In case you haven't noticed, Obama is about to lose Iraq

BigLouie's Avatar
What a lot of people don't realize because they are not really doing research is that the planning for this offensive started in 2006. Yes, TWO YEARS before Obama became president. Here is a good quote:

“What we see in Iraq today is in many ways a culmination of what the I.S.I. has been trying to accomplish since its founding in 2006,” said Brian Fishman, a counter-terrorism researcher at the New America Foundation, referring to the Islamic State in Iraq, the predecessor of ISIS.
A year later the I.S.I published a pamphlet laying out its vision for Iraq. Mr. Fishman referred to the document as the “Federalist Papers” for what is now ISIS. In it they set clear goals for carving out and governing an Islamic religious state, that spans Sunni-dominated sections of BOTH Iraq and Syria.

It's not what you think it is.
If you want our people accountable to the Iraq's you are stupid. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
While on the surface it seems to be an accurate statement, IB is actually a card carrying member of the Idiot Klan, errrrr Clan. The Stupid Klan, errrr Clan lives on the other side of town.

Rumor has it the Stupid's and the Idiot's get along with each other about as well as the Hatfield's and McCoy's. Both family's hate many of the same things, including each other.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sorry cocksucker you can whine all you want, but I am glad we are out of there. If you want our men and women there dying for those pricks reup or just volunteer to go fight. If you want our people accountable to the Iraq's you are stupid. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Odumbo is sending American service personnel back to Iraq, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, or didn't you hear? Those Navy pilots are Americans, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.

What a lot of people don't realize because they are not really doing research is that the planning for this offensive started in 2006. Yes, TWO YEARS before Obama became president. Here is a good quote:

A year later the I.S.I published a pamphlet laying out its vision for Iraq. Mr. Fishman referred to the document as the “Federalist Papers” for what is now ISIS. In it they set clear goals for carving out and governing an Islamic religious state, that spans Sunni-dominated sections of BOTH Iraq and Syria.

It's not what you think it is. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Karl Marx published multiple tracts and pontificated long and hard about the spread of Communism, BL, but it wasn't until the Germans unleashed Lenin -- a leader -- that the first Communist regime was established.

While on the surface it seems to be an accurate statement, IB is actually a card carrying member of the Idiot Klan, errrrr Clan. The Stupid Klan, errrr Clan lives on the other side of town.

Rumor has it the Stupid's and the Idiot's get along with each other about as well as the Hatfield's and McCoy's. Both family's hate many of the same things, including each other. Originally Posted by bigtex
Damn, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, how many wrong conclusions can you *jump* to in one day?
Odumbo is sending American service personnel back to Iraq, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, or didn't you hear? Those Navy pilots are Americans, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Have they left the ship yet chimp breath?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Have they left the ship yet chimp breath? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Just a matter of time, Ekim the Inbred Chimp!

BTW, you stupid fuck-tard, why does Odumbo need an aircraft carrier in Iraq if Al-Qaeda is still "decimated and on the run", Ekim the Inbred Chimp?
BigLouie's Avatar

Karl Marx published multiple tracts and pontificated long and hard about the spread of Communism, BL, but it wasn't until the Germans unleashed Lenin -- a leader -- that the first Communist regime was established.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
OK here is where everyone is making a misconception. The people taking over are NOT regular Iraqs. They are Shuni extremist who were scattered in the region with a lot of people in Syria. You take this one group out of the equation and Iraq is peaceful. Since 2006 this group has been planning and organizing and waiting for their opportunity, moving from one country to another. Now they are making their move. This is why you may see all the Shite governments in the area join in with the US and the Iraq government to fight these people.
Just a matter of time, Ekim the Inbred Chimp!

BTW, you stupid fuck-tard, why does Odumbo need an aircraft carrier in Iraq if Al-Qaeda is still "decimated and on the run", Ekim the Inbred Chimp?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Why do you ask so many dumb ass questions chimp brain ? Don't you know anything?
LexusLover's Avatar
The premise of the thread was misguided. So you want to change the thread topic, as usual.

The Iraq war was lost the minute we invaded. So you want to change the thread topic, as usual.
Bush Cheney and the war supporters never thought there would be sectarian violence. Irrelevant, and also incorrect. "Sectarian" violence was discussed from Bush I, through Clinton, and through Bush II.
You were wrong LL. So you want to change the thread topic, as usual. Obaminable's "team" of negotiators put a requirement on the agreement to leave U.S. troops in Iraq that "they" knew would not be accepted. It is a common "negotiating strategy" to avoid a deal. It is employed frequently by those who want to appear "reasonable" but don't want a deal.
We found that out at a cost of four thousand plus American soldiers lives plus a long term cost of four TRILLION dollars. What's the "we" shit? Does that make you feel more "legitimate"? Again, 20-20 hindsight is irrelevant to a discussion of the decision making when the decision is made. What Bush accomplished was strengthening Iran, weakening this country and now you idiots want to blame Obama. There you go again falling into that "bimbo" dialogue of yours. Do you call everyone who disagrees with you an "idiot"? You "pretend" that Iran was "weak" before 2003 or that Iran was not working on a nuclear "solution" prior to the Bush II administration.

