Why do you hobby instead of random hookups?

markde70's Avatar
Hobby is the cheapest way to go if you ask me!
One of my favorite phrases is, I'm the girlfriend of your dreams that you pay to go away! It is WAY cheaper to see a provider, even the higher priced girls. If you take a civvie of equal beauty and intelligence on a date, it would cost you MORE! Gf's and SO's even more so. And after you spend all that money, you may not get the goodies!
Save money, support your local hooker!
frogman0909's Avatar
that's what i meant RIGHT ON THE MONEY LOL
I do it for 3 reasons-

1-For the thrill
2-Because I sometimes get bored in between work meeting
3-For getting treated as a vip, even if its for an hour

If i was single i wouldnt hobby as i never had problem bedding woman np4p, but, when u you get old and have responsibilities you tend to look for discretion and quick fix.
Well, a lot of us are married!

I did both for a while, but this is a quicker alternative.
pyramider's Avatar
Back on topic......................

Do you know how hard it is to squeeze money out of a civvie? Originally Posted by RandomBlkChick

Blood out of a turnip hard?
Randall Creed's Avatar
There are MF'ers at the club, right now. New outfit, new shoes, new gold necklace, new cologne, got his lucky drawers on, car pimped out. They're doing THEIR BEST to get some tonight. Most of them are going to come up short, after investing a lot of money and time to get things just right. Odds are pretty good that many of them will go home looking like this If they get cockblocked, they'll be Some will end up with that good looking friend who has a good looking girlfriend, but SHE has a friend that looks like (sometimes vice versa).
The friend will be like and for putting himself in that position again after he said he would never from the last time. Meanwhile, he can hear his friend and his girl in the other room, while he sits waiting for them to finish, since he doesn't want to be an ass and leave his friend stranded. Otherwise, they may and stop being cool with each other.

Now if he'd just a provider, his night could've gone like instead of a with other hard dicks at the club.

Just saying.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
LOL Rambro, that's pretty good, well said/illustrated.
There are MF'ers at the club, right now. New outfit, new shoes, new gold necklace, new cologne, got his lucky drawers on, car pimped out. They're doing THEIR BEST to get some tonight. Most of them are going to come up short, after investing a lot of money and time to get things just right. Odds are pretty good that many of them will go home looking like this If they get cockblocked, they'll be Some will end up with that good looking friend who has a good looking girlfriend, but SHE has a friend that looks like (sometimes vice versa).
The friend will be like and for putting himself in that position again after he said he would never from the last time. Meanwhile, he can hear his friend and his girl in the other room, while he sits waiting for them to finish, since he doesn't want to be an ass and leave his friend stranded. Otherwise, they may and stop being cool with each other.

Now if he'd just a provider, his night could've gone like instead of a with other hard dicks at the club.

Just saying. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
FUCKING Grand Slam in the World Series...RBC Daman
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
I hobby, because I seriously don't have time for drama. I find hobbying cheaper, than having to do multiple dating sessions with the hopes of getting laid.
OMG! If what just happened to me is what the hobby is SUPPOSED to be, I may never quit!
I enjoy variety. Its a time saver and more profitable... I get to have more fun in an hour or 2. Get right to the fun, cut past the BS and we both leave happy... Guys expected the same thing for night of wining and dining... Now i can have 2 or 3 guys a night if I choose and they all leave happy... LOL... Next please!!!!