Odds on Trump's Impeachment

texassapper's Avatar
How on earth do you know that??!! I think anyone that enables Trump is a racist. There is no difference between being a racist and supporting a racist. There are no innocent collaborators. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
For those who aren't playing, please tell me which of Trumps policies are racist...
goodolboy's Avatar
For those who aren't playing, please tell me which of Trumps policies are racist... Originally Posted by texassapper
I have yet to see anyone provide a unedited video link of Trump saying racist shit, I have looked myself and can find nothing. Like much information put out by the MSM it is propaganda to try and elect Liberal Democrat candidates. When people point out that enforcing our immigration laws is racist it just shows their ignorance.

It really was quite a feat for Trump to win the election with so much misinformation put out by the media that colluded with Hillary during the election. It goes to show you what a horrible candidate crooked Hillary was, and how fed up many Americans are with business as usual politics, and the Liberal agenda.
For those who aren't playing, please tell me which of Trumps policies are racist... Originally Posted by texassapper
During his election campaign, Trump called for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. What do you call that?

DFWClubgoer's Avatar
How on earth do you know that??!! I think anyone that enables Trump is a racist. There is no difference between being a racist and supporting a racist. There are no innocent collaborators. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
"There are no innocent collaborators"

What does that say about you! A lot bad shit done by Bill and Hillary.
texassapper's Avatar
During his election campaign, Trump called for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. What do you call that? Originally Posted by Prolongus
Is Muslim a race? Unless we've changed the definition of racism to mean whatever the fuck you want at the moment... a policy banning a RELIGIOUS group is not racism. And the actual policy as put forth banned them from 7 nations... not even the most populous Islamic nations, just the 7 that have the most issues with fundamentalism.

So I'm gonna have to say. Not Racist. Thanks for playing.
texassapper's Avatar
"There are no innocent collaborators"

What does that say about you! A lot bad shit done by Bill and Hillary. Originally Posted by DFWClubgoer
But that would mean applying their own standards to themselves. Haven't you heard, Libtards don't do that... it would mean being unable to see themselves as better than their neighbors and therefore not uniquely qualified to tell the rest of us how to live our lives.

I mean, if you're a hypocrite, it's going to be hard rationalizing sending your neighbors to the re-education camps.
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
Pardon my delay.

Never said I was neutral! Originally Posted by DFWClubgoer
Correct. You didn't say "I'm neutral". And I never said you did. Do you normally refute imaginary claims?

But here..

Seems like there are only 2 colors of cool aid being served. BLUE OR RED! Drink some clear cold water and rinse your eyes.
The shit I've read from both sides scare the shit out of me.
》So for all the idiots here, on both sides, the rest of us will be working on having a life.
..you implied it. Seems it's the hip thing to jump out of your respective corners to feign disgust with "both sides" which only serves to create the illusion of objectivity....like you have some superior insight that the others lack.

My point was that you can't actually be neutral in cases of wrongdoing. It's simply not possible. Not denouncing it indicates tacit approval. And casting shade on the left for having a voter fraud problem and being cowards with masks who hide behind 1A to be destructive, while the right merely has "contradictory policies" is not neutral. It's actually dishonest. But you know that.

Was I wrong about liberals being out gunned or pointing out masked protestors are really not protesters..they are cowards hiding behind the 1st amendment to be destructive. Or do you want to claim them as peers.
Hun, if you're trying to suck me into the pre-pubescent, lib/con, epistemologically vacant, "hypocrisy!!" squealing, comparison babooning that litters these discussions, you are intellectually outgunned.

I'm saying is there is room true debate obeer: maybe even an exchange of ideas. At the very least look at different point of view.

Make me understand this;

Abortion on demand but you can't put a convicted murder to death!

Everyone I know locks their doors for security but we should let anybody who wants to come to the USA.

