Sugar Daddys

stimulatethemind's Avatar
I think the whole SD/SB is just a big waste of time! If you want to be in a relationship short or long term..join Originally Posted by SensualSpecialist
SS, I respectfully disagree and I speak from experience. I am currently in a very satisfying relationship with a very intelligent and beautiful young lady who I initially met as provider/client. We have sort of a "hybrid" SD/SB relationship. I provide her with a monthly allowance (our agreement) and some very frequent nice gifts (only because I really want to, not part of the agreement). We typically have two dates per week. She is free to see other clients (usually only 3-4 per month) who are all select, regular clients. Her safety is of paramount importance to me, and with this arrangement, she has no worries about that. I also know that I am always her first priority. We are going on vacation together to a beautiful 5 Star resort out of the country in November. She gives me great companionship, intelligent conversation and fantastic BCD playtime. In other words, we are equals and care only about making each other happy in every way possible, without the drama and hassles of most RL relationships. I care deeply about this woman and do whatever I can to make her life better and she does the same for me. How is this a waste of time????
Beau Derierre's Avatar
SS, I respectfully disagree and I speak from experience. I am currently in a very satisfying relationship with a very intelligent and beautiful young lady who I initially met as provider/client. We have sort of a "hybrid" SD/SB relationship. I provide her with a monthly allowance (our agreement) and some very frequent nice gifts (only because I really want to, not part of the agreement). We typically have two dates per week. She is free to see other clients (usually only 3-4 per month) who are all select, regular clients. Her safety is of paramount importance to me, and with this arrangement, she has no worries about that. I also know that I am always her first priority. We are going on vacation together to a beautiful 5 Star resort out of the country in November. She gives me great companionship, intelligent conversation and fantastic BCD playtime. In other words, we are equals and care only about making each other happy in every way possible, without the drama and hassles of most RL relationships. I care deeply about this woman and do whatever I can to make her life better and she does the same for me. How is this a waste of time???? Originally Posted by stimulatethemind
Are you questioning yourself? If it works for you that's wonderful! But them slim findings of finding the gem you have are rare. I am not against the SB/SD relationship (agreements), I just believe there are twice as many fake SD's out there than SB'S.. just my 2 cents
Beau Derierre's Avatar
I've tried that. They are not interested in a guy 20+ years older than their self. Originally Posted by Seeker
That is not true Seeker. I don't know what your hopes were in finding companionship. There is always that special someone for everyone. I guess most SD's set standards on stereo type women which will almost always not end well. Myself being 35 with no kids living at home. I have no SO and no debt, I signed up on numerous sites looking for an older mature companion. I was not looking for someone to offer me allowance, but enjoy life with me in a non materialistic way. If that makes sense. I went on about five dates all set up as dinner dates. And each time all you hear come out their mouth is what they have. To me that is a very big turn off. I mean by all means be proud of you accomplishments but most SD's are just plain stuck up! I would love to meet an older gentleman that is established can afford to pick up the tab. .but I don't need him to pay my light bill. I have learned in life it's about what you experience and who you experience making memories and sharing laughter is priceless..I do agree that it makes it easier when a SD is established in life it just makes things less complicated.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
All of this lmao.

Well said, Elle.

Very funny, Bree but oh so true.

Here's my opinion: Hobbyists say all the time that a provider cannot be a sugarbaby. Well.. I personally think a hobbyist cannot be a sugardaddy. Hobbyists that go the "sugardaddy" route or should I say.. what they THINK is the sugardaddy route are only looking for one thing: Cheap pussy. They trick unassuming, naive civie chicks into thinking that they're are sugardaddies when they're really just , in fact, cheap hobbyists.

A hobbyists that finds a provider he likes and takes care of her for an extended period of time is simply in an exclusive arrangement. She is being taken care of. And I don't mean paying a phone bill here and there. That is not taking care of someone. He's not a sugardaddy. Those words (sugardaddy/sugarbaby) do not belong in the escort world. I find it amazing that a man can give a girl $1,000 a month and think he's truly in an exclusive arrangement with her.

