You're Not Rambo - CCL holders piss their pants

You anti-gun people seem to have forgotten what the discussion was all about (good thing, you were losing the argument), someone made the claim that you could walk into a gun store, spend an HOUR doing the paperwork, and walk out with a CCL. Such is not the case. I have taken classes in CT, FL, and KS. The least restrictive was CT. I had to pay to fill out paperwork for the state and I had to pay to fill out paperwork for the FBI. Then I had to contact someone who met the state qualification standard (NRA pistol instructor used by the police), then I went out on the range for about four hours of instruction and two hours of demonstrating my proficiency with three different handguns from 10 feet to 50 feet. The shooting was both timed and untimed. That was the least restrictive.

By the way, with the paperwork and the shooting, it took about a month to actually get the license. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You think a psycho wouldn't wait a month. Or that criminals go through CCL training. What a fucking mental midget.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Didn't you notice Baby Killer? I blew your argument right out of the water and now you're in recovery mode. How long can you tread water?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You anti-gun people seem to have forgotten what the discussion was all about (good thing, you were losing the argument), someone made the claim that you could walk into a gun store, spend an HOUR doing the paperwork, and walk out with a CCL. Such is not the case. I have taken classes in CT, FL, and KS. The least restrictive was CT. I had to pay to fill out paperwork for the state and I had to pay to fill out paperwork for the FBI. Then I had to contact someone who met the state qualification standard (NRA pistol instructor used by the police), then I went out on the range for about four hours of instruction and two hours of demonstrating my proficiency with three different handguns from 10 feet to 50 feet. The shooting was both timed and untimed. That was the least restrictive.

By the way, with the paperwork and the shooting, it took about a month to actually get the license. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Facts are facts, whether you are anti-gun or pro-gun. I certainly did not make the original claim. I'm sure your experiences are very true. However, what about states like Alaska, Wyoming, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas and Vermont? No requirements at all to carry a concealed handgun. Now how long would it take to go into a gun store and walk out with one in those states? I read about Arizona and it takes about 1/2 hour to go from selection to purchase of a handgun. So a person in Arizona could purchase a handgun and walk out with a legally concealed handgun in less than an hour.
LexusLover's Avatar
I read about Arizona and it takes about 1/2 hour to go from selection to purchase of a handgun. So a person in Arizona could purchase a handgun and walk out with a legally concealed handgun in less than an hour. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

That's why it was called "Fast and Furious"!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Facts are facts, whether you are anti-gun or pro-gun. I certainly did not make the original claim. I'm sure your experiences are very true. However, what about states like Alaska, Wyoming, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas and Vermont? No requirements at all to carry a concealed handgun. Now how long would it take to go into a gun store and walk out with one in those states? I read about Arizona and it takes about 1/2 hour to go from selection to purchase of a handgun. So a person in Arizona could purchase a handgun and walk out with a legally concealed handgun in less than an hour. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I don't know who said it but someone wrote something about walking out of a gun shop with a LICENSE in an hour. You're talking about open carry probably. No license required and not the subject of the post.
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't know who said it but someone wrote something about walking out of a gun shop with a LICENSE in an hour. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That would be Shamless .... shooting his mouth off again. And then Speedo chimes in with the "reduction" of training bullshit based on legislation passed "1 or 2" years ago, citing an article about legislation filed in late 2014, which mentioned legislation passed 2013, which DID NOT reduce training .. only segregated the "academic" portion to ASSURE a MINIMUM was compelled on training providers to ASSURE the potential licencees got the "book learning" part before they "qualified" for the cowboy swagger!

BTW: There is a trend in Texas, anyway, for licensing exams to be done on computers, whether online or offline and then uploaded. There are a couple of reasons ... a record of the testing administered AND consistency ... it also reduces "instructor assisted" answering of the testing and if done in a "testing center" environment, a control over the materials that can be used to cheat.

Technology? It doesn't necessarily mean a "relaxation" of the standards or qualifications.
LexusLover's Avatar
By the way, with the paperwork and the shooting, it took about a month to actually get the license. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Texas is about the same .... DPS still has to approve the license.
July 1st in Ks you can buy from a individual no background check of any kind, stick it in your pocket it will be legal.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That would be Shamless .... shooting his mouth off again. And then Speedo chimes in with the "reduction" of training bullshit based on legislation passed "1 or 2" years ago, citing an article about legislation filed in late 2014, which mentioned legislation passed 2013, which DID NOT reduce training .. only segregated the "academic" portion to ASSURE a MINIMUM was compelled on training providers to ASSURE the potential licencees got the "book learning" part before they "qualified" for the cowboy swagger!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are full of shit.

SB 864:

Currently, CHL classes must be 10-15 hours, including classroom instruction and range time. SB 864 separates the two elements; it requires the classroom instruction to be 4-6 hours and does not give a time constraint on the proficiency exam (shooting test at the range).

Now let's see how much time much time the WNS Shooting Range requires in
order for someone to get their CHL:


Texas Concealed Handgun License (CHL) Course
This is the instructional course you must complete in order to legally carry a concealed handgun in Texas. The course includes 4 hours of classroom instruction, approximately 1 hour on the shooting range and all class materials. Private classes for families, clubs, businesses, civic and church groups of 5 or more students are available by appointment.

That's a total of 5 hours required in order to obtain a CHL in the state of Texas.

So please, you over-bearing, pompous, arrogant troglodyte, explain to us all once again how 5 is not less than 10-15.

Anyone else want to help LexusLoser
? So far he's under the impression that
2014 minus 1 equals 2014 and 10 - 5 = 10. Does anyone understand his "new" math?
  • shanm
  • 05-02-2015, 11:10 AM
July 1st in Ks you can buy from a individual no background check of any kind, stick it in your pocket it will be legal. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Well there you go then LexusMoron.

Seems like my "point" wasn't too far from the mark either.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
July 1st in Ks you can buy from a individual no background check of any kind, stick it in your pocket it will be legal. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I will check the law again but I thought it was all about carrying and not buying. Buying is a federal statute. There you still have to go through a background check (for what it's worth) even after July 1.
I will check the law again but I thought it was all about carrying and not buying. Buying is a federal statute. There you still have to go through a background check (for what it's worth) even after July 1. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
A person has never had to have a background check unless you buy from a dealer. If you buy at a gun show, yard sale or from your neighbor ...No background check.
LexusLover's Avatar
July 1st in Ks you can buy from a individual no background check of any kind, stick it in your pocket it will be legal. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Good. A lot of good gunslingers came out of Kansas. Well... one?
LexusLover's Avatar
Well there you go then LexusMoron.

Seems like my "point" wasn't too far from the mark either. Originally Posted by shanm
Lets see .. you talking about skid-marks on your diapers?
LexusLover's Avatar
As it stands, I can walk into a store, buy a gun, spend an hour shooting it and walk out being one of the "holders of the permit". Originally Posted by shanm
July 1st in Ks you can buy from a individual no background check of any kind, stick it in your pocket it will be legal. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Well there you go then LexusMoron.

Seems like my "point" wasn't too far from the mark either. Originally Posted by shanm
Yep. A skid mark on your diapers.