WOMAN / PROVIDERS Shaving years off their age....

I think women or some women have difficulty with the aging process...For the most part society is constantly trying to make a woman look younger. look at all the "anti aging" things they have out for WOMEN...yet men get sexier with age for the most part according to society...Men with gray in their Hair or breads are sexy...a woman with gray is racing to get hair dye...So I think it is self perception as well as society that pressures women into being "younger"...you are only as old as you let yourself feel...mental attitude makes a world of difference...I know I had a hard time when I turned 30..OMG than I thought my world was ending...now look at me...I love being a mature woman and I think I am a better provider now than if I began this when I was in my 20's.
Still Looking's Avatar
if one lie makes another one ok then all lying is ok....

SweetNLittle ask your good friend if lying about dick size is a big deal.... lol Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Dicks aside Mr. Addict....for just a moment, let’s assume you had a child in your life. That child played a sport or had a hobby. Let’s say baseball. All year long they go up to bat but always strike out! But near the end of the season, they hit the ball back to the pitcher, but the pitcher over throws first and the child is safe at first. What do YOU say to the child? Me, I give them a big hug and tell them what a GREAT hit it was. We’re going out to pizza. Hey can I get your autograph? Don't forget me when you’re in the Pro's!

Make someone’s day... Lie to them!
Still Looking's Avatar
I think women or some women have difficulty with the aging process...For the most part society is constantly trying to make a woman look younger. look at all the "anti aging" things they have out for WOMEN...yet men get sexier with age for the most part according to society...Men with gray in their Hair or breads are sexy...a woman with gray is racing to get hair dye...So I think it is self perception as well as society that pressures women into being "younger"...you are only as old as you let yourself feel...mental attitude makes a world of difference...I know I had a hard time when I turned 30..OMG than I thought my world was ending...now look at me...I love being a mature woman and I think I am a better provider now than if I began this when I was in my 20's. Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Good for you! I hear some gals are even getting injections to get rid of facial wrinkles!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
^ Sure would have been nice if that one provider had told you she had a roommate wouldn't it... Even though the roommate and dog she failed to mention were no threat to you, it sure was important to you wasn't it?

Ah I was wondering when somebody would bring up a scenario such as you did above. You told him that for 2 reasons...... 1) because he never hits the ball and always strikes out, therefore it was a good hit. 2) because you love him....

When someone lies about something as trivial as age, especially if it's to gain more clients, which equals more money, then what do you think they will do when they are on their period (amazing how many do this) or heaven forbid have something worse going on.....
Caitie Mae's Avatar
I hear of ladies doing this and to each her own, but I grew up always wanting to be older because I was always the youngest/shortest/smallest in my class etc. I always get the "you don't look 50" so it makes me proud to be my age. I would rather hear that than "she looks older than --" Ive had to whip my drivers license out more than once to prove it. Also like LynnPL the ones that I get are wanting more mature. I like being older, its nice having the knowledge I wish I had when I was younger yet being able to put someone waaaaay younger to shame bcd. lol (no disrespect to younger)
I will be 51 at the end of the year and damn proud of it , I earned everyone of my years and claim every single one of them.
ps if I left my age blank no one would guess it in a million years so that helps me claim my age easily Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I thought it automatically changed, I started at 49
I fixed it so I'm in the 50+ now
My reviews say 50 so I wasn't shaving lol Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I turned 41 two days ago and wouldn't have thought to change my showcase if I hadn't seen your comment here, Sweet N Little. Like you, I have often had to pull out identification to prove my age.

It's funny to me when people learn my age and their jaws drop or when I'm in the company of younger ladies (sometimes much younger ladies) and someone guesses my age to be lower than the others'.

Age doesn't mean a lot to me, though. I've met many people mature beyond their years and many so-called mature people to be childish beyond belief.

Really the only age-related issue that is an annoyance to me occurs when the subject of age comes up and someone says "how old do you think I am?" (Have you even noticed that when people ask this their posture improves dramatically and immediately?) I hate this guess-my-age challenge and say so when I'm put on the spot. If asking someone their age is impolite, I find asking others to guess your age in ten times as rude.

Still Looking's Avatar
^ Sure would have been nice if that one provider had told you she had a roommate wouldn't it... Even though the roommate and dog she failed to mention were no threat to you, it sure was important to you wasn't it?

As much as I wish you would let this go, and while I would like to tell you you're wrong... Your Right Again Mr. Addict!

Ah I was wondering when somebody would bring up a scenario such as you did above. You told him that for 2 reasons...... 1) because he never hits the ball and always strikes out, therefore it was a good hit. 2) because you love him....