Gotyour6 said:

A lot of men have an issue with paying for "it" so I see how this arrangement is great for those men. This arrangement helps them feel better about themselves. Forgive me but it almost reminds me of pimping, a lot of pimped girls never hold the cash they're paid - instead the pimp keeps all the money and gives her money when she needs/wants it. I prefer the exclusive mistress arrangment where I am being taken care of as in he gives me LOTS of cash so that I can take care of myself.

Gotyour6, you go on and on bragging about yourself in every other post. I really don't get what you being young and hot has to do with the topic at hand. Who cares? Lots of young and hot guys here ..but you don't see them posting about it in every single post. Also you seem to put others down when they disagree with you. I used to do that a lot myself but it was as a defense mechanism. Please don't do that. It only takes away from your post.

Last but not least, I do have a few questions for the self-proclaimed "sugardaddies".

You are here so you obviously see "hookers". You pay $200 and up an hour for a hooker and then give your "sugarbabbies" significantly less. Most if not all of you, put these women (your sugarbabies) on a pedastal while putting escorts down in your posts, why is that?

Are your sugarbabies aware of your role in the hobby? Do they KNOW you see hookers? How do they feel about that?

How do you know your sugarbabies aren't hooking on the side?
I know a lot of escorts on sugardaddy sites. I also know a lot of ladies that
cry broke, have sugardaddies and make 100k a year.

Some of you post pictures of your sugarbabies. Do they women know that their photos are being scattered all over hookerboards? Do you not care about their privacy? Why do you post pictures of them here? Is this your way of showing us you're not lying about your findings?

To me, a sugarbaby is a really cheap prostitute that hasn't figured out how to use the internet to sell herself to the highest bidder. They're slow learners. They eventually realize they could have been paid in full and become full blown escorts. Originally Posted by hiddenrose
SS, with all due respect, it sounds to me as though you were selecting and screening for precisely the kind of men you got.

You are the one who chose the finalists, who got to the audition. You chose the audition format, "dinner date". What did you expect to get?

Suppose you had said in your various personals "I am not looking for XXX. As such, proposing the traditional 'dinner date' will be wasting your time and mine. Show me some creativity." What might have happened then?
That is not true Seeker. I don't know what your hopes were in finding companionship. There is always that special someone for everyone. I guess most SD's set standards on stereo type women which will almost always not end well. Myself being 35 with no kids living at home. I have no SO and no debt, I signed up on numerous sites looking for an older mature companion. I was not looking for someone to offer me allowance, but enjoy life with me in a non materialistic way. If that makes sense. I went on about five dates all set up as dinner dates. And each time all you hear come out their mouth is what they have. To me that is a very big turn off. I mean by all means be proud of you accomplishments but most SD's are just plain stuck up! I would love to meet an older gentleman that is established can afford to pick up the tab. .but I don't need him to pay my light bill. I have learned in life it's about what you experience and who you experience making memories and sharing laughter is priceless..I do agree that it makes it easier when a SD is established in life it just makes things less complicated. Originally Posted by SensualSpecialist
I understand exactly where you come from.

You're just meeting the wrong guys. With young women, there is a financial need and a need for mentorship. She tells him what her financial needs are and what her goals are, and he tells her what he can do for her financially, and does things with her to prepare her for mingling at a certain level of society. He's charming, and she enjoys hearing about his business acumen. When things end, it's either easy or feelings have developed and it's hard.

As an older woman, they're not sure as to what it is we need from them. Understanding the needs of a woman helps put the reason for the relationship in perspective for them. We have homes and cars, and most of us don't need mentorship or business advice. So they feel like this is some intrusion of feelings for them or a substitution for a real relationship for you. They talk about the money to make sure you have an understanding of what this is about.

What needs to happen is you change your profile so that there is an understanding of your mentality and the type of arrangement you're looking for (of course without sounding stuck up). There are men out there looking for you, and your profile just has to reach him.

Once I did this, I started meeting the men that have that understanding. I met a man recently that I know is married. We didn't talk about money or family, not even my financial expectations. We got to know each other like normal people who were attracted to each other. We discussed interests, places we'd like to or have to travel, schedules and the like; nothing too heavy.

