Where are the Classy Girls? Also, Tips for Gentlemen

TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Gum vs No Gum?
xox Claire.2 Originally Posted by Claire.2
No gum. Ever.
Unless a gentleman is married? Imagine a marriage where you two are basically the ideal roommates, save there is no romantic activity between the two of you. That sort of situation calls for discretion, not a full-time companion.

I think that there are many men on here who share a similar issue. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
I think you need to add "Cheats on his wife (discreetly of course)" to your defintion of a "gentleman" in a previous post.
glade55's Avatar
none really on this site ! there is this one website but there rates are kinda high !
I happen to be a classy, educated woman.
I have seen several replies on this topic advising TravelingGentlemen to go and seek out the providers who rates are over 350. IMO, just because a provider rates are over 350 and she has a website plastered with nicely over airbrushed pictures does not make one "CLASSY" or "UPSCALE".

Although I know there are a lot of elite ones out there Mona Talbot ((Denver) is the only one I can personally endorse. We have shared a few clients, and they had nothing but great things to say about her.
brettellis's Avatar
Yes, new providers wishing to succeed should read this!
glade55's Avatar
IMO, just because a provider rates are over 350 and she has a website plastered with nicely over airbrushed pictures does not make one "CLASSY" or "UPSCALE". Originally Posted by Exotic Trinidadian Beauty
Reading post and website text will often help you discover who the "classy girls" are. Or at the very least, those whom have similar style and taste as yourself.

I for one, blur my face for discretion even though I believe my face is one of my better features (wicked sense of humor, my best).

I don't do free of reduced M&G type dates because I often have to travel, pay babysitter, take time away from other work, and other cost associated with looking my best for our date, that my full rate must apply. And I occasionally receive my full rate for dates without any private time.

I used to offer a money back guaranty. I advertised that after the first 15 minutes of our date, if either of us wanted to backout, I would refund 90% of the donation that I collected upon meeting. My starting rate was $2000 and some naysayers started accusing me of running a scam to get $200 for 15 mins of my time. Well, I must say not once did a suitor backout and ask for his $1800 back and I only declined two but gave them the entire $2k back because I could tell we weren't compatible and our personalities would not make for an enjoyable evening.

As far as references, I find that I don't need a list of "whores" but one or two girls I know and trust. I really only need one, but in the case that I can't get a returned email from her, a second one is helpful.

If you don't have a reference, then I can verify you through your office. Before P411, I used to have to call the gentlemen I saw, at their work to verify who they were. And yes, I said "gentlemen" because most of the men I see truly are.

SknyDiva's Avatar
A classy gentlemen is not looking for a hooker on the Internet.
A classy lady is definetly not selling her snatch here on ECCIE
Let the Butt hurt begin. Happy classy hobbying and whoring Peeps.
I suppose the Classy men are where the classy women are, perhaps with all the single socks. I travel and would like to enjoy a evening with a classy lady, perhaps dinner out followed by private time. But it is often difficult to find those classy ladies, Sites with classy ladies are in decline, redbook is gone (big for no CA) and I finally got my profile pulled from TER'd after I was stalked by a crazy. which brings up verification (I had over 100 reviews on ter). So for me it is a challenge. Word of mouth has been best, that way I meet classy ladies that come with a reference! I never EVER give out any information that can link my real identity. including pics. just look at Ashely maddison. I understand your need for safety but respect my privacy too.
I have been frustrated in MS where I am on a business trip. So many quickies and no one wants to spend some actual time with another. Many apparent classy ladies are just a scam or advertising for another site! Just a waste of time and space. I have no answers just desire to meet classy ladies.A final note ECCIE is so far the best thing going depending on you area
sexy red passion's Avatar
Hello I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt you seem like a true Gentelman
If you can get that much for a date, and take it as proof of being "classy" then more power to ya. I personally am all class by my own set of standards, which is that I dont try to convince myself or anyone else that I'm classy by a price only the truly wealthy can meet (believe it or not, some of the peasants I whore it up for are sweet, considerate, and generous aka...classy), and I absolutely never uh...for lack of a classier way to say...I never fuck anyone over or go back on my handshake. I never act.like I'm better than people who have less than I, and I have quite a lot for being so classless. Also, I never draw attention to myself in a way that implies cattiness towards other females. Just saying...

By all accounts, it is said that Dolly Parton is a classy lady. Gracious, talented, down to earth, sweet and kind to EVERYONE. She would never say "where are all the people who are good enough for me?" Also, wasn't a hooker. Now there's an example of a classy broad...
You know who else seemed like a gentleman? Ted Bundy.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
You know who else seemed like a gentleman? Ted Bundy. Originally Posted by B_Genderous

Women have their share of serial killers. This one is the Angel of Death.

This one is a crazy hooktard that decided to start killing johns.

~Ynot~'s Avatar
none really on this site ! there is this one website but there rates are kinda high ! Originally Posted by glade55
I call BS. They are here, ya just have to do your homework.