TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

winn dixie's Avatar
for consistently making my point for me. Originally Posted by stikiwikit
I feel sorry for you!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Believe it or not - CNN news. Lol.

Here's the article that I saw. But again, these things are gonna go up and down and sideways from here on out. It's just so interesting - CNN reported today that Trump broke the polling. That's their way of saying - we don't know anything for sure. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
The article mentions a tightening of the race since June. First, it is a single poll and just because it was done by CNN should not be factored in since any fair poll should not be biased. As always, my advice is not to put too much faith in a single poll but rather average out the results of ALL polls. Trump's approval rating dropped from a -15% to -11% and now stands at -12.2% when all polls are averaged. No positive movement in the last 2 weeks.
Le at the state level. Latest poll shows Biden getting an approval boost after the DNC and Trump getting none.

Your article mentions that more battleground states than usual were in the survey which tilted the overall results Trump's way since they were states he won in 2016. But there is nothing about specific states such as Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, Minnesota, and others which are crucial to victory.

A little over 2 months until the election. Yesterday Trump touted 2 polls that showed him ahead. One was done by Trafalgar Group which is rated C- as far as accuracy and the other was done by Democracy Institute which is an unknown polling company. I give Trump the same warning I give you about relying on single polls and ignoring the majority.
I agree. I do not put much stock in the polls now. Just interesting to see them trying to figure it out. Today's number is Biden lead shrinks to 6 points ahead. The debates are coming up and it will be fun to watch what the polls will say then. After Nancy said Biden shouldn't debate Trump - it will be really interesting. Nancy is getting worried.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I agree. I do not put much stock in the polls now. Just interesting to see them trying to figure it out. Today's number is Biden lead shrinks to 6 points ahead. The debates are coming up and it will be fun to watch what the polls will say then. After Nancy said Biden shouldn't debate Trump - it will be really interesting. Nancy is getting worried. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
One interesting finding in the Morning Consult poll showing Trump closing the nationwide gap from 10% to 6% is the following:

"Due to a smaller share of undecided voters, Biden, who continues to have about half of the electorate’s support, remains in a significantly stronger position than Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was four years ago," Morning Consult reported.

Only about 7% of respondents said they were undecided after this year's conventions, compared to 16% at the same point in 2016.

I predicted this months ago, that in 2016 "Undecided" voters in polls were the probable reason that polls turned out to be inaccurate and that there would be less undecided voters in 2020. Trump took the lion's share of those undecided voters and won the election. The less undecided voters, the more accurate the polls should be in predicting the actual results.
And......Joe is losing support in the suburbs. I knew this was coming. Anybody with common sense could see this coming a mile away.

New Yahoo News/YouGov poll: Will Kenosha backlash swing suburbanites to Trump? What the data says (so far)
nuglet's Avatar
LOL Dream on. I look forward to Trumpy boy being the first ex pres to serve time...
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And......Joe is losing support in the suburbs. I knew this was coming. Anybody with common sense could see this coming a mile away.
Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
As always, I again warn you about putting too much faith in a single poll when it meets your agenda.

"We’ve now seen an array of new national polls conducted in the aftermath of the Republican National Convention, and collectively they show nothing major has shifted in the race between President Trump and Joe Biden. Trump may have enjoyed a very slight convention bounce, but one that represents only a small boost compared to where the race stood before the party conventions — and even that small bounce is showing some signs of fading."

Trump is certainly making gains in the approval ratings. He was -15.5% back on June 30th and is now -9.0%. But he was -3.9% on April 1st. So he is improving but way behind where he was.

There has been no movement at the national level where Trump still trails Biden by about 8%:

"His margin over Trump among decided voters has decreased by about one percentage point since before the Democratic and Republican conventions, but it still stands at 7.9 points nationwide — a little more than double what the gap was between Hillary Clinton and Trump at this point in the 2016 campaign."

The outlook in battleground states is a mixed bag -- in some states Biden has improved and in some states Trump has improved. But Biden still leads in most of them which is better than trailing.

There is little evidence that Biden is losing substantial support in the suburbs. Trump won the suburbs in 2016. In 2018 the suburbs went heavily for Democratic candidates. There is little in the polls that show a substantial shift among suburban voters back to supporting Trump.

