And now we know not only does she track lisence plate info, but she also discusses clients with other clients (according to JD Barleycorn.)
Again, this ^^^ is conversation currently being discussed in private sections. No need to give her more publicity here on the co-ed thread.
Again, this ^^^ is conversation currently being discussed in private sections. No need to give her more publicity here on the co-ed thread. Originally Posted by Gemma34
I didn't know it was being discussed in private forums, I just read it on the review, in a public area.. Didn't get around to the private forums yet.
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 08-22-2013, 03:46 PM
I missed alot of the posts on this provider but from reading others posts I kind of got most of it. In all my years of this perfection. whether it be an agency or independently I have never heard of someone asking for tag info.

Now on that note... Everyone keeps some kind of note of potential or already seen. And yes gents you do it too. Originally Posted by Carlylov
Sorry for the hatchet job on your post, but only wanted to respond to these things.

1. She didn't ask for tag info. She took it, in a deceitful fashion, which is the basis (on the guys part) for the uproar on this thread.

2. Ummm, no I don't keep notes. I can only speak for myself, but why the hell would I need to keep notes on any woman in the hobby? Everything I need to know I can find at my fingertips through my own reviews or everyone elses here. The only note I keep is a torn piece of paper with her number on it, so I can call when I get to her destination. Then it's burned.
MisterSir's Avatar
It's not common practice that chick hunnybunny it what ever her name is today has a weird business manner Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol
"Whatever her name is today. . ." oh the irony.
MisterSir's Avatar
I'm not terribly pleased to learn of Persian Lily's little Patriot Act. It makes us vulnerable should it fall into LE hands, that's true. However, I would also be surprised if she was the only one doing it. Remember Heidi Fleiss?

Girls have been keeping records of men for ages, its nothing new. For agencies and brothels its common practice. The girls don't have much protection, and having that info provides a layer of possible protection.

Although the thread about it was deleted, we did have recent and savage attacks on several girls. I know one of them personally (she called me from the emergency room). She had to take a lot of tome to recover and was afraid the had permanent damage. I don't like what Persian Lily has done, but I don't blame her for it one bit.
ICTguy32's Avatar
wow.. I am so glad I never even attempted to meet Persian/HunnyBunny

I cannot thank PleasantSurprise enough for shedding light on this situation for everyone on the board. It was the 'right' thing to do.. and yes Mods i understand it broke board rules...

for her actions she rose significantly higher on my "to do list" wink wink nudge nudge..
MisterSir's Avatar
Any guy who I have met will tell you im a stand up gal Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol
Er, no. Definitely would not.
"Whatever her name is today. . ." oh the irony. Originally Posted by MisterSir
dirty dog's Avatar
Er, no. Definitely would not. Originally Posted by MisterSir

leave it alone bro, why go there
Edit I won't even go there today.. Walking away
Edit I won't even go there today.. Walking away Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol
+1000 bailey. I know that is hard but some people will just never get it.
Maverick 07's Avatar
The info about Persian Bunny WTF probably should have stayed in ML but its to late for that..The bigger problem is that she is a mental midget who has no idea how to handle this profession. If someone doesnt have experience in adult entertainment they will think this kind of behavior is harmless. Wrong if PB or whatever the fuck she calls herself pulled this type of crap at a adult club her bag and all her meds would be on the curb quicker than you can say you gone.. If anyone here is defending her then you are even more stupid than the village idiot we're discussing. And leave Bailey alone she has proven herself..
Couple of footnotes to this unfortunate, but needed thread....just to wrap things up

Thanks to the ladies such as Sins, 8Eve and Gemma34. (If I left a name or two out, my apologies) Although I have not had the pleasure of seeing any of you. Thank you for showing us, that you ladies are true pros. Who reflect some genuine wisdom on the way this hobby adventure works.

Thanks to the other ladies...who, in their initial rush to judge this thread, placed their initial focus on PS's breaking guidelines...rather than helping us guys out. And after checking various back channels, over the past several days, the guys have determined that your "concerns for our safety and privacy" showed absolutely NO actions on your parts in letting us know anything thru back channeling.

Is it your responsibility to watch our We are adults, responsible for making our on choices. But it has been very enlightening to see how some people's words and actions don't always match up. If so here, then perhaps elsewhere?? I certainly won't make that assumption...but I am certainly not alone in noticing the lack of communications.

Not intended as a slam...although I'm sure some will unfortunately take it that way, heh...just a honest observation. Plain and simple.

Watching the back pedaling throughout this thread, has indeed been very enlighting.

And finally, again, thanks for PS. Whose action has been described as catering to new clients. Maybe. But if so, carter away PS...and thanks for doing so, in a real way. Rather than just posting some ThreAD

And thanks to the Lady Mod, who has come out with some solid input as to how any future situations may be handled

Happy and safe hobbying to Everyone!!
noleftturn's Avatar
Thanks vkm, I was also going to let this just die a slow death. This is another case of killing the messenger rather than the individual responsible for the message. Withholding any information that could prove to be harmful to any member of this site is WRONG. This was that type of information. You ladies had knowledge of something that could damage reputations, jobs, and most of all your incomes as well. It has been said that PS cannot be trusted but yet nothing was said about PL. Why? Because she posted in a Female only restricted area. She did not share this info with the people who should be aware of this practice. PL did not record any of the ladies' license numbers, only the guys that went to see her because they wanted to see her. Remember it is the guys who pay. You can keep your secrets but when that secret can cause problems with anyone on this board, male or female, that segment of the community needs to know about it. I applaud PS for her ability to see this and do the right thing. Punish the individual responsible for the practice.