Trump legal going ons

Don the Con...people still listen to him and give him money...what a joke.
Zollner's Avatar
Zollner's Avatar
REAL Republican Patriots you can respect and support, a group demagogue Donnie threatens to sue yet again, to silence.

Unlike those poorly educated and deballed Trump twinks & cucks who still grovel before their delusional Traitor, demagogue Donnie.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
by REAL... I take it GOP in the swamp with the DEM

BTW not on topic with his legal mmmmm war/s
What's the next "We Got HIM Now" ????
Zollner's Avatar
Incorrect as usual...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Incorrect as usual... Originally Posted by Zollner
yes you are from my view

BTW what is the next legal "We Got HIM Now"////
Zollner's Avatar
Hahahaha he gets his new from the late show. Please tell me you realize the news on Saturday night live is a comedy skit. Originally Posted by heavenlysparrow
Actually Colbert News is far more accurate and factual than what FAUX and Twatter Cuckson regurgitates to the poorly educated mindless base of Don.

Now SNL is one big meme of the extremist RW GOP base of Traitors, who appear to work more for Putin than the USA.
This was expertly shown below: at 5:50 of this skit how James Austin Johnson does the best impersonation of Donnie's patented "Steam of Unconsciousness" way of talking.....something that a few others here also have mastered very well!!!.....LOL
Zollner's Avatar
yes you are from my view

BTW what is the next legal "We Got HIM Now"//// Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
There are 3 currently ongoing;
Jan 6 Treason
NYS Business Tax/Fraud Suit

Which one you prefer to defend your fav traitor on???
offshoredrilling's Avatar
There are 3 currently ongoing;
Jan 6 Treason
NYS Business Tax/Fraud Suit

Which one you prefer to defend your fav traitor on??? Originally Posted by Zollner
6 or 7 years of "We Got HIM Now"
NYS current one is civil. NYS AG so is saying I taint got shit, But I have fund my I hate HIM run for office.

Seems DEM dose not really wast in jail. They need the endless drag him to court so they have something to run against.
Good reading and watching z.
Them Boyz left over from ASPD showing there true unblue colors by gettin behind and stayin behind traitors.
Good thing ASPD folded or we woulda fed the traitor lovers there own sac of balls cuz they dont use em for anything else.
We didn't have the best members in them days but at least the good ones had America at heart.
The source of all the legal going ons

Zollner's Avatar

More like this.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

More like this.
Originally Posted by Zollner
taint that play book getting kinda old ????
and looks not on topic

When NYS AG current drag HIM to court fails, Will she try yet again. She has over 150 times...
Zollner's Avatar
When NYS AG current drag HIM to court fails, Will she try yet again. She has over 150 times... Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Can you provide a link to that 150 times????
Without any proof it's just more Donnie droppings!
Perhaps your Pal Putin or Twatter Cuckson can help you here!!!....

This fits your thinking quite well o .....

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Members we are drifting off the threads subject.

Let’s get back on track
