She is out of YOUR League or is she?

shorty's Avatar
London. . . You don't need 2hrs to look like a 9-10. You don't give yourself enough credit for still looking awesome in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning.
London Rayne's Avatar
No, I need two hours to look like an 8 lol. OMG I just realized you saw me without make-up! Bluck! I am surprised you didn't jump right in the lake that morning!
shorty's Avatar
London. . .I was actually looking for the GreyGoose lol.
London Rayne's Avatar
WOW, and you don't even drink ha ha!
shorty's Avatar
London . . . HA HA but your Chocolate drink was very good. Wished I had gotten that.
Still Looking's Avatar
I'm 58 so I guess that starts me at a five no matter what. I can be an opinionated asshole -1. I'm very tall and in good shape= who gives a shit. I have all my hair. I guess that's good. I guess I have the Benjamin factor so I guess that's +1. I can open a ketchup bottle. I guess that makes me a 3.2365897. Originally Posted by burkalini
OK Burk, let me give you a hand. Your under 60 so you start at a 6. Being an asshole -1. Tall and good shape +1. Having all your hair +1. Benjamin factor +1. Taking teeth out before DATY +2. Skid marks in under wear -2. Skid marks in under wear not in bed +1. Your a SOLID 9 BURK!

So there you have it! You’re a 9 and Naomi is a 12 by her own admission. A guy can never jump more than two points! Now, Burk I'm almost afraid to ask, but do you play the banjo. That would be a +1 and there could be hope!?

Burk. . . You left out the two most important factors. Taking your teeth out for DATY (-2). Having skid marks in the undies (-2). So your score would be -1.5666 Originally Posted by shorty
Come on now Shorty. Burk wouldn't wear those skid mark under wear to a session. And taking the teeth out before DATY is a plus factor as is taking them out for BBBJ for provider scoring! Condiments are not score able unless on the privates. The following are +1 if you can tolerate these on the privates during BBBJ: A1, Ketchup, Mustard, Mayo, Salt, Pepper and all the hot sauces.
Naomi4u's Avatar
So I guess I'm the only one that can make myself look like a 10 in 20-30 minutes. lol
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-23-2011, 07:52 AM
I will never understand why many ladies feel they need multiple hours to get ready. There are many ladies I have gotten to know and we will occasionally just go out to lunch, etc. In those cases it is strictly a social call and while appropriately dressed to fit in, the lady usually doesn't get all made up. And I have found most of them look fantastic anyway!

The insecurity many ladies have about their looks amazes (and saddens) me. There are a lot of women who are a solid "very good looking" who have convinced themselves--or have been brow beaten into believing--that they are no better than "average". Very sad in my opinion.

A lady I know very well is going through this right now as she is trying to end this career and start another--and a "real" social life. She is pretty (a legitimate 7+), fantastic personality, early 30s, outgoing--and so worried that if she is not escorting no guy would look at her because she's not attractive. I took her out to dinner, told her we were going to a mid level restaurant but took her to a high end hotspot with lots of singles (not my kind of place, but it served the purpose). Had the waiter sit us in the middle of the room. After her embarrasment about being underdressed I started subtily pointing out how many young guys were looking her over. When she went to the restroom she came back and said two guys hit on her just walking there and back, at least one knew she was with someone (me) but assumed I was the dad.

Even with this she isn't convinced that she is attractive.

Sometimes I think it would be better for a lot of women if cosmetics were never invented.
Naomi4u's Avatar
But... But... A lot of guys find it attractive when a 9 considers herself a 7. It's a turn on for them. When a 9 considers herself a 9 - She's stuck up/ a bitch / or maybe even arrogant - ya know? So a lot of ladies play the "I'm not that hot" role just so they can hear "Yes you are". Been there, done that, Got the t-shirt. I don't need anyone's validation. I know I'm fucking sexy!

However, OldManT, I agree with eveything you've posted.

Now that are a lot of ladies that are hot and think they look like shit. -- Maybe that comes from her
childhood, low-self esteem, abusive relationships - ya know? There are also a lot of ladies like look like shit
and think they're hot like ladjflajlfjaldjakjfd (Not saying names)
Still Looking's Avatar
So I guess I'm the only one that can make myself look like a 10 in 20-30 minutes. lol Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I thought you were a 12?

