer to impeach him and see a crippled pense presidency. Pense will not energize, I hope, the white hate and other extremists that seem to love Trump so.

If Trump is impeached and subsequently removed, do you really see Pense accomplishing anything on his agenda? Originally Posted by grean
I think pence is more dangerous. Trump is an idiot, will die of asfixiation the day his foot gets stuck on his mouth. With the idiot in chief in the oval office it will be hard for the far right to pass anything.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Pence could accomplish a lot more that Herr Groppenfurrer. First, he has some qualifications for the job. Second, he does not, to my knowledge, have severe personality disorders that cripple his effectiveness. And third, he actually has more than a snowball's chance in hell of being reelected. None of that can be said about Trump. And Pence has a choherent ideological agenda, that despite the meanness and spitefulness Trump's incoherent agenda, is actually more morally repugnant The Trump's. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
My thoughts exactly, expressed in a much more eloquent fashion.
I would prefer to impeach him and see a crippled Pence presidency.

Pence will not energize, I hope, the white hate and other extremists that seem to love Trump so. Originally Posted by grean


White Hate?

lol.....grean, you're confusing Trump lovers with those who simply Love this Nation and the Constitution upon which it was founded. But let's examine that last statement of yours a sec....

The only HATE any of us have witenessed these past 7 1/2 months has been from the far left.....the words and actions / deeds of the "Resistance Movement" has spoken volumes. Let me count the ways.....

Madonna, Alec Baldwin, Snoop Dogg, Cathy Griffin, Colbert, Shakespeare-in-the-Park....Waters, Pelosi, Schumer, Warren....UC Berkley, Evergreen College, NYU....CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, WaPo, NYT......it goes on and on....

....oh, and how about a Big Hand for the newest faces of the Democratic Party?......murderer, Jeremy Christian, and would-be murderer / assassin, James Hodgkinson.....both self-proclaimed Bernie Sanders' supporters, at that.

Did we see anything remotely close to those type of violent events during the first year (let alone his entire two terms) during Obama's years?

Oh, ya gotta love the latest tweet that just popped up on Twitter. Check it out:

James Devine

"We Are In A War With Selfish, Foolish & Narcissistic Rich People. Why Is It A Shock When Things Turn Violent?"

"The Religion of The Left" that is being taught and practiced (as being acceptable behavior btw) tells us all we need to know as to WHY our country is so politically divided today.

The Voters told the "rest of the nation" last November that Play Time is Over, kids. You had your opportunity and ya blew it....the Great American Experiment of putting a Socialist-lovin' Closet Muzzie in the Oval Office backfired. It was a Failure of epic proportions.

The Voters decided it was time to take the country back. And like it or not, The Voters chose Donald J Trump.

So.....where has this Hate and the Extremism come from ever since that monumental day, November 8, 2016? On which side of the ledger has it physically manifested?

James Devine's tweet...without coming out and saying it...basically condones the actions taken by Christian and Hodgkinson. He (and other's of similar thought and ideology) believe it's their duty; perhaps even their God given right, to make things right again. Whatever it takes.

"We Are In A War" so says Devine. I just wonder which libturd poly-sci professor will be the one to use that as the title of their upcoming book.....the one that paints all Trump Supporters as mysoginistic, xenophobic, white supremist, KKK-loving "Extremists".
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Chateau, that's the problem today. Generalizations are wrong. I know you, you are a decent man, a gentleman, and absolutely not a racist.

Not all Trumps supporters are racists. But most racists are trump supporters, overwhelming so.

That's the problem with today's politics. Generalizations. On both sides.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
I just hope TWIT HEAD does not get us into a war that we cant win we have had 2 of those lately. The gop seems like they want to loose the mid terms and i dont really see them getting anything of great value done
under Herr Groppenfurrer.
txexetoo's Avatar
I just hope TWIT HEAD does not get us into a war that we cant win we have had 2 of those lately. The gop seems like they want to loose the mid terms and i dont really see them getting anything of great value done
under Herr Groppenfurrer. Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
Liberalism at its finest. Resorting to name calling and personal attacks. What war are you worried about that he might get us into that we aren't already in? The mess in Libya? The mess Hillary and Barry created? North Korea? The mess Truman created. The Ukraine? The mess Barry created. Iran? The mess Barry created?
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Who the fuck is barry yes NK or Iran. sure bring up Truman also ended wwii, you goingto blame him for that too. i quess by barry you mean Obama the last president we had because we did not have one right now
only the ASSHOLE with his foot in his mouth
txexetoo's Avatar
Who the fuck is barry yes NK or Iran. sure bring up Truman also ended wwii, you goingto blame him for that too. i quess by barry you mean Obama the last president we had because we did not have one right now
only the ASSHOLE with his foot in his mouth Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411

A Hillary was a better alternative?
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Yes not this asshole who is going to piss everyone off and fuck this country up worse
txexetoo's Avatar
Yes not this asshole who is going to piss everyone off and fuck this country up worse Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411

Poor little boy you are so upset and your feelings are hurt
goodolboy's Avatar
Yes not this asshole who is going to piss everyone off and fuck this country up worse Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
Based on the election results tens of millions disagree with you. All the whining and screaming Russians is not going to change that. All you are doing with your rioting and violence and name calling is reminding people why they voted for Trump in the first place.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Not really twit head will be impeached and the gop will be out in 2018 of both houses and in 2020maybee we can get a good choice
2short@desky's Avatar
Chateau, that's the problem today. Generalizations are wrong. I know you, you are a decent man, a gentleman, and absolutely not a racist.

Not all Trumps supporters are racists. But most racists are trump supporters, overwhelming so.

That's the problem with today's politics. Generalizations. On both sides. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker

I would emphatically disagree, most Trump supporters ardently embrace the concept that everyone is equal but everyone's mileage may vary based on choices, skills, and talents. The outcomes may be different but we all start essentially the same. The left is the politics of hatred, envy, and disruption. Even mentioning the word racist makes you one...it shows you have a chip on your shoulder and want to blame someone else that it's there...Trump just comes in handy for you because the left also employs the mob mentality.
2short@desky's Avatar
Not really twit head will be impeached and the gop will be out in 2018 of both houses and in 2020maybee we can get a good choice Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
You can't really be from Texas....such bad manners and namecalling.
J.G Wentworth's Avatar
And you blame Obama for that?

During Obama's presidency the Dow went from 7949 to 19723.
The S&P500 went from 934 to 2270.
The NASDAQ went from 1440 to 5555.

Where were you? Originally Posted by old_hippie
You do realize that those numbers were greatly inflated just like Obama's Unemployment numbers- studies have shown that the numbers under Obama's terms were greatly distorted by his administration.