I Expect Net Neutrality To Shut Eccie Down or Severely Limit It's Ability To Operate

  • iquit
  • 12-19-2017, 12:40 AM
Net Neutrality means that companies that use a huge amount of bandwidth (Netflix, Facebook, etc.) are charged the same as an individual posting their own Blog.

It’s no different than an Electricity Provider. You pay for the kilowatt hours you use. Bandwidth usage should be the same. Pay for what you use. Originally Posted by Vaginaterian
Not the same thing. I pay for hosting services on the server where my blog is, but I don't pay a particular Internet provider for them to allow others to access my site. It will be a world where if I have Comcast, I can't access Hulu while someone else can if they have a different ISP. It will kill any new startups that threaten the dominance of the few ISP's we currently have.
  • pxmcc
  • 12-19-2017, 01:55 AM
^^sounds like a monopoly to me. where's our good buddy Teddy Roosevelt the trust buster when u need him? (ya, i know he's in no position to help at the moment..)

drain the swamp? ya, not so much..