Hillary Clinton is kicking major Republican @ss in the latest general election polls

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yep, Tampon deflects the question and pounces on the typo. What a moron...

By the way, I'm not running for president and I lost track of my gpa years ago. I didn't go to school for that. I will tell you that I scored a 96% on by ASVAB the first time, 100% when I went to boot camp. I also had a combined 1480 on my SATs when they had a max of 1600. Not that you will believe me but there it is.
I will tell you that I scored a 96% on by ASVAB the first time, 100% when I went to boot camp. I also had a combined 1480 on my SATs when they had a max of 1600. Not that you will believe me but there it is. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Link, or STFU? (You choose, it doesn't matter to me!)
LexusLover's Avatar
Yep, Tampon deflects the question and pounces on the typo. What a moron..... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That's the limit of his intellectual capacity ...

..... but he IS attempting to redirect attention away from his inherent defciency.

He has yet to comprehend doing so just emphasizes his ineptness.

That's why he wants you to "STFU" .... silence those who make him look worse.
Yep, Tampon deflects the question and pounces on the typo. What a moron...

By the way, I'm not running for president and I lost track of my gpa years ago. I didn't go to school for that. I will tell you that I scored a 96% on by ASVAB the first time, 100% when I went to boot camp. I also had a combined 1480 on my SATs when they had a max of 1600. Not that you will believe me but there it is. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Not bad only 7 I's this time judy.
Yep, Tampon deflects the question and pounces on the typo. What a moron...

By the way, I'm not running for president and I lost track of my gpa years ago. I didn't go to school for that. I will tell you that I scored a 96% on by ASVAB the first time, 100% when I went to boot camp. I also had a combined 1480 on my SATs when they had a max of 1600. Not that you will believe me but there it is. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You're right, I don't believe you. Your arguments on here don't bolster your claims.
flghtr65's Avatar
Bush had a MBA. What was Obama's gap? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Obama has a law degree from HARVARD LAW SCHOOL.

No other human being on the planet can get into Harvard MBA with a 77 average in History, except Bush43. How did he do that? His father, an elected official called the Admissions office, that's how.
lustylad's Avatar
Hey flighty, why don't you look up Al Gore's academic record and stack it against Bush43? Gore was a terrible student at Harvard, flunked out of divinity school, and never finished law school.

Hey flighty, why don't you look up Al Gore's academic record and stack it against Bush43? Gore was a terrible student at Harvard, flunked out of divinity school, and never finished law school.

http://crm114.com/algore/reportcard.html Originally Posted by lustylad
Per usual, you deflect the argument. When did we bring up Al Gore? You can't make the case using Obama so you shift the argument to someone else who CAN help you make the argument. Your mistake is thinking that we agree with every Democrat that's ever lived. Gore is an idiot.
flghtr65's Avatar
Hey flighty, why don't you look up Al Gore's academic record and stack it against Bush43? Gore was a terrible student at Harvard, flunked out of divinity school, and never finished law school.

http://crm114.com/algore/reportcard.html Originally Posted by lustylad
Lad, you are good at leaving out facts to strengthen your argument. Gore did not flunk out of divinity school, he had incompletes that lapsed into F's when he went to law school and did not return to make up the incompletes. If you go by SAT score, Gore did better than Bush. From your link.

Gore arrived at Harvard with an impressive 1355 SAT score, 625 verbal and 730 math, compared with Bush's 1206 total from 566 verbal and 640 math.

He took the religious studies courses while also working full time as a journalist at the Nashville Tennessean, and after getting off to a strong start with an A-minus in Ethics, he failed to complete any of the three courses he took in the fall of 1971, and those incompletes eventually lapsed into F's. He returned for another semester in the spring of 1972, when two more incompletes turned into F's. Two years later, he enrolled in law school and spent three semesters there taking heavy course loads while still working at the newspaper. He performed satisfactorily, with a high grade of 81 in Legal Writing and a low grade of 69 in Civil Procedures II. Partway through the spring semester in 1976, he decided to run for an open seat in Tennessee's 3rd Congressional District.

Bush43's parents sent him to boarding school in CT to loose the Texas accent. He kept the accent and did not get any smarter. He finished Yale with a 77 average in History.