Let's talk about voter fraud. History clearly shows that to be democratic problem. Examples Being mayor Daley and Tammany Hall. But voter ID is is the eighth deadly sin!
It looks like grean tried and he was generous to do so. Ask me grown up questions with a sincere desire for understanding and I might care enough to answer them.
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
Back when humans where considered male or female Originally Posted by goodolboy
And when women weren't boinking men AND women, before all of that awful girl-on-girl and threesome action. Ahhh, the good old days.
txexetoo's Avatar
Is Muslim a race? Unless we've changed the definition of racism to mean whatever the fuck you want at the moment... a policy banning a RELIGIOUS group is not racism. And the actual policy as put forth banned them from 7 nations... not even the most populous Islamic nations, just the 7 that have the most issues with fundamentalism.

So I'm gonna have to say. Not Racist. Thanks for playing. Originally Posted by texassapper


Didn't you know it's racist to disagree with any nonsense coming out of a libratards mouth?
Is Muslim a race? Unless we've changed the definition of racism to mean whatever the fuck you want at the moment... a policy banning a RELIGIOUS group is not racism. And the actual policy as put forth banned them from 7 nations... not even the most populous Islamic nations, just the 7 that have the most issues with fundamentalism.

So I'm gonna have to say. Not Racist. Thanks for playing. Originally Posted by texassapper
Call it whatever you want. Discrimination, bigotry, hate...all directed at a religion from a president of the US.


Trump's "legacy" is being absorbed by kids who think it's acceptable to grope a woman, lie, absolve any responsibility for your actions and bullshit people to get what you want. "Hey, if the president can do it, so can I!" Sad.
texassapper's Avatar
Trump's "legacy" is being absorbed by kids who think it's acceptable to grope a woman, lie, absolve any responsibility for your actions and bullshit people to get what you want. "Hey, if the president can do it, so can I!" Sad. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Are you SERIOUSLY going to make that argument after Democrats excused Bill Clintons F*cking the intern?!, LYING UNDER OATH?!

SERIOUSLY? You must be f*cking joking.
Are you SERIOUSLY going to make that argument after Democrats excused Bill Clintons F*cking the intern?!, LYING UNDER OATH?!

SERIOUSLY? You must be f*cking joking. Originally Posted by texassapper
Are you SERIOUSLY implying Clinton's sex with Lewinski and the aftermath is as bad as Trump's past transgressions? And that is somehow worse than grabbing a woman's crotch, forcing a kiss, cornering a beauty pageant contestant or looking at a child and commenting about dating her in ten years?!?!

I don't give a shit about the Clintons, they're history. But they're always a convenient comeback for Trumpie Lemmings who can't defend Trump's pathological lying, paranoid schizophrenic, bigoted, racist, mysogenistic, sexual predator personality.
Back when humans where considered male or female, and most folks recognized the difference between a immigrant and a illegal alien who snuck into the country illegally and committed identity theft? Basically before 2009 based on current events. Originally Posted by goodolboy
We still have that now, and we recognize the difference now and always have. So America was great when we had 2 wars going on, and the economy was tanking? Drink that Trump kool-aid much?
goodolboy's Avatar

I don't give a shit about the Clintons, they're history. But they're always a convenient comeback for Trumpie Lemmings who can't defend Trump's pathological lying, paranoid schizophrenic, bigoted, racist, mysogenistic, sexual predator personality. Originally Posted by Prolongus
I would say it's more accurate to say that the "Clintons" are used in these conversations to point out the extreme hypocrisy of the Liberal left. As I recall Hillary was not very fond of telling the truth, and while Trump was caught on tape "talking smack", as I recall it was Bill Clinton that was impeached for obstruction of justice and , perjury. Remember when Bill paid Paula Jones $850,000 to drop her sexual harassment lawsuit for exposing his penis and asking her to suck it.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Trump racism: Mexicans are rapists. Don't want black guys handling my money. Removing black employees from the floor of casinos when he came. Housing discrimination suit. Central Park Five. Supporting Republican voter suppression tactics. Racists on White House Staff. Refusal to denounce David Duke and the Klan. Judge can't be fair "because he's a Mexican." ". . . Laziness is a trait in blacks." Being a proponent of fake and racist Obama birth certificate controversy. I could go 0n. That's justboff the top of my head.