Another NPOA thread say no such thing on my website! Originally Posted by Valerie
I was just having a little sport with you and your website readers (they're searching all over it, trying find it right now).
I was just having a little sport with you and your website readers (they're searching all over it, trying find it right now). Originally Posted by SR Only
Do you speak of my website or blog?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Chevalier- that makes sense to me...

To me personally I think a woman is worth whatever she decides to charge. If I decide not to see a woman it is never an issue with her rate. It's always whether or not I think I'll enjoy our time together or not. Naturally they may be out of my range but I don't feel that they aren't worth it.

Just my view on the subject...
I had an 82 year old rock my world during an overnight. My first overnight gig ever and he fell asleep right afterward!
Ahhh success! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I assume that the "success" part was when he fell asleep.
I assume that the "success" part was when he fell asleep. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I had a go at a guy on an overnight once because he wouldn't stop bloody snoring!!....It was at his huge lake house (there were plenty of bedrooms), so I told him if he carried on he needed to go sleep in another room...

Long story short, he ended up in one of the guest bedrooms!
Naomi4u's Avatar
I assume that the "success" part was when he fell asleep. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Well hell yeah! I needed to get some rest. At least, I made him breakfast in the morning.
Oh he left a happier man Charles. I made sure of that.
Well hell yeah! I needed to get some rest. At least, I made him breakfast in the morning.
Oh he left a happier man Charles. I made sure of that. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
God bless Hot Pockets, huh?
Naomi4u's Avatar
God bless Hot Pockets, huh? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Hey hey I don't cook much but I know how to cook! I cook very well.
In fact, I should charge for it. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach right?
God bless Hot Pockets, huh? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach right? Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Damn....maybe that's why my relationships tend to fail....

Naomi4u's Avatar
Damn....maybe that's why my relationships tend to fail....

LOL! Originally Posted by Valerie
Cook, Clean, Fuck and talk to them every now and then.. that's all it takes to keep em .. haaaa!
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach right? Originally Posted by Naomi4u
There is a popular detour.
Chevalier's Avatar
Chevalier- that makes sense to me...

To me personally I think a woman is worth whatever she decides to charge. If I decide not to see a woman it is never an issue with her rate. It's always whether or not I think I'll enjoy our time together or not. Naturally they may be out of my range but I don't feel that they aren't worth it.

Just my view on the subject... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
*shrug* I consider "worth" a meaningless concept when used that generally, as some sort of objective determination, whether to claim that a lady's service are not "worth" a certain price or that they are "worth" a certain price. The only things we know for sure are: (1) at what price is she willing to sell her service; and (2) at what price are others willing to buy her service. To say her services are "only worth" $100, if she's not willing to sell at that price, has no meaning, because there will be no transaction. Similary, to say her services are "worth" $10,000, if no one is willing to buy at that price, has no meaning, because there will be no transaction. A transaction between a willing seller and a willing buyer establishes "value." What else is there?

Realistically, of course, the vast majority of the price determinations -- by either side of the aisle -- are by definition "reasonable" because there are counter-parties available at that price. If not, those individuals are no longer part of the community. (If he can't find anyone willing to sell her services at his maximum price, he'll find other forms of entertainment. If she can't find anyone willing to buy her services at her minimum price, she'll find another way to earn a living.) For all the others, he may not have as many choices as he'd like, and she may not have as many appointments as she'd like, but both are able to find a willing counter-party to the transaction.

You can say a lady is "worth whatever she decides to charge" if you like, but her decision is subject to limits, or all of the ladies would raise their rates to $1,000/hour. Saying she's worth whatever rate she selects has no objective meaning outside of whether she gets enough business at that rate. (And particularly not if you're not willing to see her at that rate.) As an affirmation to help her feel good about herself, it's fine. But that's all it is.

My view on the subject. *shrug* They don't call me an opinionated curmudgeon for nothing.
Chevalier's Avatar
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach right? Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I was about to respond that I eat out rather than at home a lot, but then it occurred to me . . .
Naomi4u's Avatar
I was about to respond that I eat out rather than at home a lot, but then it occurred to me . . . Originally Posted by Chevalier