How does one reverse the downward spiral happening to America?

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...There was a bipartisan bill .. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Seems like an opportunity to start a thread on exploring and comparing/contrasting the words bipartisan versus uniparty. But simply saying a bill that the left wants is good and will cure our obvious debt disregard does not make it so.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Does not contribute to advancing the discussion. Originally Posted by ICU 812

If you say so.
ICU 812's Avatar
Tell us all just how and why cryptic sniping raises any discussion above the level of grade school playground bickering.
Tell us how being consistently wrong and factually bereft does anything for the discourse.
eyecu2's Avatar
Tell us all just how and why cryptic sniping raises any discussion above the level of grade school playground bickering. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Sadly- it only lands into the land of "one-upsmanship". If the congress isn't supposed to be a place where civility and across aisle discussion and compromise happens, why should anyone trust in the political system? If bi-partisanship is mocked, and is the bane of the output of a system designed to do exactly that, what does that tell you about the comments from those members here who find it not only wrong, but politically inappropriate?

Last time I heard- the House or Senate can bring ideas together and need both sides to agree on them in majority to get it to the floor for review. The sad fact that both house or senate leaders have decided to shelve good conversation, ideas, and bills, (which is exactly their jobs), because of partisan party control is an abuse of their powers. I doubt that the founders would have found the rules of both the house or senate to be agreeable now.

Even school house rock's "only a bill" talks about being stuck in committee....seems like even those who make it out of committee still have to sit on a desk to even be heard by the house.

ICU 812's Avatar
Tell us how being consistently wrong and factually bereft does anything for the discourse. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I invite anyone to explain how admitting foreign nationals, anyone and everyone, in unlimited numbers is a good thing for factory workers and white collar workers in our major urban centers. How is that question "factually bereft"?

How is it that reducing the ability of local law enforcement to secure public safety is a good thing for the Nation and its' citizens? How is that question "factually bereft"?

Merly declaring that a position or policy is somehow "wrong" does not make it wrong. Tell us how and why.
Basic question? You mean stupid question.

The way you've worded your question solicits an answer from someone on the left who wants unrestricted, uncontrolled and unlimited immigration.
Since your question goes unanswered, could that mean there isn't a person with views like that? I can't recall anyone with those views.
Can you? Of course not. But you continue to claim that's a standard dem position.

Now on the other hand, trump himself states electing him will start a massive wave of retribution for past "wrongs". His solution for all problems is "drill, baby, drill".


Too bad oil production is already higher than when trump was president.

So on top of trump's bullshit, we have you asking questions using your trump-like claims about dems mind set on issues.
When people ignore your "questions", you demand answers
that fit your preconceived "thoughts" of what you should hear.

This all comes from a trumpy who believes the 2020 election was stolen.
You and yours make shit up and claim that's what we want.
All we have to do is repeat what you say. No made up shit required.

Opinion still reins as fact for trumpys.

No one on the left want to answer that basic question?
Originally Posted by ICU 812
adav8s28's Avatar
I invite anyone to explain how admitting foreign nationals, anyone and everyone, in unlimited numbers is a good thing for factory workers and white collar workers in our major urban centers. How is that question "factually bereft"?

How is it that reducing the ability of local law enforcement to secure public safety is a good thing for the Nation and its' citizens? How is that question "factually bereft"?

Merly declaring that a position or policy is somehow "wrong" does not make it wrong. Tell us how and why. Originally Posted by ICU 812
The GOP in the lower house of Congress voted down a bipartisan immigration bill (written by a Republican) that would put a limit on the number of people who could cross the border. You can't blame the democrats on this one.

All this talk about defund the police would not have evolved if you did not have a string of incidents where the police have harmed innocent black people. Briana Taylor in Kentucky, Floyd in Minnesota, this goes all the way back to Rodney King in Calif when Bush41 was president. BTW has there been any large city where the police department was actually defunded? I know one thing they should not defund the police in Chicago. Chicago is dangerous if end up in wrong section of town.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The outrage is over things that didn’t and won’t happen.

Only if you spend you day watching and reading RWW blogs and social media for your information.
ICU 812's Avatar
The GOP in the lower house of Congress voted down a bipartisan immigration bill (written by a Republican) that would put a limit on the number of people who could cross the border. You can't blame the democrats on this one.

