Jackie our girl Condalisa

LexusLover's Avatar
I simply asked a question should weight be mentioned before a session-.... Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

02-28-2017, 05:02 PM #1 Luke_Wyatt
"A sincere question for providers.

"I have a slight dilema and I haven't hobbied in several months because I have an uneasy feeling that when I show up at a provider's incall they are a little shocked by my size. I am what they classify as morbidity obese but nevertheless I have good hygiene and am overall a nice guy.

"Should I let a provider know before arriving that I am overweight? I know some providers have disclaimers like NBA, but I haven't come across one that has No overweight guys, but I can tell by the look on their face that the ladies are a little disappointed because of my size."

You LYING POS! Originally Posted by LexusLover
And your point is what you fucking stalker? Reveal your other handle or are you going to lie and say you don't have another handle ?
.. and what was the "simple" answer?

In your case, you should mention it in respect to the incall location, because if you have to climb stairs they may need to alert EMS to be on standby for resuscitation ... unless they have one of those home defibrillator units and know how to operate it.

And to be accurate just announce:

"I'm a tub of lard, but I have a putrid personality if you are into to punishing yourself for your bad behavior."

Now ... go fuck yourself. No one else wants to fuck you! Originally Posted by LexusLover
The providers would have to check if those stairs are " LOADofshit rated " before seArgent shitburner graced them with his " presence " ( and foul odor for his " honey pot " works ) !
LexusLover's Avatar
And your point is .... Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Here's my "point" ... your quotable quote:

"I haven't hobbied in several months because I have an uneasy feeling that when I show up at a provider's incall they are a little shocked by my size."

As you were STALKING OFF did you call them a disgusting "cunt"?
Here's my "point" ... your quotable quote:

"I haven't hobbied in several months because I have an uneasy feeling that when I show up at a provider's incall they are a little shocked by my size."

As you were STALKING OFF did you call them a disgusting "cunt"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
That must be what's driven him to write fake reviews and have "sessions " getting pegged with trannies !
MT Pockets's Avatar
That must be what's driven him to write fake reviews and have "sessions " getting pegged with trannies ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
And I assume you were the Tranny? I figured as much.
Here is a question for you and I think I know the answer. Why would a tranny "peg" him? Are you impotent? Don't feel bad your brother LL thinks he is im-potent too. LOL!
LexusLover's Avatar
...LL thinks he is im-potent too. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Pretentious much?

That's a flaw with Liberals ...

.... the actually believe they know what others "think"!

And were you suggesting I was being all "high and mighty"?

Or was that another person with an inferiority complex?
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-10-2017, 03:16 PM
Just wondering if anyone was paying attention on this post?
Of course not all military men are saints. I actually think you did serve in the military but that doesn't mean you are not a fat fucking POS. You lie about just about everything and wonder why others think so poorly of you. Bowe Bergdahl served as well but he is still a fucking POS that should be hung. You continually act the fool and then seem butt hurt when others call you names. Grow the fuck up. Many here get under your skin and it is so easy to put you on the defensive. You are a fucking fat, clueless POS that does suck dick. You once claimed that you had seen some of the same providers I had. That is very unlikely. I haven't done a review since 12-20-2011. You didn't join until 2015. Chances of you ever seeing the same provider as me are slim and none. Go back to sucking dick and leave the political discussions to real men. Originally Posted by Budman
LexusLover's Avatar
Just wondering if anyone was paying attention on this post? Originally Posted by R.M.
Everyone but LukeWarm!
And I assume you were the Tranny? I figured as much.
Here is a question for you and I think I know the answer. Why would a tranny "peg" him? Are you impotent? Don't feel bad your brother LL thinks he is im-potent too. LOL! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Nah, Caitlyn, I MEAN MT, not everyone is afflicted with the EUNUCH condition that YOU obviously have. And the trannies that have pegged YOU are looking todo the same with YOUR reach-around crew, FELLOW rusty trombone playing obese buddy. Mebbe YOU could introduce them ! Mebbe they'll give YOU a discount on YOUR next visit for the " referral " ! You can finally get that "spit roast " position from them YOU'VE so been wanting to try out !
herfacechair's Avatar
Just wondering if anyone was paying attention on this post? Originally Posted by R.M.
I've followed the posts related to Luke_Wyatt, both his posts regarding his claims and what others have said about him regarding his claims.

I'm in the military branch that he claims to have retired from. I'm about to be in its retired reserve. Reviewing what he has said, I have a hard time believing that he is who he claims to be.

For instance.

Claim 01: Someone noted that he went from being a Master Sergeant, to a First Sergeant, to a Command Sergeant Major.

Luke_Wyatt apparently adjusted his rank, presumably after he had retired. Had he been a Sergeant Major/Command Sergeant Major, he would have known that you generally get promoted once on the retired list if you served at a higher rank during active duty. If he retired from active duty, he would retire at the rank he held at retirement, and would have to wait till he had 30 years combined of active duty, and time on the retired list, to apply for promotion on the retired list. It would be a one-time deal based on his highest three years.

