JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hellllo JL & JD!

Can you hear me now? Originally Posted by bigtex
How many times have I written that I don't gamble...especially with a welcher. That would be doubly foolish. Aren't you the one who confessed just last week that you don't believe in any of this stuff? You just talk shit.
How many times have I written that I don't gamble...especially with a welcher. That would be doubly foolish. Aren't you the one who confessed just last week that you don't believe in any of this stuff? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Please provide the link that I have previously welched on a bet in this forum (or anywhere else, for that matter).

I will save you the trouble. There is none!


What bothers you, JLIdiot, COIdiot (and to a lesser degree, TRENDINGIdiot) is that I consistently call y'all out when you make your stupid, indefensible statements. Oftentimes, I will do so with an offer of a put up or shut the fuck up wager.

True to form, when you, COIdiot and TrendingIdiot are backed in a corner your standard come back is that y'all don't gamble. When in reality, you do. Every time you see one of the ladies who advertise in this forum, it is a gamble. You are gambling that law enforcement will not find out. So yes, y'all do gamble!

I suspect that you would love nothing more than to accept my bet but you know deep down that it will not end well for you and your fellow Idiot's. The only thing worse than the public humiliation of being exposed for making a stupid and indefensible statement, is having to pay the $500 for doing so.

You conveniently play the "I don't gamble" card because you know that what I called you out on was a stupid, indefensible statement on your part. And now you must either put up or STFU. True to form, you and COIdiot choose to play the convenient "I don't gamble" card for one reason and one reason only. Why? Because y'all have been put in a corner and it is your only way out!

I will give you and COIdiot a little credit though. The two of you handle the situation with a little more finesse than JLIdiot. You and COG will pull out your convenient I DON'T GAMBLE card, hoping that a few of the non-idiot's will fall for your bullshit.

And then there is JLIdiot's way of handling the situation. He runs and hides, like the fuk'n COWARD that he is!

My unsolicited advice to JDIdiot, COIdiot, TrendingIdiot and JLIdiot follows:

If you don't want to be called out on your stupid, indefensible statements, try not making the statements in the first place. Problem solved! But if you do, you run the risk of me openly calling you out on it!

Apparently, Idiot's never learn! I openly challenge you and your fellow Idiot's to please prove me wrong.

FACT JACK part 2

And before I forget to mention it, my kind and generous offer of the $500 to each and every one of you still stands.

Put up or STFU!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Hellllo JL & JD!

Can you hear me now? Originally Posted by bigtex
You are like a stupid little kid, aren't you?
I told you what I would accept. You countered with what you want. We don't have an agreement.
Not only that, you have taken an insignificant event on an irrelevant SHMB where people who have some spare time blow off steam, and are treating it like Custer's last stand.
You are a tiresome little bitch.
If you got the points you deserved, fine. If you didn't, fine. I don't really think anyone gives a shit.
So, why don't you drop this topic and the 10 others you manage to prattle on about endlessly?

P.S. Fuck you, faggot!
I told you what I would accept. You countered with what you want. We don't have an agreement. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
My kind and generous $500 wager offer still stands! It is clear that an ECCIE Moderator is ready, willing and able to act as the intermediary, to ensure that the final resolution of the wager will be handled fairly and equitably.

It is you, who is running from the wager. Not me!

Put up or STFU and hopefully slink off into obscurity?

In fact, I am more than willing to up the ante! We can either add the following condition to the existing wager offer or I will make it as a stand alone counter to the original offer.

The choice is yours!

If the Moderator determines that I was given infraction points, (between January 1, 2015 and January 31, 2015), resulting from your RTM, then I will not post in the ECCIE Political Forum for a 5 year period. However, If it is determined by the Moderator that I was not given points than you must agree not to post in this forum for the same period of time.

You can accept the $500 wager offer and/or the ban from posting offer. It doesn't matter to me.

Am I bluffing? In order to find out, you must agree to one condition or the other. Or perhaps both! I am willing to accept either/or condition.

In other words, put up or STFU up!

Let me know what you decide, ya' hear!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I will make it as a stand alone counter to the original offer.

The choice is yours!

[If the Moderator determines that I was given infraction points, (between December 1, 2014 and January 31, 2015), for any reason, then I will not post in the ECCIE Political Forum for a 5 year period. However, If it is determined by the Moderator that I was not given points than you must agree not to post in this forum for the same period of time, starting 5 days after the determination by the moderator.]

You can accept the ban from posting offer. It doesn't matter to me.

