The racist governor...Virginia DEM!!

Out current President lies on a regular basis . . .if that is the new political standard we'll have to get rid of them all

I kinda like how ballsy he is being. MoFo musta already hired Rudy Giuliani. ..with that Michael Jackson story!

This is the new political reality if you get caught, lie and the deny Originally Posted by WTF
And this has to what to do the baby killing racist...from the LEFT??
he needs to step down. the snowflakes on the right will be crying for a month. they are some phony fucks. especially the women snowflakes on the right Originally Posted by themystic
I'm not as incensed about the racism as I am about him being a baby killer!!
It's you and the SJW's who are OUTRAGED about racism and make it part of your party platform!!
You lead with Trump and RACISM!!
Talk about phony FUCKS...
themystic's Avatar
I'm not as incensed about the racism as I am about him being a baby killer!!
It's you and the SJW's who are OUTRAGED about racism and make it part of your party platform!!
You lead with Trump and RACISM!!
Talk about phony FUCKS... Originally Posted by bb1961
Do you and your right winf brothers believe in the death penalty? Yes you do. you are KILLERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

Talk about phony FUCKS
LexusLover's Avatar
And this has to what to do the baby killing racist...from the LEFT?? Originally Posted by bb1961
No, of course not, but it does divert attention away from the surfacing of the real infection in the SocialistLiberalAntiTrumper ranks, which has been seeping and weeping since 2016 ... actually ... 2015. That's what all the anger is about. Onion peeling 101.
LexusLover's Avatar
Do you and your right winf brothers believe in the death penalty? Yes you do. you are KILLERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

Talk about phony FUCKS Originally Posted by themystic
I suppose you will dream up some excuse for killing an INNOCENT baby and comparing to some douch bag who EARNED HIS DEATH SENTENCE BY HAVING BEEN CONVICTED BY A JURY OF HIS PEERS AND HAD YEARS OF APPEALS TO ASSURE THE DEFENDANT WAS GIVEN FULL DUE PROCESS. But you haven't had much college, if any, so I can understand.

The advocates, BTW, of the baby-killing statute justify it on the basis that a female has a right to do what she wants with HER BODY! I'm currently exploring the legal consequences of the newly born baby being a part of the mother's body as it relates to continued support for the separated part of the mother's body and HER ALLEGED RIGHT TO DO WITH IT WHAT SHE WISHES AS LONG AS HER DOCTOR DOES THE DEED.

The next step in my research will be exploring the legal theory of "negligently failing to kill the baby" as a defense to the attempt to sop money from the dismissed father, who was prohibited from participating in the decision as to whether the baby lives or not. After all .. why should anyone (other than the female whose body needs support) be required to support any part of a female's body in the absence of any specific statute authorizing the enforcement of support of a part of a woman's body, which the woman elected to remain intact.

Later, I'll explore the legal requirement for taxpayers to pay for abortions once Senator Harris discloses her UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE PROGRAM that dissolves all private health care coverage by private insurers .... (she hasn't addressed "self-insured" corporations in her proposal!) ... and see how that play with the current temperment of the SCOTUS and any replacements before 2033.... yes I wrote "2033" ... Trump's 2nd term will end 2025 ... and Pence's 2nd term will end 2033.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
this didn't take long ...

Photo of Mitch McConnell in Front of a Confederate Flag Resurfaces Amid Northam Yearbook Controversy

In the midst of the ongoing controversy over a racist photograph on Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s medical school yearbook page, a photograph of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) posing in front of a Confederate flag is making the rounds on social media.
Lots of folks tweeting out this photo of @senatemajldr so I asked his office about it.

A spokesman suggested Leader McConnell wouldn’t pose for such a photo today as he did “30 years or so ago”... 1/4

— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) February 3, 2019
The photograph of McConnell, which apparently shows the senator posing in front of a large Confederate flag, had previously surfaced in 2015, according to Snopes. The photo was allegedly taken at a Sons of Confederate Veterans event in the early ’90s.

Following the revelation of the racist yearbook photograph, Democratic Gov. Northam has refused to step down despite facing mounting pressure to resign. The photograph in question shows one person apparently wearing blackface posing with a person dressed in KKK robes. The governor initially apologized on Friday for appearing in the photo, before denying that he was either figure in the photograph in a news conference on Saturday.

The photograph of McConnell has regained traction on social media in the past few day, in part spurned on by the controversy over Northam’s photograph. Some users on Twitter cited the photograph as an example of Republican hypocrisy in condemning the Democratic governor’s alleged photograph while apparently being soft on racism within their own party.
Northam was in blackface and he’s awful and it’s great that he’s cancelled.

Now can we do Mitch McConnell gleefully posing in front of a confederate flag with that big, bright McConnell smile?

— Cameron Kasky (@cameron_kasky) February 2, 2019
Northam should resign. But I love how the GOP is indignant while supporting current GOP racists like Trump (Nazi’s are fine people), Steve King (open white supremacist), Cindy Hyde-Smith (wants to sit front row at a lynching), and confederate flag McConnell. #Hypocrisy
— Resistance Rosie (@rosie_gilrobles) February 3, 2019
“This picture gets ‘attention on social media’ frequently,” McConnell spokesman David Popp said in a statement to TIME. “The left trots it out every time Sen. McConnell speaks out on race or the Confederate flag–as he did on Charlottesville, the Confederate flag over SC’s capitol, removing Jefferson Davis from the Kentucky capitol, his comments on Steve King and so on. They’ve been doing this for many, many years.”

