Wash your Ass/Cock/Pussy Superthread - I've mentioned this before but, clean IT up!

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Ass cleaning made easy

and the famous Craiglist ass cleaning version

serious.. if a man likes prostate stimulation please inform him what to do.. I am not a man and don't know. Is there a paticular way for him to do that?
London Rayne's Avatar
This is getting gross, and that moron saying a vagina should not smell like strawberry fields is an idiot! It should NOT smell at all! All this yack about "the natural scent of a woman" is retarded lol. "Some women's stuff is not just tart..it's fked up, as in unfixable. Need to put some gum up there or get a stick up...some of ya'll need to douche with Listerine ( A.J. Johnson, I got the hook up)."
Sweet N Little's Avatar
serious.. if a man likes prostate stimulation please inform him what to do.. I am not a man and don't know. Is there a paticular way for him to do that? Originally Posted by Anita Lay
found this...http://www.random-good-stuff.com/200...fore-anal-sex/

and for the record Anita I just saw some things that cant be unseen looking for that ewwwww!!
good point London ...douch with part mouthwash and water, sounds logical. Bet it tastes good.
London Rayne's Avatar
NOOOO it was a joke from a comedian lol. I would not suggest putting alcohol based products up there...gum is ok bwahahaha!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
NOOOO it was a joke from a comedian lol. I would not suggest putting alcohol based products up there...gum is ok bwahahaha! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Gum !!
NOOOO it was a joke from a comedian lol. I would not suggest putting alcohol based products up there...gum is ok bwahahaha! Originally Posted by London Rayne
What would you say if I slipped you an Altoid for a little minty fresh cooch??
London Rayne's Avatar
Man that crap messes up my O! I had a guy go down on me with fresh gum and that crap burned! He was shocked as to why I made him stop lol. I returned the favor with some Louisiana Hot Sauce!
Man that crap messes up my O! I had a guy go down on me with fresh gum and that crap burned! He was shocked as to why I made him stop lol. I returned the favor with some Louisiana Hot Sauce! Originally Posted by London Rayne
You would make me stop???
There has been something that not one provider mentioned.. hmmmm
has any providers ever done a 3 some and the other provider had a stanky pu..sy?
The men are adamant about telling their experiences and wondered if this ever happened with a female provider? NO NAMES OR HINTING...
Still Looking's Avatar
If you can use mouth wash in your pussy and gargle you need to get hooked up with Ringling Brothers and start traveling with the circus!

This isn't rocket science? Pure none detergent soap, shower and get a high quality terry cloth towel and place between legs and pull up behind you. Using a back and forth motion dance to the following song and your good to go! Repeat as needed till everything’s clean!


Now if this doesn't work, well you got some major issues! Buy some fabreeze oder strips. Use them in place of a panty shield. Hope for the best! LOL

Now ladies if the guy smells? This works every time! See the picture!
seabreeze odar strips in the panties... wtf
Still Looking's Avatar
seabreeze odar strips in the panties... wtf Originally Posted by Anita Lay

Think of it as a scented deodorizing freshener! Doesn't that sound pleasant? LOL
whats next.. picture of a douche bottle? it takes more than soap to get that pu..sy clean.. it needs a good flush just like someone using mouth wash for the back of that throat. Originally Posted by Anita Lay
I don't douche and my pussy doesn't stink.