
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Is 9500 pretending that he actually heard Dr. King speak? Originally Posted by LexusLover
At least put an lol at the end. So we might think you're trying to be funny.

The pus is spewing.
Lapdog's Avatar
Is 9500 pretending that he actually heard Dr. King speak? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I've heard him speak. Where the fuck were you, junior? Kindergarten?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

The pus is spewing. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

seek medical advice

winn dixie's Avatar
I've heard him speak. Where the fuck were you, junior? Kindergarten? Originally Posted by Lapdog
Yeah he liked to speak! A lot!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
seek medical advice

BAHHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Okay okay you got me. I should have made sure to note that was for Lexy. His racist pus was spewing.

Your sense of humor is your only redeeming quality.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Okay okay you got me. I should have made sure to note that was for Lexy. His racist pus was spewing.

Your sense of humor is your only redeeming quality. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

if you say so
  • oeb11
  • 06-26-2020, 08:24 PM
The fact that you think Chomsky is "an ignorant jackass" just proves you can never have an intellectual debate. Did you even watch the video? If not, you're not done.

You're patheric if you have conversations here. This isn't the chat room.

Where did I quote Barr?

Comprehension sir. Look it up. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Please look in a Mirror, 9500.
you describe yourself quite well - remember - ring the bell - get your comeuppance.

The queen has a long memory and an affinity for retribution!
LexusLover's Avatar
I've heard him speak. Originally Posted by Lapdog
I meant live.

But you obviously weren't listening to him or perhaps you just didn't understand what he was saying. He spoke English.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
What does the Constitution say about it? We have a right to "peaceably assemble" but no arson, assaults, vandalism, or murder. Anything beyond peaceably assembly is not legal or protected. Do you not admit that the four latter things did occur? So do you want to separate the criminals from the protesters? Do you know what an accessory is? Some who assists a perpetrator with the commission of a crime or to help a perpetrator escape discovery or conviction. So a "peaceful protester" who assists a criminal avoid arrest for assault is actually a felon as well. A "peaceful protester" who interferes with an arrest is a felon. Members of An organization that all wear masks to protect violent perpetrators are guilty of conspiracy. A lot of guilty people witnessing spontaneous combustion.
LexusLover's Avatar
What does the Constitution say about it? We have a right to "peaceably assemble" but no arson, assaults, vandalism, or murder. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
The ridiculously ignorant LameStreamMedia has endorsed violence, which includes arson, assaults, vandalism, and murder, as "free speech"!

I don't wish misfortune on anyone, but QueerMo has created a Constitutional Defense for anyone who wants to break into his home, rape he and whoever happens to be present there, murder them, and then burn them up in his home as it burns to the ground. "Free Speech"! "She shoe is on the other foot soon enough"!

A "protest" against having someone so stupid on TV News!
  • oeb11
  • 06-27-2020, 08:30 AM
The LibDems and LSM are enabling and encouraging looting and rioting -superficially for fear of being labelled "Racist" by the biggest scam in many years - OBLM.

it is not about "institutional racism - it is about using that excuse to burn America to the ground - obviate any and all history - and a revolution to start a New Marxist totalitarian Amerika from the Ruins of a burned Free society.
The marxists are taking advantage of the rules and Freedoms of teh Constitution to enable destroyers of not just property - but the Rule of Law - which is flagrantly disobeyed - and LibDem marxist authorities refuse to control violence, looting, pillaging, destroying - with the excuse of being called out for "racism".

Racism - is enabling and encouraging the violence and rioting without any concern for the innocent citizens injured, raped, killed by "protestors' - who are infact terrorists.

Let's call them what they are - terrorists enabled by LibDem mayors and governors who are enabling the destruction of the Rule of law - whjle hiding behind walls to protect themselves from their own proestors/terrorists - just as does nazi Pelosi and dem-Lib leadership in DC.

mark my words - the marxist revolution is underway - enabled by marxist control of the schools and indoctrination of the young by projects such as hannah-Jones project 1610 - which taches and indoctrinates Racism against whites, and Marxist ideology.

OBLM - is just a front for a Marxist takeover of America - the leaders are marxist - and a Union of Socialist States of America is their goal.

Putin and Xi are so happy with how the Dem-Libs are handling matters.

They see Amerika as a satellite of their axis of socialism in short order.
lustylad's Avatar
The fact that you think Chomsky is "an ignorant jackass" just proves you can never have an intellectual debate. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
The fact that you keep posting videos by a certifiably whacked-out and morally depraved far-left IGNORANT JACKASS former MIT linguistics professor - who was a denier of the killing fields holocaust (an atrocity that wiped out nearly 2 million Cambodians) and an apologist for Osama bin Laden's 9/11 attack (an atrocity that murdered nearly 3,000 American citizens) speaks volumes about how intellectually stunted and blind you are.

But you're right about one thing - it's impossible for ANYONE to have a serious intellectual discussion with an intellectual pygmy like yourself!

Where is IB when we need him?

LexusLover's Avatar
The fact that you keep posting videos .... Originally Posted by lustylad
The short version.
  • oeb11
  • 06-27-2020, 03:40 PM
Thanks for the history on Noam chomsky - the marxist OBLM movement will wpe all history if given a chance - and foolish fearful idiots are giving it away to the marxist revolutionaries.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The fact that you keep posting videos by a certifiably whacked-out and morally depraved far-left IGNORANT JACKASS former MIT linguistics professor - who was a denier of the killing fields holocaust (an atrocity that wiped out nearly 2 million Cambodians) and an apologist for Osama bin Laden's 9/11 attack (an atrocity that murdered nearly 3,000 American citizens) speaks volumes about how intellectually stunted and blind you are.

But you're right about one thing - it's impossible for ANYONE to have a serious intellectual discussion with an intellectual pygmy like yourself!

Where is IB when we need him?

https://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p...8&postcount=16 Originally Posted by lustylad

well now! quite a rouge's gallery of posters in that thread including yours truly. and some currently bancationing usual suspects ..


