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Like high school grads?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Marshall taught you to put an exclamation point after the little "a" and then a space. When will you learn, Urinal Lips?

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Go to the 45:40 mark and check out a Real American, litttle 0homomo...
Go to the 45:40 mark and check out a Real American, litttle 0homomo... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
whiffy, you know have never watched your you boob..
Lyin’ Ryan – Four Months After Promising “Regular Order” Speaker Paul Ryan Announces No Prospect for Fiscal Year 2017 Budget…

Now lets read some comments...

Posted on April 13, 2016 by sundance

Please allow me to be perfectly clear. I hold a ‘traditional conservative’ outlook. Fiscally conservative. I don’t care if what you do in your bedroom, nor does it bother me if you choose to marry a squirrel, wear a snickers bar costume to the grocery store, or make it your life’s mission to spend all day filling canoes with pancakes. So long as your personal life choices in the pursuit of your happiness do not impact, impede, diminish or interfere with independent choices of others – have at it.

However, when it comes to federal spending, it becomes another matter entirely. A tidal wave of debt is close to collapsing our nation.

That’s why this latest proclamation by Lyin’ Speaker Ryan is infuriating. Heck, honestly, it’s well beyond infuriating.

President Obama has never had a federal budget. The last federal budget was signed into law in September of 2007 for fiscal year ’08. That was the last budget passed and signed into law. Nine consecutive fiscal years without a budget.

On December 11th 2015 the House passed a $2+ trillion Omnibus spending bill, and eliminated the debt ceiling. They didn’t raise the debt ceiling, they eliminated it. The Omnibus was structured to carry federal spending all the way to March 2017.

In January 2016 Paul Ryan took over as Speaker of the House. His first promise was to bring back “regular order” and pass a federal budget for fiscal year 2017. Fiscal year ’17 begins in October of this year (2016).

Two months later Speaker Ryan reaffirmed his commitment to ‘regular order’ at CPAC. Despite the years of lies which preceded his claim, the members of CPAC stood and gave him a standing ovation.

Now, today, a report comes from congress stating that a federal budget cannot be done this year:

House Republicans are coming to a consensus on this year’s budget bill: There won’t be one.

GOP lawmakers are universally accepting the fact that the party will blow past a budget deadline on Friday, and they say voting on a budget at all this year is unlikely. (read more)

“There won’t be one”?

Perhaps most people don’t know what this means. This means fiscal year 2017 (begins October 1st 2016) will be yet another year without a budget.

That reality now means a FULL DECADE, without a federal budget in place.

Cold Anger doesn’t begin to explain how infuriating this is. How the heck do we get people to understand how incredibly damaging this is? We are being eaten alive from the inside-out.

Why, for the love of God, would we ever keep electing these people?

Paul Ryan: Don’t Call My Puerto Rico Bailout a “Bailout”, Call It “Restructuring”…

Posted on April 13, 2016 by sundance
Please insert a big fat TOLDYASO right here.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is lashing out at opponents to his Puerto Rico bailout bill demanding they stop calling it a “bailout”. Instead Ryan demands his opposition use the gaslighting term “restructuring”.


Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That sure does deserve a BUUUMPITY-BUMP-BUMP for the CHIMPITY CHUMP CHUMP !