So, going from MSG, to 1SG, to CSM, while on the retired list, raises a red flag and speaks against Luke_Wyatt's claims to being a retired CSM. That's not a mistake I'd expect a senior NCO to make.

Claim 02: "seArgent".

Luke_Wyatt was reported to use that word, and insisted on using the word after being called out on it. His defense? Something about his phone. However, a soldier "keeping his nose clean" would generally make Sergeant anywhere from 4 to 6 years after initial enlistment. They generally make specialist at the three-year mark, and Sergeant the following year, assuming that they had hit the deck running.

Most the Sergeant Major/Command Sergeant Major's that I have met had more than 20 years in the military. The high-speed ones were just under 20 years. Meaning, Luke_Wyatt would've had at least 15 to 18 years as an NCO, holding ranks that contain the word "Sergeant". I find it hard to believe that someone being an NCO for that long would misspell that word.

Yes, the phone may misspell it, but to consistently let the same mistake slide through, and not correct the phone the way the rest of us had corrected it when it got ranks wrong, justifies the suspicions of his claims.

Claim 03: How about we each send a mOD a copy of our DD-214 or 215 and see who the real liar is you POS

Luke_Wyatt, being a retired CSM, should know that the DD Form 215 is a correction to an error, or an administrative adjustment, to something in the DD Form 214. It would have to be shown WITH the DD Form 214 that it impacts, and not as an alternative option to the DD Form 214.

This is the first time I've seen someone demand a showing of the DD Form 215.

This challenge is a weak challenge, and is invalid when it comes to veteran verification, because even the veterans at veteran service organizations get fooled by falsified DD-214s. We don't even know if Luke_Wyatt is showing the valid DD 214 form that was in use as of the time he "retired" or not.

If I were to check his so-called DD 214, I wouldn't be surprised if I were able to spot errors left and right. It wouldn't be the first time I've seen a jacked-up DD 214 that a phony, or embellisher, advanced to bolster his claims.

I attempted to reach out to him, in the past 24 hours, to get a conversation going... One that would've easily gotten underway had Luke_Wyatt responded the way other veterans have responded to the questions I asked. These are questions I've asked other veterans online or face to face. They had no problems answering those basic questions.

Lack of Action 01: Failure to answer basic questions that real veterans easily answered.

I asked him when did he retire, what his MOS was, how many years he served, and where he did his overseas tours at. His first response got defensive and didn't answer any of those questions. I find that suspect. He threw a couple of locations at me that anybody would've been able to figure out with an internet search... Not proof of his claims of being in the military, or retiring from it.

His response to those questions would've lead to a conversation between two veterans... Like what happens anytime I ask those questions, or questions similar to them, when talking to genuine veterans.

There is a valid way to verify veteran status, and that's through veteran to veteran conversations, on first hand military experiences. I didn't get that from Luke_Wyatt. He resisted every step of the way, strongly suggesting that he isn't who he claims to be. Another valid way is through a Freedom of Information Request made to the National Personnel Records Center or to the parent service.

Having been both, an NCO and a commissioned officer, I don't see how Luke_Wyatt could've been an NCO in the military. Not with his judgement calls on this board, and definitely not with the line of reasoning that he has used, his acumen, etc.

Based on the responses that I got from him, I see two possibilities.

Possibility 01: He did in fact serve, but not in the capacity that he claims. Again, he doesn't come across as an NCO to me. His judgement calls, regarding how to conduct himself here, reminds me of the attitude of an errant, first term, private. I would say that if he did serve, he was a junior ranking Soldier, and more than likely left, ahem kicked out or separated, in disgrace.

Possibility 02: He didn't serve in the Army, or any other branch, and that he's as phony as the breathable lunar atmosphere.

Reading his replies, both in the forums and via PM, is like listening to the explanations of "Command Sergeant Major Davis".

I've followed the posts related to Luke_Wyatt, both his posts regarding his claims and what others have said about him regarding his claims.

I'm in the military branch that he claims to have retired from. I'm about to be in its retired reserve. Reviewing what he has said, I have a hard time believing that he is who he claims to be.

For instance.

Claim 01: Someone noted that he went from being a Master Sergeant, to a First Sergeant, to a Command Sergeant Major.

Luke_Wyatt apparently adjusted his rank, presumably after he had retired. Had he been a Sergeant Major/Command Sergeant Major, he would have known that you generally get promoted once on the retired list if you served at a higher rank during active duty. If he retired from active duty, he would retire at the rank he held at retirement, and would have to wait till he had 30 years combined of active duty, and time on the retired list, to apply for promotion on the retired list. It would be a one-time deal based on his highest three years.

So, going from MSG, to 1SG, to CSM, while on the retired list, raises a red flag and speaks against Luke_Wyatt's claims to being a retired CSM. That's not a mistake I'd expect a senior NCO to make.

Claim 02: "seArgent".

