little rock,ark lady here desperatly needs help lost wallat

You know- I am all for compassion and helping out a fellow traveler in time of need and such, but on the other hand there is a Greek proverb that roughly translates to "Don't be so open minded that your brains fall out."

Either Lynn is a purposeful joke or put on by someone trying to send up the board, or bus fare to OKC is the very least of her problems. Either way a quick scan of her posts makes it clear to me that the money someone would send to her would be better used in a donation to a bettered women's shelter or orphanage. Sorry Girl, you have fought the good fight here- but principals only go so far in the face of practical reality. If Lynn truly is who she appears to be (based on her posts here) then a bus ticket anywhere will only change her surroundings- it will not solve what are clearly some more serious issues. And given the rest of her proven history- Caveat Emptor.
She would need three bus tickets anyway, as each of her personalities would want to go different directions.
She would need three bus tickets anyway, as each of her personalities would want to go different directions. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Oh no, you didn't!
is lynn really regina/shines?
or did someone address that already?