All this talk about defund the police would not have evolved if you did not have a string of incidents where the police have harmed innocent black people. Briana Taylor in Kentucky, Floyd in Minnesota, this goes all the way back to Rodney King in Calif when Bush41 was president. BTW has there been any large city where the police department was actually defunded? I know one thing they should not defund the police in Chicago. Chicago is dangerous if end up in wrong section of town. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Thank you for presenting that contextual background. It always helps to remember where we have come from when looking to see where we are going to.

Now please, help us understand how reduced law enforcement, through whatever means, is a good thing for the Nation?

And then, tell us how admitting millions of foreign nationals a benefit to the country.

How do those two aspects of our current situation (among many others) elevate the quality of life for America and Americns?
adav8s28's Avatar
Thank you for presenting that contextual background. It always helps to remember where we have come from when looking to see where we are going to.

Now please, help us understand how reduced law enforcement, through whatever means, is a good thing for the Nation?

And then, tell us how admitting millions of foreign nationals a benefit to the country.

How do those two aspects of our current situation (among many others) elevate the quality of life for America and Americns? Originally Posted by ICU 812
What city (large or small) has actually defunded the police? I have already explained how the concept evolved. I will say this again they should NOT defund the police in Chicago. Which may be the most dangerous city in the USA.

Democrats and the White house backed the bipartisan bill (written by a republican) to limit the number of people coming over the border. The house GOP rejected it. You should be asking them why did they reject that proposal.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Anyway, back in OP-ville: How does one reverse the downward spiral happening to America?
Imma thinking Utah may be on an interesting trajectory here:

Utah’s new ‘Sovereignty Act’ sets up a process to overrule the federal government. But is it constitutional?
... A bill recently signed into law in Utah sets up a process for the state to overrule or otherwise ignore federal rules and decisions, the latest move in a Republican-led push against what they see as federal overreach.

The Utah bill, introduced as the “Utah Constitutional Sovereignty Act,” was signed into law by Gov. Spencer Cox on January 31.

“The Legislature may, by concurrent resolution, prohibit a government officer from enforcing or assisting in the enforcement of a federal directive within the state if the Legislature determines the federal directive violates the principles of state sovereignty,” the law states...
Though to be fair, Texas seems poised to make a stand in Eagle Pass by refusing to comply with an over reaching and tyrannical government and it would not be the first time either.

Either way, gonna have to break some eggs to get this omelette in the skillet
ICU 812's Avatar
Last October was the two hundredth annaversary of the first "Come And Take It" as the settlers at Gonzales resisted an early form of gun confiscation by force.

The powers that be retreted, but later on came back in force and murdered that garrison after they had surrendered.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Anyway, back in OP-ville: How does one reverse the downward spiral happening to America?
Imma thinking Utah may be on an interesting trajectory here:

Utah’s new ‘Sovereignty Act’ sets up a process to overrule the federal government. But is it constitutional? Though to be fair, Texas seems poised to make a stand in Eagle Pass by refusing to comply with an over reaching and tyrannical government and it would not be the first time either.

Either way, gonna have to break some eggs to get this omelette in the skillet
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The DF in another thread there is bitching from MAGAs about HAWAII regulating firearms. “Overturning the second amendment” is what the shrill panicked message is.

Which one is it. Utah or Hawaii?
txdot-guy's Avatar
Anyway, back in OP-ville: How does one reverse the downward spiral happening to America?
Imma thinking Utah may be on an interesting trajectory here:

Utah’s new ‘Sovereignty Act’ sets up a process to overrule the federal government. But is it constitutional? Though to be fair, Texas seems poised to make a stand in Eagle Pass by refusing to comply with an over reaching and tyrannical government and it would not be the first time either.

Either way, gonna have to break some eggs to get this omelette in the skillet
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I thought we resolved this issue after the Civil War.

The South's defeat in the Civil War greatly expanded the power of the federal government and “destroyed the doctrine that the Constitution was a compact among sovereign states, each with the right to interpose or nullify an act of Congress, and each with the ultimate right to secede legally from the Union.”

Foundations of U.S. Federalism by Lee Rosenthal and Gregory P. Joseph;57%20Under

If you don’t like the direction the government is headed your only recourse is to fix it from the inside. States don’t get to ignore federal law.