If you want to blame Obama for something blame him for not getting out of Afghanistan sooner. If you want to blame someone other than Obama for the current situation (predicament) quit looking back at his "scapegoat" for everything he fucks up. Originally Posted by WTF
As for your "logic" ... one can make the same argument for every "war" the U.S. government has entered, including, the "war" with the Native American Indians.

I'm sure you bemoan the loss of 50,000 U.S. servicemembers in S.E. Asia so we can buy cheap shirts with sleeves and tails too short with buttons out of line with their intended holes..... and thereby fund their nonunion sweat shops.

Or would you rather talk about Korea? See "shirts" above.

Do "we" still have a military presence in Europe? The Pacific?

It is horrific to lose 5,000 people in any event or series of events.

Are you going to base your policy decisions on how many people die from an event or a related series of events? I suspect in reality you will select your events or the series of events depending on your agenda or political interests at the time, and thereby justify the losses based on your agenda or interests.
It is horrific to lose 5,000 people in any event or series of events. Originally Posted by LexusLover
We will put LexiLiar in the category of: "it's just the cost of doing bidness."

BTW, did you ever locate those illusive WMD's? If so, were they in and around an area within close proximity to both Baghdad and Tikrit?
I B Hankering's Avatar
OK here is where everyone is making a misconception. The people taking over are NOT regular Iraqs. They are Shuni extremist who were scattered in the region with a lot of people in Syria. You take this one group out of the equation and Iraq is peaceful. Since 2006 this group has been planning and organizing and waiting for their opportunity, moving from one country to another. Now they are making their move. This is why you may see all the Shite governments in the area join in with the US and the Iraq government to fight these people. Originally Posted by BigLouie
You do realize that Saddam Hussein was Sunni, don't you, BL? And evidently, BL, they weren't as "pacified" and Iraq probably won't be one of the "great achievements of this administration" as Biden claimed in 2010.

Why do you ask so many dumb ass questions chimp brain ? Don't you know anything? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Simply affording you the opportunity to demonstrate that you're not a babbling, lying buffoon, Ekim the Inbred Chimp; nevertheless, you keep proving you are!

Now quit lying and deflecting and answer the question, Ekim the Inbred Chimp: Why does Odumbo need an aircraft carrier in Iraq if Al-Qaeda is "decimated and on the run", Ekim the Inbred Chimp
LexusLover's Avatar
We will put LexiLiar in the category of: "it's just the cost of doing bidness." Originally Posted by bigtex
You've already put yourself in the "category" of vilifying people with your distortions.

Just confirmed it again. You equate "horrific" with the "cost of doing bidness"?

Since you continuously desire to look backwards .. was 911 the "cost" of Bill's blow job?

And he even thought there were WMD's as well, while he was getting his knob polished.
You do realize that Saddam Hussein was Sunni, don't you, BL? And evidently, BL, they weren't as "pacified" and Iraq probably won't be one of the "great achievements of this administration" as Biden claimed in 2010.

Simply affording you the opportunity to demonstrate that you're not a babbling, lying buffoon, Ekim the Inbred Chimp; nevertheless, you keep proving you are!

Now quit lying and deflecting and answer the question, Ekim the Inbred Chimp: Why does Odumbo need an aircraft carrier in Iraq if Al-Qaeda is "decimated and on the run", Ekim the Inbred Chimp
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
One thing about you chimp brain when you put you ignorance on display you really do it. Congrats.
I B Hankering's Avatar
One thing about you chimp brain when you put you ignorance on display you really do it. Congrats. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Prove you're not a lying Odumbo buffoon and answer the question, Ekim the Inbred Chimp: Why does Odumbo need an aircraft carrier in Iraq if Al-Qaeda is "decimated and on the run", Ekim the Inbred Chimp?

And he even thought there were WMD's as well, while he was getting his knob polished. Originally Posted by LexusLover
As usual LexiLiar, The Patriarch of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errrr, Clan fails to answer the only two (2) questions asked.

Let's take it from the top, shall we? The exact quote follows:

BTW, did you ever locate those illusive WMD's? If so, were they in and around an area within close proximity to both Baghdad and Tikrit? Originally Posted by bigtex
The questions are not that difficult. Even someone as simple minded as the leader of a Family overrun by a bunch of Idiot's should be able to do enough research to formulate an adequate response. You do know how to research a topic, don't you?

Question #1: Were those illusive (spring of 2003) WMD's located? A simple yes or no answer (but not both) will do.
Question #2: If so, were they in and around an area within close proximity to both Baghdad and Tikrit? A simple yes or no answer (but not both) will do.

Please note: A yes answer to one or both of the above questions will probably lead to a few follow-up questions (they won't be difficult, I promise).

Go ahead LexiLiar, give it your best shot! If nothing else, give your favorite Shrub a call. Surely he will know. Uhhhh, perhaps not!

On another note: If you talk to the Shrub, tell him we send a big ol' Texas "Howdy". Be sure to tell him to drop by one day. There are those of us who would love to pick his pea-sized brain as it relates to his ill fated and ill advised decision to invade Iraq during the spring of 2003.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-15-2014, 06:13 PM
One minute you posts this shit...
So you want to change the thread topic, as usual.
. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The next hypocritical post of yours is this!...

And he even thought there were WMD's as well, while he was getting his knob polished. Originally Posted by LexusLover