The Bush worshipers on ECCIE have looked past that.
lustylad's Avatar
You can't make the case using Obama so you shift the argument to someone else... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Riddle me this, moron. How does anyone make the case for or against Obama when he won't even release his transcripts?
LexusLover's Avatar
Obama has a law degree from HARVARD LAW SCHOOL.

No other human being on the planet can get into Harvard MBA with a 77 average in History, except Bush43. How did he do that? His father, an elected official called the Admissions office, that's how. Originally Posted by flghtr65
It's called "affirmative action."

"Handicapping" GPA and LSAT scores for minorities. Harvard was doing it before Obaminable applied. Do you see a chorus of Harvard professors singing his academic and intelligence praises? Not even the guy on the left:

flghtr65's Avatar
It's called "affirmative action."

"Handicapping" GPA and LSAT scores for minorities. Harvard was doing it before Obaminable applied. Do you see a chorus of Harvard professors singing his academic and intelligence praises?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
One thing is for sure, Bush43's GPA was handicapped with a phone call to the admissions office by his father.

Obama taught law at the University of Chicago Law School, one of the top law schools in the USA before he became a U.S. Senator.

Did Bush ever teach at an MBA school. The answer is no, he ran the Texas Rangers into the ground, became the Gov of Texas and then ran the USA into the steepest recession since 1929.

LexusLover's Avatar
One thing is for sure, Bush43's GPA was handicapped with a phone call to the admissions by his father. Originally Posted by flghtr65
And you got that from where? Besides out of your ass to try to make a point.

Obaminable will not release his transcripts, his application, his LSAT score, and/or his "acceptance" letter. His professors say nothing about his "entrance" and/or "performance" while there. He has not appeared as I have seen at ANY HARVARD alumni socials or gatherings. He and they have distanced themselves. That is indicative of a less than stellar academic record and/or a lack of respect from the faculty.

It's typical for the Obaminable apologists to divert attention away from his poor academic credentials, which he has refused to disclose, by ridiculing and marginalizing someone with average scholastic achievement who HAS disclosed his performance.

A generally accepted evidentiary principle is that the refusal to disclose information presumes the information is unfavorable to those withholding it.

It applies in the case of Obaminable.
LexusLover's Avatar
Obama taught law at the University of Chicago Law School, one of the top law schools in the USA before he became a U.S. Senator.[/URL] Originally Posted by flghtr65
So? What did he teach? How many courses did he teach? And please don't quote from a press release or newspaper report. Report the facts. The reality.

Where are his students praising what a "remarkable" professor he was?

A problem with trying desperately to "qualify" Obaminable as a legal scholar with high academic standards is that to do so further demonstrates his intent at violating the law when he knows the law. The SCOTUS has had to "instruct" him on that and I believe is about to do it again. He and his supporters claim he was a "Constitutional Law" professor at "one of the top law schools in the USA" (according to you), but he continues to violate the Constitution. He knows better....according to you.
flghtr65's Avatar

His professors say nothing about his "entrance" and/or "performance" while there. He has not appeared as I have seen at ANY HARVARD alumni socials or gatherings. He and they have distanced themselves. That is indicative of a less than stellar academic record and/or a lack of respect from the faculty.

It's typical for the Obaminable apologists to divert attention away from his poor academic credentials, which he has refused to disclose, by ridiculing and marginalizing someone with average scholastic achievement who HAS disclosed his performance.

A generally accepted evidentiary principle is that the refusal to disclose information presumes the information is unfavorable to those withholding it.

It applies in the case of Obaminable. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Obama graduated from Harvard Law School "Magna Cum Laude". Don't you think the University of Chicago Law school would have checked his qualifications before letting him teach there?


Bush43 did not teach anywhere. Bush43, in his senior year put 5 history classes on pass/fail. It would be kind of difficult to teach something you don't really know. From the link provided by L-LAD. No wonder the USA ended up in the steepest recession since the great depression at the end of his term.

Bush, a history major, scored mostly B's in that subject, as was first reported in the New Yorker, though the five history courses he took his senior year were all pass-fail.