In our email communications, I expressed my excitement with the Fall fashions of one of my favorite stores. When we met for dinner the first time, he brought me a gift card to that store. We communicate when we can, and we're looking to travel together soon. Because I'm as busy as he is, what we have works. There is an understanding that I won't make any demands on his time, and he won't make any demands on mine. But when we do get together, things are super fun (which is not normal for him all the time), and what he does for me is out of the kindness of his heart. Let's just say that we're both getting what we want out of this relationship.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Once I did this, I started meeting the men that have that understanding. I met a man recently that I know is married. We didn't talk about money or family, not even my financial expectations. We got to know each other like normal people who were attracted to each other. We discussed interests, places we'd like to or have to travel, schedules and the like; nothing too heavy.

In our email communications, I expressed my excitement with the Fall fashions of one of my favorite stores. When we met for dinner the first time, he brought me a gift card to that store. We communicate when we can, and we're looking to travel together soon. Because I'm as busy as he is, what we have works. There is an understanding that I won't make any demands on his time, and he won't make any demands on mine. But when we do get together, things are super fun (which is not normal for him all the time), and what he does for me is out of the kindness of his heart. Let's just say that we're both getting what we want out of this relationship. . Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson

Someone that gets it!!!!!!!
SlowLearner's Avatar
There's so much generalization in this thread!

I've gotten to personally know several providers and observed others. No two are the same, but there are a couple of truisms:
  • Like all of us, they are shaped by their life experiences
  • Like all of us, life experiences make them better or make them worse
  • Like all of us, they have feelings, emotions. The degree and type may differ.
  • Like all of us, they want "the finer things" money can buy (like avoiding homelessness or avoiding low-paying mind-numbing jobs).
  • Some may have a history of abuse which may influence them.
  • Some may be working to provide for their families or kids.
  • Some may work just because they want a Mercedes.
There are so many variables.

And, like providers, SBs are in it for the money. Sure, there may be a mental/emotional attachment, but I'd wager it's certainly not as strong as the financial one.

I can think of at least two providers I've seen who, IMHO, would make good companions (SB). They were real, down-to-earth, honest, genuine. And I can think of a couple of others who were hooked on drugs or booze (not good candidates for SB).

Providers may become jaundiced because of their clientele (or because of abuse earlier in life).

But it's not fair, IMHO, to lump them all together.

Another option is an affair with a married woman (sites like Ashely Madison). Somebody else is already buying her stuff. But those relationships can be demanding because she's probably looking for something other than sex: She wants somebody to want her, to pay attention to her.

But one part of this discussion amuses me: An older guy with an 18-year-old SB. Good grief, how do you get her to leave her skateboard and come to the bedroom? Or does she bring her skateboard with her? "Skateboard position"? And what sort of conversation can you have? Justin Bieber and Lawrence Welk comparisons?

Over-generalization isn't valid, and that's why there's so much discussion in this thread. Who wants to be pushed into a generalized mold?
Fastcars1966's Avatar

She did and we went out to dinner at a TGIFridays. She said she wasnt use to going to fancy places and didnt know what to order. (How cute is that) Originally Posted by Gotyour6
LMAO. Fancy places Wow. So that's how you find a SB, go to a poor neighborhood, or find a poor girl that you can sweep of their feet with a dinner at TGIFridays.

I had a SB that was a student, I put her up in one of my apartments and helped her out with books and gave her some spending money from time to time. It lasted about two years then she graduated and moved away. I still talk to her, but now she is married and has a nice family. Even though they are trading sex for money / rent / books.... We were friends with benefits. I enjoyed her company, and she enjoyed mine there were no demands other than rent that is. Now I don't know a provider that would have settled for that type of arrangement, and I think that is the difference. An SB appreciates the help, but not looking for total support or a permanent relationship.
She was focused on school, and didn't have time for a conventional boy friend.
Someone that gets it!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Not only am I a REAL WOMAN who gets it, I'm a companion that gets it.

It goes back to what SlowLearner says. The determining factors for which escorts are deemed good sugarbabies are the same factors for which determine if any woman would make a good sugarbaby. It's not her environment or where she comes from, but her mindset about the things that she's gone through, and how that impacts where she's going and how she gets there.

Ladies that know better (either by experience or by having the smarts) do better.
I am a sugar daddy.

