Odds on Trump's Impeachment

You do realize that those numbers were greatly inflated just like Obama's Unemployment numbers- studies have shown that the numbers under Obama's terms were greatly distorted by his administration. Originally Posted by J.G Wentworth
Lmao...those numbers are historical facts:

You wanna state YOUR source? Were you even IN the stock market back then?
If Trump declared water isn't wet, grass doesn't grow and the sky is brown with pink polka dots, you Trumpie Lemmings would believe him. Especially if it was reported on Fox News...

Saw an interview this weekend with Pat Buchanan (amazing how much Trump lifted from his Presidential campaign: Make America Great Again) Buchanan says it's going to end "badly" for Trump.
  • grean
  • 06-19-2017, 08:42 AM
Lmao...those numbers are historical facts:

You wanna state YOUR source? Were you even IN the stock market back then?
If Trump declared water isn't wet, grass doesn't grow and the sky is brown with pink polka dots, you Trumpie Lemmings would believe him. Especially if it was reported on Fox News...

Saw an interview this weekend with Pat Buchanan (amazing how much Trump lifted from his Presidential campaign: Make America Great Again) Buchanan says it's going to end "badly" for Trump. Originally Posted by Prolongus

All the bullshit the ass hat has said that his disciples take in as scripture.
  • grean
  • 06-19-2017, 08:43 AM

All the bullshit the ass hat has said that his disciples take in as scripture. Originally Posted by grean
The bastard could make a fortune in Arizona ocean front property sales!
J.G Wentworth's Avatar
Lmao...those numbers are historical facts:

You wanna state YOUR source? Were you even IN the stock market back then?
If Trump declared water isn't wet, grass doesn't grow and the sky is brown with pink polka dots, you Trumpie Lemmings would believe him. Especially if it was reported on Fox News...

Saw an interview this weekend with Pat Buchanan (amazing how much Trump lifted from his Presidential campaign: Make America Great Again) Buchanan says it's going to end "badly" for Trump. Originally Posted by Prolongus
You must have been sipping too much of the Obama Kool Aid. The UN numbers under Obama's administration clearly had huge outliers and the real UE were much higher than the bogus numbers they were reporting. Stop reading and watching FAKE NEWS.
J.G Wentworth's Avatar
Lmao...those numbers are historical facts:

You wanna state YOUR source? Were you even IN the stock market back then?
If Trump declared water isn't wet, grass doesn't grow and the sky is brown with pink polka dots, you Trumpie Lemmings would believe him. Especially if it was reported on Fox News...

Saw an interview this weekend with Pat Buchanan (amazing how much Trump lifted from his Presidential campaign: Make America Great Again) Buchanan says it's going to end "badly" for Trump. Originally Posted by Prolongus

Really? So just where are these "studies?"
I am also dying to hear just when America was "great" before? Funny no one has an answer for that.
goodolboy's Avatar
I am also dying to hear just when America was "great" before? Funny no one has an answer for that. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Back when humans where considered male or female, and most folks recognized the difference between a immigrant and a illegal alien who snuck into the country illegally and committed identity theft? Basically before 2009 based on current events.

http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/...oyment-rate-95 Originally Posted by J.G Wentworth
Those are unemployment links. I'm talking about the stock market and your contention that those STOCK MARKET figures Old Hippie posted are "greatly inflated".
Kinda funny you don't have a clue yet your handle is a financial institution.
[QUOTE=skirtchaser79411;1059633 507]Who the fuck is barry ...... i quess by barry you mean Obama the last president...../QUOTE]

If you're gonna wade into the political pool, skirt, ya might wanna be hip to all things political, be they truth or fiction, in order to avoid a question such as this.....

The closet muzzie went by “Barry” when he was a kid/teenager/young man, probably because of trying to fit in and avoid xenophobic teasing about his ‘funny name’. When his mother had remarried, he was registered in school under his stepfather’s last name. When he came back to the US he reverted to the name on his birth certificate.

Conservatives like to use this name as a way to imply that there’s something fishy about Obama’s origins, but to anyone who grew up in blended-family circumstance, or with stepparents, or maybe had a name the other kids made fun of, it makes perfect sense.
  • grean
  • 06-19-2017, 11:00 AM
I am also dying to hear just when America was "great" before? Funny no one has an answer for that. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
From July 4th, 1776 -Present. Period. Full Stop.

Trump didn't need to make anything great again because it already was.

Our government requires full participation by all eligible voters at all levels of the government for it to run as intended. That's a great responsibility that has been sherked for a while by a lot of people.

We get what we deserve. We got lazy and the big machine will keep turning and leave anyone behind who isn't wIlling to do their one civic duty. Vote.