Luke_Wyatt was reported to use that word, and insisted on using the word after being called out on it. His defense? Something about his phone. However, a soldier "keeping his nose clean" would generally make Sergeant anywhere from 4 to 6 years after initial enlistment. They generally make specialist at the three-year mark, and Sergeant the following year, assuming that they had hit the deck running.

Most the Sergeant Major/Command Sergeant Major's that I have met had more than 20 years in the military. The high-speed ones were just under 20 years. Meaning, Luke_Wyatt would've had at least 15 to 18 years as an NCO, holding ranks that contain the word "Sergeant". I find it hard to believe that someone being an NCO for that long would misspell that word.

Yes, the phone may misspell it, but to consistently let the same mistake slide through, and not correct the phone the way the rest of us had corrected it when it got ranks wrong, justifies the suspicions of his claims.

Claim 03: How about we each send a mOD a copy of our DD-214 or 215 and see who the real liar is you POS

Luke_Wyatt, being a retired CSM, should know that the DD Form 215 is a correction to an error, or an administrative adjustment, to something in the DD Form 214. It would have to be shown WITH the DD Form 214 that it impacts, and not as an alternative option to the DD Form 214.

This is the first time I've seen someone demand a showing of the DD Form 215.

This challenge is a weak challenge, and is invalid when it comes to veteran verification, because even the veterans at veteran service organizations get fooled by falsified DD-214s. We don't even know if Luke_Wyatt is showing the valid DD 214 form that was in use as of the time he "retired" or not.

If I were to check his so-called DD 214, I wouldn't be surprised if I were able to spot errors left and right. It wouldn't be the first time I've seen a jacked-up DD 214 that a phony, or embellisher, advanced to bolster his claims.

I attempted to reach out to him, in the past 24 hours, to get a conversation going... One that would've easily gotten underway had Luke_Wyatt responded the way other veterans have responded to the questions I asked. These are questions I've asked other veterans online or face to face. They had no problems answering those basic questions.

Lack of Action 01: Failure to answer basic questions that real veterans easily answered.

I asked him when did he retire, what his MOS was, how many years he served, and where he did his overseas tours at. His first response got defensive and didn't answer any of those questions. I find that suspect. He threw a couple of locations at me that anybody would've been able to figure out with an internet search... Not proof of his claims of being in the military, or retiring from it.

His response to those questions would've lead to a conversation between two veterans... Like what happens anytime I ask those questions, or questions similar to them, when talking to genuine veterans.

There is a valid way to verify veteran status, and that's through veteran to veteran conversations, on first hand military experiences. I didn't get that from Luke_Wyatt. He resisted every step of the way, strongly suggesting that he isn't who he claims to be. Another valid way is through a Freedom of Information Request made to the National Personnel Records Center or to the parent service.

Having been both, an NCO and a commissioned officer, I don't see how Luke_Wyatt could've been an NCO in the military. Not with his judgement calls on this board, and definitely not with the line of reasoning that he has used, his acumen, etc.

Based on the responses that I got from him, I see two possibilities.

Possibility 01: He did in fact serve, but not in the capacity that he claims. Again, he doesn't come across as an NCO to me. His judgement calls, regarding how to conduct himself here, reminds me of the attitude of an errant, first term, private. I would say that if he did serve, he was a junior ranking Soldier, and more than likely left, ahem kicked out or separated, in disgrace.

Possibility 02: He didn't serve in the Army, or any other branch, and that he's as phony as the breathable lunar atmosphere.

Reading his replies, both in the forums and via PM, is like listening to the explanations of "Command Sergeant Major Davis".

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56DGe-1zwj0 Originally Posted by herfacechair
My offer still stands ass clown did you find a MOD that's a veteran ? You are an asshole guy who likes ladies to sit on his face and some how you think you are the stolen valor enforcer of the whore boards.
I offered you two options look me up in the database in St Louis or present our respective DD 214 - last time I checked hookers are not charging half off to vets so it's absurd someone to benefit on a whore site to claim to be a VET. Everyone here is pretty much anonymous but some how you think I need to validate myself to a cock sucker like you who I don't know from Adam's house cat?
Just like I told you FUCK OFF or accept my offer
Originally Posted by herfacechair

Possibility 02: He didn't serve in the Army, or any other branch, and that he's as phony as the breathable lunar atmosphere.
I would say this pretty much tells the story of Luke_Wyatt, aka, fat ass, Semper Fi
Possibility 02: He didn't serve in the Army, or any other branch, and that he's as phony as the breathable lunar atmosphere.
I would say this pretty much tells the story of Luke_Wyatt, aka, fat ass, Semper Fi Originally Posted by gary5912
It's also a possibility your mother got fucked dirty bum in the alley and wanted to abort you but didn't have the money and therefor we have to deal with you-ass clown I will give you the same offer as your butt buddy.
Possibility 02: He didn't serve in the Army, or any other branch, and that he's as phony as the breathable lunar atmosphere.
I would say this pretty much tells the story of Luke_Wyatt, aka, fat ass, Semper Fi Originally Posted by gary5912
Agreed !