Don't we ladies just love no reviews

[QUOTE=XL;1057555361]You have not met XY, you met XL, whore.

I can't stop laughing. Perfect execution of one of my favorite words
I'm Just not childish enough to engage..I have yrs on this site and yrs of solid reputation..he has 8 reviews total...and no background of solid hobby history so as far as I'm concerned I was seeing a newb..Over it..And no I didn't screen hard enough..lesson learned.. Originally Posted by Lucky Lady

If u have a solid history then there should be no worries that one person said no. Starting a thread & then going back and forth arguing is ridiculous and will scare clients away. Nobody needs drama. No screening ..OYE! Don't ever see a guy havnt screened
Buzzword's Avatar
Very well put Jenna,........screening protects you, and your reputation.
  • XL
  • 12-12-2015, 11:06 PM
Very well put Jenna,........screening protects you, and your reputation. Originally Posted by Buzzword
I don't see how screening protects the reputation of a hooker. I believe a hooker's reputation is defined by both the transactional and physical components of a date. A hooker can do all the screaming she wants but at the end of the day if any particular client didn't have a connection or didn't feel they got good value or any member of 1 million other things, that client will write a negative review and no amount of screening is going to stop that.

Screening can help protect the hooker from the threats of the hobby but I don't look at reviews as threats to the hobby. Of course the hookers see it just the opposite because a negative review often times hurts their bottom line.

Fucking hell.
If u have a solid history then there should be no worries that one person said no. Originally Posted by JennaJones
Have seen a few SPs who had solid reps, with many yes and a few no reviews and had fine times with them. Just assumed the no reviews were due to that dreaded YMMV thing, or he didn't click with her. It happens...
You have not met XY, you met XL, whore.

I can't stop laughing. Perfect execution of one of my favorite words Originally Posted by XL
But no one says cunt quite like me....
Buzzword's Avatar
If I see a NO, in a review about a provider that I've seen, and know to be a good provider, I assume that the client just didn't click with the provider. I don't assume the worst of the provider, on the contrary,........I know far less about the clients in Eccie, then I do the providers.......The problem is that many clients see providers as a commodities....As for SCREENING, if done correctly it can keep two people that in normal circumstances would have nothing to do with each other, from ever getting the chance to meet, and then turn around an talk alot of SHIT, on a semi private forum.
Ceremony's Avatar
This dude gave his honest take. It made her ass itch. So now we pages of entertainment. I for one am grateful.
Ironically, her rant probably cost her more $$$ than the No Review would have. But what do I know, she has so many clients, she can pick and choose who sh sees.

It happens to us all...first of all..not sure if mentioned in the ros that there was a discount given..the hotel in general sucked..choice hotels aren't always a good was almost like 3-4 am and both parties were tired...I do smoke it's in my reviews...I don't smoke around y'all unless you say it's ok and my room is generally a non smoking room.. My tits are real and very responsive to a person who treats the girls nicely...XY I will not offer a make up had zero complaints while my sloppy mouth was all over had nothing to say bad while you encouraged me by telling me how nice it felt to keep make up session needed for someone who didn't complain not once in front of me... I didn't smell..come on dude yrs of reviews never a no or a hint of bad just wanted to give me my first far as me looking homely...I told XY that my outcall didn't want make up or perfume.. You knew I wasn't going to be a made up doll..GOBC XY claims y'all...hope y'all don't claim him..If you believe this review you lose out...can't please every Asshole but I can probably please you...XY made sure to mention you paulwantsya as his buddie that meets in strip clubs hangs out with..Amazing How my girls responded to Paul and every other person who reviewed me but not you XY...hmm...your review is off way off.. Originally Posted by Lucky Lady
That no review was written when I had a person telling me he was going to have it done. I admit I didnt screen hard enough!! My mistakes admitted and for being ...well..mistakes boils down to chemistry..we did NOT have it..The guy in my book is a jerk..supposedly rich but bargin hunting..And very intimidating.. I would not see him again..He's a class ass for sure with a major hatred towards women..The person that posted the BP ad is not now nor was ever in my life personally or professionally in my life. He also put a review on another site. I am not positive the two are linked or not so for me to throw one under the bus would be wrong. I will say very coincidental..The few I saw made the trip worth it..The 2 that made the trip hell didn't succeed..The silver lining is in my eyes and the good meetings I had..Going back and forth by far isnt classy agreed I am no verbal punching bag for anyone..Whore I am but so was your mom at the day she got married..its all perspective and view point..some would disagree..I would say a woman marrying for money or better stable living is just as much a whore as I .. my view point..I'm allowed to be ignorant..He's allowed to have his perspective..can't please them all...But I am willing to bet money I can vibe with 95% of the rest of the male population that has at least 3 french fries in his happy meal..I will come back in the summer and will be screening hard..lesson learned..enjoy the holidays ya'll
  • XL
  • 12-17-2015, 06:51 PM
Love you babe!!!!

That no review was written when I had a person telling me he was going to have it done. I admit I didnt screen hard enough!! My mistakes admitted and for being ...well..mistakes boils down to chemistry..we did NOT have it..The guy in my book is a jerk..supposedly rich but bargin hunting..And very intimidating.. I would not see him again..He's a class ass for sure with a major hatred towards women..The person that posted the BP ad is not now nor was ever in my life personally or professionally in my life. He also put a review on another site. I am not positive the two are linked or not so for me to throw one under the bus would be wrong. I will say very coincidental..The few I saw made the trip worth it..The 2 that made the trip hell didn't succeed..The silver lining is in my eyes and the good meetings I had..Going back and forth by far isnt classy agreed I am no verbal punching bag for anyone..Whore I am but so was your mom at the day she got married..its all perspective and view point..some would disagree..I would say a woman marrying for money or better stable living is just as much a whore as I .. my view point..I'm allowed to be ignorant..He's allowed to have his perspective..can't please them all...But I am willing to bet money I can vibe with 95% of the rest of the male population that has at least 3 french fries in his happy meal..I will come back in the summer and will be screening hard..lesson learned..enjoy the holidays ya'll Originally Posted by Lucky Lady
Omg, this is still going?!!!!
Some have too much time on their hands......