Flynn reverses guilty plea!

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  • 02-22-2018, 03:33 PM
Oh, you do know him! WTF knows him also. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hey LexyLiar, has Flynn changed his plea yet based on your 3 page vs. 4 page bullshit?

LexusLover's Avatar
WTF has "the Judge" signed any more "STANDING ORDERS"???
themystic's Avatar
WTF has "the Judge" signed any more "STANDING ORDERS"??? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Lex you know I got love for you Brother, but you do lie alot. Then you act like if someone doesnt have direct knowledge about something, thier opinion is invalid. What happen to your " pristine" upbringing?

Either your parents failed you or you are a loser. Maybe both. Nothing personal. You may just be a victim of victims
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  • WTF
  • 02-22-2018, 05:35 PM
WTF has "the Judge" signed any more "STANDING ORDERS"??? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Have you provided the link to the 3 and 4 page orders you claim to have read?

Have you decided to bet me that Flynn changes his plea? You know because it is such a unusual thing for this judge to do....must be some misconduct on the prosecution's part, right?
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  • 02-23-2018, 07:06 AM
LexusLover's Avatar
.... but you do lie alot. Then you act like if someone doesnt have direct knowledge about something, thier opinion is invalid. What happen to your " pristine" upbringing?

Either your parents failed you or you are a loser. Maybe both. Nothing personal. You may just be a victim of victims Originally Posted by themystic
Normally, you might be able to ask my parents, but you will be in a different place .... looking for roasted mushrooms I'm sure.

You quoted WhatThaFuckDoIKnow's comment based on an erroneous article about "the Judge" who HE BELIEVES and he doesn't even want to look at the actual orderS signed by "THE JUDGE" in 2017 and 2018, but would rather rely on a 2016 ARTICLE!!!! I won't waste my time on another spurious copy and paste by "WTF" ... there have so many of his dispelled that it would clog the sewers of Harris County.

LAZY and IGNORANT comes to mind. Regarding both of you!

I'm comfortable with reading the ACTUAL ORDERS to determine if they are "Standing Orders"! But I can do that. Sorry you can't! But what is WTF's "importance" to the characteristics of THE ORDERS? It has to do with the integrity of Flynn's plea bargain! Or putting it more accurately: the lack of integrity in the plea.

But you would have to understand the Federal Rules of Procedure and the case law interpretation of VOLUNTARY PLEAS ..... and neither one of you mushroom heads do!
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  • WTF
  • 02-23-2018, 07:49 AM

I'm comfortable with reading the ACTUAL ORDERS to determine if they are "Standing Orders"! But I can do that. Sorry you can't! ! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I believe the judge over you.

Prove that you have read the link!

LexusLover's Avatar
I believe the judge over you.

Prove that you have read the link! Originally Posted by WTF
Who is "the judge"? Judge Napolitano was a Judge.

He's familiar with: "standing orders" and the Flynn case based on the documents filed in the case.

You look up the orders on line like any sane, intelligent person.

A basic standard of evidence is the document vs. a paraphrase of it....and you dragged up some law review article that was from 2016 as your alleged "proof" regarding an order signed in 2017 and another signed in 2018.

I don't have to prove shit to a dumbass, know-nothing like you!

Because you'd still argue about it. Like the dumbass you are! "Mushroom head" fits you perfectly!

YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT: criminal law, procedure, standing orders, or Federal courts! OR ME!
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  • WTF
  • 02-23-2018, 09:03 AM
Who is "the judge"? Judge Napolitano was a Judge.

! Originally Posted by LexusLover
So you got your information from Judge Napolitano and not the Judge who is involved. Who is your Civil expert you consult with???... Judge Judy?

Multiple high-level U.S. and British intelligence officials have flatly denied the accusation. The president, who has access to any top-secret document that he wishes to obtain, has offered no evidence to substantiate the claim. Instead, he has repeatedly referred to Napolitano.

“All we did was quote a certain very talented legal mind who was the one responsible for saying that on television,” Trump said at a Friday news conference. “And so you shouldn’t be talking to me, you should be talking to Fox.”

LexusLover's Avatar
You can't look it up? Or just don't want to look it up?

Ask one of the bimbos there with you. She'll probably know how.
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  • WTF
  • 02-23-2018, 09:17 AM
You can't look it up? Or just don't want to look it up?

Ask one of the bimbos there with you. She'll probably know how. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Get one of your Manbos to post it while you lick his asshole

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  • 02-23-2018, 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
LL , thought Flynn was changing his plea based on your analysis of the judges standing orders!

One page over standard 3 means prosecutorial misconduct!
bambino's Avatar
Get one of your Manbos to post it while you lick his asshole

Originally Posted by WTF
It never ceases to amaze me that certain guys on hooker boards post gay pictures. Says a lot about them.
Normally, you might be able to ask my parents, but you will be in a different place .... looking for roasted mushrooms I'm sure.

You quoted WhatThaFuckDoIKnow's comment based on an erroneous article about "the Judge" who HE BELIEVES and he doesn't even want to look at the actual orderS signed by "THE JUDGE" in 2017 and 2018, but would rather rely on a 2016 ARTICLE!!!! I won't waste my time on another spurious copy and paste by "WTF" ... there have so many of his dispelled that it would clog the sewers of Harris County.

LAZY and IGNORANT comes to mind. Regarding both of you!

I'm comfortable with reading the ACTUAL ORDERS to determine if they are "Standing Orders"! But I can do that. Sorry you can't! But what is WTF's "importance" to the characteristics of THE ORDERS? It has to do with the integrity of Flynn's plea bargain! Or putting it more accurately: the lack of integrity in the plea.

But you would have to understand the Federal Rules of Procedure and the case law interpretation of VOLUNTARY PLEAS ..... and neither one of you mushroom heads do! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Mebbe wtf and mistake shoulda gone to see the Arkansas judge for some extrajudicial " training " ! They both would have loved to have been caught speeding EVERY DAY and have to appear before him to " plea bargain " !
It never ceases to amaze me that certain guys on hooker boards post gay pictures. Says a lot about them. Originally Posted by bambino
They are usually the same ones that try their " deflection " by calling ME " gay Ray ". But their melt downs and lying liberal talking points " out " them for the dingleberry pickers and fudge packEEs that they are ! Proud reach-around crew members they are and STILL upset that shrilLIARy LOST ! Is that wtf picking EKIM'S dingleberries in the picture ? Wonder if they consider that a training session for their Gloryhole duties