I am a true one not looking for cheap pussy and I can tell you this, if you are just looking for a steady client say that is what you are looking for. MOst providers I know have failed at the sb scene. Dont know if you are going to be one of them and I don't care. Just telling you a look at history is all I have to go by.

What I expect from my main sugar baby is to be a GF when I need a GF.

I take her shooting, on trips, bought her a car, an apartment and give her an allowance.
This weekend I am taking her shopping for her birthday and on a weekend trip.

I have been with her for 4 months now. Longest one was three years. The three year one she wanted to go back to school and i thought that was good. Took me a year to find the one I am with now.

Be open and honest. That means telling them what you do or did. If mine said she was a provider I would tell her to hit the bricks. There has to be chemistry in it, you have to like each other and the first time we were with each other and she said she can't get off because she is still nervous meant she wouldnt fake it for the sake of getting money.

Have more than one sugar daddy means I am not giving you what you need. Beat it. If you agree to have more than one so be it. Again, open and honest. I will allow you to be young and you allow me to be not so young.

Want to know more PM me. is nothing more than a pay per fuck or a place where young girls who watch MTV think they are going to get a BMW on the first meet.

If you are looking for more clients whatsyourprice is another place

ETA: Just looking at your reviews I am thinking you will be part of the history I look at. Originally Posted by Gotyour6
I am doing everything wrong.
I have been faithful and monogamous with my BFs in the past.
It was not about money...but about THEIR desires....I loved them.
In the beginning, it was sexual, but there was also a deep connection and made them the center of my universe.
I always had a chilled wine glasses in the freezer and stocked lots of his favorite (expensive) wine, bought him lunch or made it for him.
Ran errands for him when he was busy, and made him insane with passion.

He wanted to make sure I was in it for the right reasons.

There are major differences in trysts and an emotional bond.
I need there to be FEELING.

It really isn't about money.
It is a deep connection and just helping each other get through life.
AmazingAmber26's Avatar
To be a true Sugar Daddy-the man has to be spending $$ on their baby
Outside of their weekly or bi-weekly sessions.
Please Note- I am looking for a Sugar Daddy :-)

I disagree with you that providers cannot be good SBs!

I think it all depends on the person. I was a SB while i was a provider. I did meet the SD online but i met them on and not on a SD/SB site and his profile did not mention anything about money or wealth. The only clue to his wealth was that He put down a Wealthy area zip code on his profile location.

I never expected any money allowance wise from him and we never talked about him giving me an allowance. For me it was more about the Experience! The nice expensive dinners.. the weekend away... the going out to VIP places which is all experience. Not about getting paid.

As a provider. It's different. I see being a provider as work aka getting paid and i see being with a SD as someone i am dating in my personal life. You know.. things like you can call a SD and tell him all about how your day sucked where as a provider. You are not going to tell a client in a 1 hour booking how much your day sucked. lol
You can do whatever you want. Relationships between people, and the expectations in those relationships have infinite variations. It was news to me when I started hearing about girls having sex with their sugar daddies. I have always used the term sugar daddy to describe a man who provided a luxurious lifestyle, and/or expensive gifts, but didn't expect sex in return. Those were my experiences, but that was before all the sugar websites. I always thought that if you slept with the man who gave you gifts, you were his girlfriend or mistress. See how different expectations can be? Nobody can tell you what every man wants. I know men who would read Mr 6's posts and think "I would never eat in a TGI Friday's". But he certainly has the right to his opinion. He wants value and appreciation for his perceived generosity. If everyone is happy with the situation then that's wonderful. Other men prefer a woman with more experience, someone less likely get too attached and cause problems. Maybe the word sugar baby has connotations of innocence and naiveté, but you could replace it with the word mistress for the exact same relationship description these days, if that makes everyone more comfortable.

As a provider. It's different. I see being a provider as work aka getting paid and i see being with a SD as someone i am dating in my personal life. You know.. things like you can call a SD and tell him all about how your day sucked where as a provider. You are not going to tell a client in a 1 hour booking how much your day sucked. lol Originally Posted by SydneySin
Totally agree. Maybe I'm getting too old, but I need more of a personal connection without major time constraints to get my fire going. Which is where the sugar baby comes in.