Am I bluffing? In order to find out, you must agree to one condition or the other. Or perhaps both! I am willing to accept either/or condition.

In other words, put up or STFU up!

Let me know what you decide, ya' hear! Originally Posted by bigtex
I will agree to only the posting ban in the political forum, as bracketed and enlarged above. Either I don't have to read your bullshit ever again, or I get off political board.
I will not entertain any counter offers. Either accept it as written in the bracketed and enlarged text, or let's move on.

P.S. Assup, there is no need for you to chime in, I already know what you are going to say, so fuck off, faggot!!
boardman's Avatar
Y'all want me to hold y'alls money?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha ha hahahahahahahaha
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Y'all want me to hold y'alls money?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha ha hahahahahahahaha Originally Posted by boardman
Money is no longer involved - just posting in this forum.
dearhunter's Avatar
Just so we are clear to both parties to the agreement, I will have the ability to enforce the agreement.

It will be enforced in this way. I will send the loser a directive not to post in this forum (not under any other handles either). If you violate that directive, I will immediately ban you from the board for 30day, second offense is 60days, each offense thereafter is 90days.

If you feel that I have ruled the loser incorrectly, you can seek redress from St.C.......he would not take kindly to me abusing my position in this matter.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Just so we are clear to both parties to the agreement, I will have the ability to enforce the agreement.

It will be enforced in this way. I will send the loser a directive not to post in this forum (not under any other handles either). If you violate that directive, I will immediately ban you from the board for 30day, second offense is 60days, each offense thereafter is 90days.

If you feel that I have ruled the loser incorrectly, you can seek redress from St.C.......he would not take kindly to me abusing my position in this matter. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I accept, subject to the 5 days of posting prior to imposition of sentence.
No money is involved
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You really are a self-important pompous blowhard, aren't you, BigAssSux. You know no one is going to take your silly ass bets, then you blow up in righteous indignation. At least you're fun to watch.

I agree with JL. Fuck you, faggot!

boardman's Avatar
There are at least 1/2 a dozen more fucktards that need to be included in this bet...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I will agree to only the posting ban in the political forum, as bracketed and enlarged above. Either I don't have to read your bullshit ever again, or I get off political board.
I will not entertain any counter offers. Either accept it as written in the bracketed and enlarged text, or let's move on.

P.S. Assup, there is no need for you to chime in, I already know what you are going to say, so fuck off, faggot!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Fraud Flintstone has spoken. It really sucks when your mouth writes a check that your dumb ass can't cash!

But you do it all the fucking time!

Conveniently left the first part of BT's thread out, where he restated his offer to put up $500 against his record with anybody ... ESPECIALLY YOU, JLIdiot! You did, however, squeal that BT countered the terms of the bet. Yet that's what you're doing right now, isn't it?

What am I going to say, BJerk? Or Bert Jones?

That you have more handles than the men's room at Love Field?

That one of the parties in this bet has proven his honesty and the other has proven to be a disingenuous windbag?

That BT doesn't suffer from anger issues but you do?

That you have repeatedly accused me of sending PMs that were never sent?

That you are on the verge of being bitchslapped by your wife if she catches you posting on ECCIE again? So no big loss if you walk away?

"Fuck you faggot?" Right.

What am I going to say, dipshit?


rioseco's Avatar
Fraud Flintstone has spoken. It really sucks when your mouth writes a check that your dumb ass can't cash!

But you do it all the fucking time!

Conveniently left the first part of BT's thread out, where he restated his offer to put up $500 against his record with anybody ... ESPECIALLY YOU, JLIdiot! You did, however, squeal that BT countered the terms of the bet. Yet that's what you're doing right now, isn't it?

What am I going to say, BJerk? Or Bert Jones?

That you have more handles than the men's room at Love Field?

That one of the parties in this bet has proven his honesty and the other has proven to be a disingenuous windbag?

That BT doesn't suffer from anger issues but you do?

That you have repeatedly accused me of sending PMs that were never sent?

That you are on the verge of being bitchslapped by your wife if she catches you posting on ECCIE again? So no big loss if you walk away?

"Fuck you faggot?" Right.

What am I going to say, dipshit?


Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Attention: Asshat Liar
This Pud is for you ! ! ! ! !

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thus spake the Great Cornholio.

Get a grip, bubba. Why are you posting pictures of JUNK? Is that something that fits right up your BUNGHOLE?

boardman's Avatar
Looks like an offer has been made and accepted.

What's the hold up?