Popp also stated that the picture was apparently from a Sons of Confederate Veterans event “30 years ago or so.”

Democratic leaders, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Northam’s own state’s senior Democratic lawmakers, are calling on the governor to resign. Republican leaders have also criticized the governor, with President Trump calling Northam’s conduct “unforgivable” on Twitter.

here is the "blatantly racist" photo ...

did i mention Bill Clinton honored Confederate Flag Day in Arkansas while Governor?

"And in 1987, while serving as governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton signed a bill affirming that one of those blue stars is there in honor of the Confederate States of America."

Do you and your right winf brothers believe in the death penalty? Yes you do. you are KILLERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

Talk about phony FUCKS Originally Posted by themystic
You make the comparison to a person convicted of a heinous crime worthy of the death have the IQ to link that to the most innocent and completely helpless among us to that.
Keep up the good baby killer supporter!!
Defending the indefensible
Do you and your right winf brothers believe in the death penalty? Yes you do. you are KILLERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

Talk about phony FUCKS Originally Posted by themystic

scam to get the person on death row to still the internet/phone etc scam

btw look like chimp is out or that batman is out
rexdutchman's Avatar
The MSM is in FULL spin control!!
out of the evening standard

"The classic family film Mary Poppins has been branded racist by a US academic who accuses Dame Julie Andrews of 'blacking up' with soot while dancing with chimney sweeps.
In a piece for the New York Times, Professor Daniel Pollack-Pelzner criticises one of the film's iconic moments, when Mary Poppins joins Dick Van Dyke's Bert to dance on a rooftop for the classic song Step in Time.

He writes: "When the magical nanny (played by Julie Andrews) accompanies her young charges, Michael and Jane Banks, up their chimney, her face gets covered in soot, but instead of wiping it off, she gamely powders her nose and cheeks even blacker."

This might seem like an innocuous comic scene if Travers’s novels didn’t associate chimney sweeps’ blackened faces with racial caricature. “Don’t touch me, you black heathen,” a housemaid screams in “Mary Poppins Opens the Door” (1943)".

When the dark figures of the chimney sweeps Step in Time on a roof, a naval buffoon, Admiral Boom shouts, “We’re being attacked by Hottentots!” and orders his cannon to be fired at the “cheeky devils”.

"We’re in on the joke, such as it is: These aren’t really black Africans; they’re grinning white dancers in blackface. It’s a parody of black menace; it’s even posted on a white nationalist website as evidence of the film’s racial hierarchy."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-04-2019, 08:40 AM
out of the evening standard

"The classic family film Mary Poppins has been branded racist by a US academic who accuses Dame Julie Andrews of 'blacking up' with soot while dancing with chimney sweeps.
In a piece for the New York Times, Professor Daniel Pollack-Pelzner criticises one of the film's iconic moments, when Mary Poppins joins Dick Van Dyke's Bert to dance on a rooftop for the classic song Step in Time.

He writes: "When the magical nanny (played by Julie Andrews) accompanies her young charges, Michael and Jane Banks, up their chimney, her face gets covered in soot, but instead of wiping it off, she gamely powders her nose and cheeks even blacker."

This might seem like an innocuous comic scene if Travers’s novels didn’t associate chimney sweeps’ blackened faces with racial caricature. “Don’t touch me, you black heathen,” a housemaid screams in “Mary Poppins Opens the Door” (1943)".

When the dark figures of the chimney sweeps Step in Time on a roof, a naval buffoon, Admiral Boom shouts, “We’re being attacked by Hottentots!” and orders his cannon to be fired at the “cheeky devils”.

"We’re in on the joke, such as it is: These aren’t really black Africans; they’re grinning white dancers in blackface. It’s a parody of black menace; it’s even posted on a white nationalist website as evidence of the film’s racial hierarchy." Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
No political office for Mary Poppins!
  • oeb11
  • 02-04-2019, 09:08 AM
Good Grief - The DPST's are at new lows in Race-baiting.
They see Nazis and create racism out of "nothing at all"
Mary Poppins - Really

The revisionism of applying DPST "Standards" to a 1964 movie beloved by many is just STUPID.
Be my guest = DPST's

How your Outraged Anguish to the rafters of CNN, NYTimes, MSNBC, and other Plantation Racist DPST Suck = Up groups.

Written by One not capable of doing anything constructive.

Conservatives offer acceptance to all of like opinion regardless, and Equal Opportunity to All.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I agree New lows , Electoral college stuff didn't work, Russian myth not working, The MAGA hat attack falling apart fast , all the race-baiting is finding dimocates VA GOV
Soo now music and movies the really sad part is the intellectual capacity of people has diminished to the point that some believe the idiocy
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-04-2019, 10:00 AM
Bunch of crying from both extremes in this forum.

CBS...eill not air a commercial !

Baby killers everywhere on the left!

Biggest bunch of titty babies I've ever run across!

Any hypocrites too.

Yall ever thought how silly you look crying about how others cry. Like a god damn fat man at an all you can eat buffet making fun of all the fat people eating there
Bunch of crying from both extremes in this forum.

CBS...eill not air a commercial !

Baby killers everywhere on the left!

Biggest bunch of titty babies I've ever run across!

Any hypocrites too.

Yall ever thought how silly you look crying about how others cry. Like a god damn fat man at an all you can eat buffet making fun of all the fat people eating there Originally Posted by WTF
And you're the Grand Pooh-Bah...
Don't tell me you're one of the ones that can't handle the truth...if you don't like the discourse of the political forum...nothing is keeping you here