Yes, the race, as predicted, is getting somewhat closer but Biden is ahead of where Clinton was at the same point in time in 2016.
Didn't you say that Trump would not last his first term in office?

LOL Dream on. I look forward to Trumpy boy being the first ex pres to serve time... Originally Posted by nuglet
No, I'm not putting faith in any poll. I thought it was interesting that the news even reported that Trump gained support in the suburbs. I have never seen the news so slanted against a President. CNN is the worst.
Anyway, what the Yahoo poll showed me is that this election is going to be underestimated - again.

As always, I again warn you about putting too much faith in a single poll when it meets your agenda.

"We’ve now seen an array of new national polls conducted in the aftermath of the Republican National Convention, and collectively they show nothing major has shifted in the race between President Trump and Joe Biden. Trump may have enjoyed a very slight convention bounce, but one that represents only a small boost compared to where the race stood before the party conventions — and even that small bounce is showing some signs of fading."

Trump is certainly making gains in the approval ratings. He was -15.5% back on June 30th and is now -9.0%. But he was -3.9% on April 1st. So he is improving but way behind where he was.

There has been no movement at the national level where Trump still trails Biden by about 8%:

"His margin over Trump among decided voters has decreased by about one percentage point since before the Democratic and Republican conventions, but it still stands at 7.9 points nationwide — a little more than double what the gap was between Hillary Clinton and Trump at this point in the 2016 campaign."

The outlook in battleground states is a mixed bag -- in some states Biden has improved and in some states Trump has improved. But Biden still leads in most of them which is better than trailing.

There is little evidence that Biden is losing substantial support in the suburbs. Trump won the suburbs in 2016. In 2018 the suburbs went heavily for Democratic candidates. There is little in the polls that show a substantial shift among suburban voters back to supporting Trump.

Yes, the race, as predicted, is getting somewhat closer but Biden is ahead of where Clinton was at the same point in time in 2016. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
No, I'm not putting faith in any poll. I thought it was interesting that the news even reported that Trump gained support in the suburbs. I have never seen the news so slanted against a President. CNN is the worst.
Anyway, what the Yahoo poll showed me is that this election is going to be underestimated - again. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
CNN is countered by Fox News which is heavily biased for Trump. I find MSNBC to be the worst in bias against Trump. In my opinion, Trump deserves what he gets. Never have we had a POTUS who puts himself out there on a daily basis with his tweets and comments, many of which are factually incorrect and others that are demeaning towards others. I have said from the start that if Trump just did his job and kept quiet his popularity would be much higher. But that is not his style and you reap what you sow as the old saying states.
The best news is the PBS news with Judy Woodruff. This is the news program originated by McNeil and Lehrer years ago and is noted for its attempt to fair and equtable. Probably boring for a lot because it is not flashy and controversial. Trump supporters wouldn't understand it. It's a little too sophisticated for those with less than a high school education.
When Trump wins you can use Nancy's defense...It was a setup!!!

The best news is the PBS news with Judy Woodruff. This is the news program originated by McNeil and Lehrer years ago and is noted for its attempt to fair and equtable. Probably boring for a lot because it is not flashy and controversial. Trump supporters wouldn't understand it. It's a little too sophisticated for those with less than a high school education. Originally Posted by stikiwikit
PythonLeeJackson's Avatar
Meanwhile those Dumb Trump cretins got a real taste of their stupidity.
Don’t call us we will call you.
A BIG WASTE of tax payer money to try and save these sinking assholes.

Attachment 873356
Debates are coming up. I've got 500 on Trump winning the debates. Looks like I'm not the only one. I'm actually kinda hoping that Trump will go easy on Biden as he doesn't know where he is half the time. But the reality is Trump is gonna wipe the floor with him.

Exclusive: More Americans predict Trump will win the presidential debates than Biden, USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll shows
Ha! And how did Biden's boat race turn out? Oh yeah, he doesn't have one.

Meanwhile those Dumb Trump cretins got a real taste of their stupidity.
Don’t call us we will call you.
A BIG WASTE of tax payer money to try and save these sinking assholes.

Attachment 873356 Originally Posted by PythonLeeJackson