I will never understand why many ladies feel they need multiple hours to get ready.
Sometimes I think it would be better for a lot of women if cosmetics were never invented. Originally Posted by Old-T
They put their make up on with a brush that has only 3 hairs? What the hell? LOL
Naomi4u's Avatar
I thought you were a 12? Originally Posted by Still Looking
No no I said my personality makes me a 12. That really doesn't count because there are a few here on eccie that thinks I'm a bitch. So -- that is a very subjective statement. NOw no one can tell me I am not hot - hehehe.
But... But... A lot of guys find it attractive when a 9 considers herself a 7. It's a turn on for them. When a 9 considers herself a 9 - She's stuck up/ a bitch / or maybe even arrogant - ya know? So a lot of ladies play the "I'm not that hot" role just so they can hear "Yes you are". Been there, done that, Got the t-shirt. I don't need anyone's validation. I know I'm fucking sexy!

However, OldManT, I agree with eveything you've posted.

Now that are a lot of ladies that are hot and think they look like shit. -- Maybe that comes from her
childhood, low-self esteem, abusive relationships - ya know? There are also a lot of ladies like look like shit
and think they're hot like ladjflajlfjaldjakjfd (Not saying names) Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Your post and Old-T have interesting posts. After my divorce, I ventured out and tried a few night spots. After being married for over 15 years my wife and I really never went to Bars anymore. The Bar scene felt a little intimidating after I was single again. What I would do is sit quietly at the Bar and just watch people, something I like to do anyway. I would play the numbers game too, as I would be having a conversation with the Bar Tender or a patron, I would also scan the room and observe the various women. What I noticed more often than not was the women who would be rated as very unattractive such as 3,4,5. These girls were generally heavy, dressed inappropiately and didn't get much attention from men. The Girls that were extremely attractive the 9-10's if you will. were often times rather tall 5'6-5'8 well proportioned stylishly dressed and makeup was applied impecably. Although these girls appeared more sociable than the latter group, I didn't notice where men gave them an abundance of attention either. It was the girls in the middle the 6,7,8's that I noticed were enjoying the most attention from men and many girls in that group were in there with a date. the other two groups were with a small covey of their friends. By the way, these little groups of girls were not all within the same rating. Some of the real attractive girls had average looking friends. Now my observations are just that, observations. Someone else may have a totally different view. But I find my observations interesting,
Naomi4u's Avatar
I didn't notice where men gave them an abundance of attention either. It was the girls in the middle the 6,7,8's that I noticed were enjoying the most attention from men and many girls in that group were in there with a date, the other two groups were with a small covey of their friends. Originally Posted by acp5762
Fact of the matter is a lot of men are intimidated by very attractive women. They feel more confident chatting with the girl that is 6,7,8 than the 9/10 for that reason. Maybe they feel they will say something stupid or make an ugly face -- A guy I met while touring told me this and I have found this to be true.

Acp, Did you know that some average looking girls go out to bars with extremely unattractive women just so they can look like a 9? It's a known thing among women though they will not admit it.

I have even noticed that when I don't try to look my best (Jeans, tshirt, baseball cap..etc), I ALWAYS get hit on, asked out..etc. I can walk outside in a paper bag and get the same reaction but when I get all dolled up, guys will just stare, hold the door for me, gawk at me but they're too scared to say anything.
Fact of the matter is a lot of men are intimidated by very attractive women. They feel more confident chatting with the girl that is 6,7,8 than the 9/10 for that reason. Maybe they feel they will say something stupid or make an ugly face -- A guy I met while touring told me this and I have found this to be true.

Acp, Did you know that some average looking girls go out to bars with extremely unattractive women just so they can look like a 9? It's a known thing among women though they will not admit it.

I have even noticed that when I don't try to look my best (Jeans, tshirt, baseball cap..etc), I ALWAYS get hit on, asked out..etc. I can walk outside in a paper bag and get the same reaction but when I get all dolled up, guys will just stare, hold the door for me, gawk at me but they're too scared to say anything. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Yes, I would say that is quite true. In 2006 after my divorce I met a girl who didn't live far from me. She too was going through a Divorce. She was rather tall, about 5'10 very pretty. Her husband was a bad apple. She was very distraught over the fact her four year marriage was ending. She told me she would probably be alone for ever. Well trying to be encouraging and truthful, I told her that as pretty as she was, she would have guys lined up at her door serenading her. She sorta laughed and said " guys really don't hit on me that much". At the time I was surprised to hear her say that, but now I realize it's quite true. The information in your post was not new to me, but it was still nice to hear it cause it confirms what I tend to believe now.
burkalini's Avatar
I do like women more when they are a little self deprecating. I am like that myself also. To be told by someone that they are beautiful is just not sexy to me at all. Outside beauty draws all of us guys initialy but character and inside beauty keeps us there. I would think this is the same for gals also. We are what we are and nothing will change that. I personally don't need a I am beautiful sign held out for me to see. I see lots of people like this in the gym. Way too narcisstic. Just my opinion