I told HER it was a good hit because it was here first and only hit. It was so good the pitcher lost his mind and over threw 1st! I made a difference in that little girl’s life! The entire evening was all about the first hit of the only female baseball player in the entire little league! Her single mom started crying in the bleachers as the entire dugout emptied and ran to first base to be with their team mate! She stopped playing baseball when the season was over. That was 31 years ago. She is now a Judge in California and to this day I still get a birthday card from her! I guess some chicks just love liars.

When someone lies about something as trivial as age, especially if it's to gain more clients, which equals more money, then what do you think they will do when they are on their period (amazing how many do this) or heaven forbid have something worse going on..... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I can't explain the shaving of age (Lying). While it might be trivial to people like you and I, to others it's obviously significant, or why would they do it! Lying for financial gain is something totally different. That's why I posted the thread in the first place.

In regard to gals being on their period... the caliber of providers to try to frequent don't work while on their period. Feel free to check with some of you ATF'S, guys still want to see them, regardless! Not my deal but who am I to judge. As far as a SUIT (Something up In There) I have not had to deal with that issue. Once again it must be the caliber of providers I've been lucky enough to frequent.
First - search optimization!

Second - if you can legitimately be tidy about it most guys are still DTF
Still Looking's Avatar
I turned 41 two days ago and wouldn't have thought to change my showcase if I hadn't seen your comment here, Sweet N Little. Like you, I have often had to pull out identification to prove my age.

It's funny to me when people learn my age and their jaws drop or when I'm in the company of younger ladies (sometimes much younger ladies) and someone guesses my age to be lower than the others'.

Age doesn't mean a lot to me, though. I've met many people mature beyond their years and many so-called mature people to be childish beyond belief. Any of them wearing rabbit suites? (Just kidding Mr. Addict!)

Really the only age-related issue that is an annoyance to me occurs when the subject of age comes up and someone says "how old do you think I am?" (Have you even noticed that when people ask this their posture improves dramatically and immediately?) I hate this guess-my-age challenge and say so when I'm put on the spot. If asking someone their age is impolite, I find asking others to guess your age in ten times as rude.

~sweetness~ Originally Posted by Caitie Mae
Its seldom you ever hear a lady ask that question of a gentleman. But when it does happen... you better believe I'm guessing low! If I didn't I would need to change my handle to "Always Looking"!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-06-2011, 10:53 PM
Dicks aside Mr. Addict....for just a moment, let’s assume you had a child in your life. That child played a sport or had a hobby. Let’s say baseball. All year long they go up to bat but always strike out! But near the end of the season, they hit the ball back to the pitcher, but the pitcher over throws first and the child is safe at first. What do YOU say to the child? Me, I give them a big hug and tell them what a GREAT hit it was. We’re going out to pizza. Hey can I get your autograph? Don't forget me when you’re in the Pro's!

Make someone’s day... Lie to them!

Originally Posted by Still Looking

Some parents must tell their 5 year old they only look 3 in their baseball uniform!

Good point though SL. I also lie about the tooth fairy but not about her age!

Still Looking's Avatar
Some parents must tell their 5 year old they only look 3 in their baseball uniform!

Good point though SL. I also lie about the tooth fairy but not about her age!

Originally Posted by WTF
Don't forget the Easter Bunny, WTF!

"Honey, does my ass look big in this dress?"
"Oh No sweetie" but thats a BIG ASS dress!

Ventriloquists’ are so believable, even thou we know that someone has their hand up a puppets ass and is really pulling the strings!
Still Looking's Avatar
Unless a mod tells me I can't do it, I will post the REAL age of this BP provider in 3 days! Her ads say 25! Is there a chance she could be 19? Perhaps 29? Maybe 69? HOW OLD DOES SHE LOOK???





No fair calling her.... she'll tell you 25! And you're not talking to her anyway. But this in fact the girl you would meet if you set an apointment!

RickForFun's Avatar
It would help if any of the four links took up to just one picture.
Who cares. Actual age has very little to do with anything. What counts is how well they have taken care of themselves. Mature, fit, and healthy, is very sensual.
Originally Posted by JohnMacnab
I agree. We put way too much emphasis on age. I will be 47 this July. Most people think I am younger by about 4-5 years when they meet me. So long as a woman or a man eats right, exercises, and stays out of the sun, they can maintain a very youthful look, and physically keep up with the younger generation.

Example: Susan Luci, she turns 66 this year and this woman is in phenomenal shape

Goldie Hawn will be 67 and she still keeps in damn good shape

Still Looking's Avatar
It would help if any of the four links took up to just one picture. Originally Posted by RickForFun

Not sure I understand... the four ads are all the same provider. I tried to give as many pictures to review for an accurate assessment of age!
Chica Chaser's Avatar

Not sure I understand... the four ads are all the same provider. I tried to give as many pictures to review for an accurate assessment of age! Originally Posted by Still Looking
All of the ads your links go to have been removed from BP