
I'm still wondering why more gals are not chiming in. It's safe now.let's here from more of you.
  • mj850
  • 04-06-2019, 08:09 AM
Tbone you are now sounding desperate and spamming this board like those you were campaigning against will not help. Give it time and women will come back. Just like the 4 who were banned, this forum is not for your personal use. it is public and anyone who follows the guidelines is free to use it. Even me who doesn't live here. Peace.
VitaMan's Avatar
So many have tried to help this guy. But he continues spamming, even when you ask him to stop. All you have to do is wait for it. And most of it is snide remarks. He doesn't realize this is a form of insulting, or just doesn't realize it or care. I really don't care anymore either. It took a thread started by me to get active removal action on this board. Hope it continues to get better.
Guys how about this....I stop trying to get co-ed back going again.
Would that make you two ladies feel better? I can certainly do that.
I'm sure you guys can do a better job than me.

On second thought....You can both bite me
Vitamin.....You tell me I am spamming.
In the last 30 days you have started 16 threads.
I have started 30 something threads in 10 years.
Tell me again who is spamming

Please stay on topic or leave this thread
notanewbie's Avatar
So many have tried to help this guy. But he continues spamming, even when you ask him to stop. All you have to do is wait for it. And most of it is snide remarks. He doesn't realize this is a form of insulting, or just doesn't realize it or care. I really don't care anymore either. It took a thread started by me to get active removal action on this board. Hope it continues to get better. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Dude, you ask about the weather, you may consider stfu
LexusLover's Avatar
I am glad to see guys 70 + still out there chasing pussy. It give me great hope! Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Here's "the hope" .... you don't have to "chase."
  • mj850
  • 04-06-2019, 03:08 PM
Tbone you are beyond help. you are no better than those you criticize. Go back to spamming the amp forum.
  • mj850
  • 04-06-2019, 03:24 PM
Truly you are getting full of yourself tbone. The members that got banned deserved it and if you keep it up you will also. jmho
AlexisMoore's Avatar
I love older men. Im 36 now. Im old myself.
I hate immature men. So i try and only cater to 35 and older. fav client of all time was a guy in Cali. He was 89.
LexusLover's Avatar
Im 36 now. Im old myself. Originally Posted by AlexisMoore
36 is NOT old.

Birth dates are merely a method of identifying folks and keeping track of their medical records, etc., after they get old enough to buy cigarettes and/or booze. But if she's hot enough she doesn't even have to use her ID for smokes or something to drink.

If you pics are current you don't look 36 .... to me.
AnastasiaForU's Avatar
Older men are Amazing!!
I would take them over a young man in a minute. They are easier to get along with, more fun to play with and make the best regulars. They do haggle less or not at all, they respect your boundaries, and I Love Storytime. I have learned so much from my older men, from how a lady should be treated to educational information.
Tall Bill's Avatar
I love older men. Im 36 now. Im old myself.
I hate immature men. So i try and only cater to 35 and older. fav client of all time was a guy in Cali. He was 89. Originally Posted by AlexisMoore
Alexis, you are absolutely in your prime. Enjoy.
Hookers care about money only when it comes to dealing with Johns. Anything else means she is bat shit crazy. Old Johns make the best ones because they have no choice but to buy sex.
Mj850....please stay on topic