Without full participation things do get skewed one way and the elected officials will naturally enact laws that will benefit themselves or those who will vote to keep them in office. If they believe they will not be held accountable, they will even pass laws harmful to those that would vote to keep them in office if their is self gain to be made.

Trump, thinks he can pass laws that will ultimately hurt the people who voted for him simply because he thinks they won't keep him accountable. He may be right.

I do hope the countless number of people who didn't vote because they didn't think it counted had a wakeup call.
goodolboy's Avatar
From July 4th, 1776 -Present. Period. Full Stop.

Trump didn't need to make anything great again because it already was.

Our government requires full participation by all eligle voters at all levels of the government for it to run as intended. That's a great responsibility that has been sherked for a while by a lot of people.

We get what we deserve. We got lazy and the big machine will keep turning and leave anyone behind who isn't wIlling to do their one civic duty. Vote.

Without full participation things do get skewed one way and the elected officials will naturally enact laws that will benefit themselves or those who will vote to keep them in office. If they believe they will not be held accountable, they will even pass laws harmful to those that would vote to keep them in office if their is self gain to be made.

Trump, thinks he can pass laws that will ultimately hurt the people who voted for him simply because he thinks they won't keep him accountable. He may be right.

I do hope the countless number of people who didn't vote because they didn't think it counted had a wakeup call. Originally Posted by grean
I agree with much of what you said. I will add that we are given very limited options in the voting booth and are often voting for the lesser of the two evils. I will also add that the unprecedented attacks on Trump by the MSM to pull a political coup and destroy a candidate are not going unnoticed by potential future candidates. It appears the "good ol'boy" system of career politicians is alive and well. And they appear to want to keep it this way.
  • grean
  • 06-19-2017, 12:01 PM
I agree with much of what you said. I will add that we are given very limited options in the voting booth and are often voting for the lesser of the two evils. I will also add that the unprecedented attacks on Trump by the MSM to pull a political coup and destroy a candidate are not going unnoticed by potential future candidates. It appears the "good ol'boy" system of career politicians is alive and well. And they appear to want to keep it this way. Originally Posted by goodolboy
I think it's completely up to the voters to allow the good ol boy system to stay in place or not. I really hope this next election sees a much wider turn out.

I wouldn't call the attacks on Trump unprecedented. Mr Trump lost the polular vote. I wouldn't day he had a mandate coming into office.

Obama presidency did have that precedent set even though he was popularly elected as well as by the electoral vote. Unfounded attacks on his citizenship. Boehner & McConnell had a joint press conference saying that their first and only priority was to get the newly elected Obama voted out of office and to block all legislation put forth by the Democratic cogress members.

Fox News......

So are Democrats doing the same? perhaps but,

Pot meet Kettle
goodolboy's Avatar
I think it's completely up to the voters to allow the good ol boy system to stay in place or not. I really hope this next election sees a much wider turn out.

I wouldn't call the attacks on Trump unprecedented. Mr Trump lost the polular vote. I wouldn't day he had a mandate coming into office.

Obama presidency did have that precedent set even though he was popularly elected as well as by the electoral vote. Unfounded attacks on his citizenship. Boehner & McConnell had a joint press conference saying that their first and only priority was to get the newly elected Obama voted out of office and to block all legislation put forth by the Democratic cogress members.

Fox News......

So are Democrats doing the same? perhaps but,

Pot meet Kettle Originally Posted by grean
In regards to popular vote, it is worth noting that Hillary got 4.2 million more votes than Trump in California, a state that is currently working on making it legal for Communist to work for the State government. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-w...old-state-jobs

I don't recall during the Obama years the MSM constant attacks and fake story's, or a orchestrated effort to get the electoral college to vote against the voters will. Quite the opposite. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/15/o...rump.html?_r=0

I also don't recall the riots at Obama's events, or the riot and destruction at Obama's inauguration like was seen at Trumps.https://youtu.be/ThlHyf7jWNQ

And I sure don't recall a taxpayer funded play where they execute the president.

Any reasonable person can clearly see the insane level of rhetoric, and violence from the Left directed toward this president. It truly is unprecedented, and now Liberals are hunting Republican law makers with guns?

It is also worth noting that under Obama the Democrats have now lost over 1,200 seats to Republicans, a trend I think that will continue with all this Liberal lunacy.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Chateau, that's the problem today. Generalizations are wrong. I know you, you are a decent man, a gentleman, and absolutely not a racist. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
How on earth do you know that??!! I think anyone that enables Trump is a racist. There is no difference between being a racist and supporting a racist. There are no innocent collaborators.