Sugar daddy dating & info ??

In the end of the day, sugar baby charging 700 hundred a month is no less of a hoe than anyone advertising on ECCIE. She simply happens to be a cheap hoe without reviews. Her sugar daddy is no less of a client either. He just happens to be a client who saved hundreds of dollars by convincing some girl that there is something more to their relationship than pay for play. Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
I would like to know what world you live in where a woman who sleeps with one man in a month compared to a 100 is "no less of a hoe". In an escort situation, the woman offers a man sex, and the man offers him money. Do you think that really is all two people have to offer one another? Ideally, a SD-SB relationship are about two people who care about each other.

And all college girls are naive and stupid? As compared to women who enter the oldest profession... who are all geniuses? And men trying to save some of their hard earned money are miserly predators? Generalize much?

As for "more time spent vertically than horizontally with my SB.", I just got back home from spending evening with one of my patrons. Total amount of time spent together - 8 hours. Horizontal time - 2h. The rest of our evening together was spent discussing various topics interesting to both of us, having dinner, drinks and just having good ole time. It is POSSIBLE to have on going relationship with professional companion and actually engage in real world activities. Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
My SBs include one who was an all state athlete, college cheerleader, and a former Victoria Secret model. I have another one who was the top handball player in a South American nation and is now a top earner at the most high end night club in Dallas. My newest SB is a 21 year old ex-gymnast who competed against Nastia Lukin, a goal medal winner, in her teens.

HDHs advertise being exclusive. With an exception for one SB who has a BF, these women only see me. These women ARE exclusive.

As far as paying to have a woman dine with me, I have done it, and it was always a waste of money. I can have a bevy of hot, delightful companions to dinner for the fraction of a cost of HDH. I can go into any high end strip club and always find a woman who is a decent dinner companion.

The guys paying for the meal are delusional,and that included me. I am not saying that two people can't have a good time. The whole HDH meal thing is for guys who need/want the delusion of believing that the HDH really likes him... while he pays hundreds an hour. It is fake, and any man who is honest with himself knows it.

I don't pay my SBs to dine with me. They want to come because my SBs like me, and I like them. For my birthday, two of them baked me a cake, and the third one was mad because I didn't let her know when my birthday was. How many escorts or HDHs have done such a thing for a client? I have never heard of it.

They know my full name, what I do, where I work ETC. I have their SS numbers, birthdays, first and last names, and have been to their homes. Shoot, some of these girls parents even know about me and wanted to meet me, but I have resisted that.

As for sex, sex with this crop of SBs is better than any I have had with HDHs. Sorry. Sex is better when you really care about someone as opposed to pretending to care. And I don't care who you are, but the level of sexual desire wanes when you have an excessive number of partners.

As for what the women get, they get someone who trusts them and that pays off too. I just cosigned a loan for one of my SBs to have a car. I trust her that much. I wouldn't do that for an escort I have been with, even a HDH.

On top of that, there is the level of professional services I offer my SBs. An ex SB was crying her eyes out when I set up and paid for services to fix her husband's back from a doctor friend I have. She could not not believe her nightmare was coming to an end. Every doctor she had seen previously charged her thousands and ripped her off. After months of therapy, her husband is now pain free and able to work again. How much is that worth? And are you suggesting that I cheated and prayed on her?

I have offered services to one HDH. She was extremely pleased with what I did for her. What did she do in return? Offer a free or discounted session? Send me a gift? No, she THANKED me. It was one of the most unsatisfying acts of my life. I didn't feel gratitude. Somehow, I was supposed to feel grateful for being allowed to help her for free. That is what happens when you have women who view men as nothing more than ATM machines.

Lina, your whole post is dripping with fear masked as anxiety and arrogance. The HDH business model is dead. There is a better, lower cost alternative, and you can demonize those participants all you want, but it is moving forward just as I predicted.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I wish I said what you just did.

Some dont get it and it is normally providers that are pissed that SBs are out there.
They have to some how bring them down to make it look like there is nothing to a relationship other than sex.

ShysterJon's Avatar
Bravo, woodyboyd!
ForumPoster's Avatar
Actually I was under impression we are discussing two issues here.

One, is SB/SD relationship pay for play or not.

Second, do providers make good SBs.

Regarding 1st issue - yes, it IS pay for play. No matter how you spin this, if there is an element of financial consideration, the relationship is based on money. Both parties can come up with 1000 reasons how their arrangement is different from traditional sex work, but remove the money and relationship will collapse. I will go further - marriages of conveniences are pay for play as well. They just happen to be most wholesale option of all available. Why people prefer to self delude themselves is a puzzle to me.

2nd topic - I have agreed with numerous posters. Professional sex workers do not do well in SD/SB arena. For MULTITUDE of reasons we do not. Reasons I have listed may differ from reasons listed by them. but overall we are in agreement. SD and Escorts are different kinds of sex for pay,with different marketing techniques, different players and different goals. Mix and match does not work well here.

Lina, your whole post is dripping with fear masked as anxiety and arrogance. The HDH business model is dead. There is a better, lower cost alternative, and you can demonize those participants all you want, but it is moving forward just as I predicted. Originally Posted by woodyboyd
I have no desire to play in that pond neither now nor in the future, so believe me there is no fear or anxiety. There is a market with sellers and buyers for everything, and SD/SB is not a market where I have any plans to participate. That said, as someone who has experience in both arenas I do feel that I can participate in DISCUSSION of this topic.

As for sentiments "pros are bashing SBs out of fear of competition", that is absolutely baseless. The only women in this business who are afraid of any kind of competition are those who should up their own game.

Hello sweet girl... I spent the last two and a half years doing the SD/SB thing. I worked/played with one man exclusively. I was literally spoiled rotten and got everything I even thought about wanting. I didn't start out with all of that.
Initially, T (that's what his name started with) was extremely guarded with his identity and work, I didn't even know his real name (his last name) until the last 6 months we were together. This is not uncommon when you hook up with the ultra wealthy. They have the most to lose and many require an exclusivity agreement. We were about a year into the arrangement when it suddenly became obvious that it wasn't really an arrangement anymore as much as a real relationship. It is very hard to be with the same person on such a regular intimate basis without developing some sort of real attachment to them. And them to you. When that happens, life can become difficult even for the most experienced compartmentalizers. : ) If you decide to go this route, good luck. And a word of advice. Fess up about your past as a provider. You don't have to blurt it out immediately, but by the third meeting with him, I would find a way to slip it into the conversation. I have lived in the SD/SB world for a while now and he will find out. Men that are in a position to really be a SD aren't stupid. They aren't going to snap up the first gal that comes along with a Pamela Anderson body and a tight pssy. : )Well, they might, but after a few hours they will put her right back where they found her. lol These men are looking for more. These men expect more and if you don't deliver, you won't last. If you seriously decide to take the plunge, msg me and I will help you. You have to be VERY picky about the SD you settle in with. You are also going to need to vanish from provider websites in advance.
Been there, done that. Originally Posted by diamond_babe00
I'm thinking your SD was a lucky fellow!
bladtinzu's Avatar
Actually I was under impression we are discussing two issues here.

One, is SB/SD relationship pay for play or not.

Second, do providers make good SBs.

Regarding 1st issue - yes, it IS pay for play. No matter how you spin this, if there is an element of financial consideration, the relationship is based on money. Both parties can come up with 1000 reasons how their arrangement is different from traditional sex work, but remove the money and relationship will collapse. I will go further - marriages of conveniences are pay for play as well. They just happen to be most wholesale option of all available. Why people prefer to self delude themselves is a puzzle to me.

2nd topic - I have agreed with numerous posters. Professional sex workers do not do well in SD/SB arena. For MULTITUDE of reasons we do not. Reasons I have listed may differ from reasons listed by them. but overall we are in agreement. SD and Escorts are different kinds of sex for pay,with different marketing techniques, different players and different goals. Mix and match does not work well here.

I have no desire to play in that pond neither now nor in the future, so believe me there is no fear or anxiety. There is a market with sellers and buyers for everything, and SD/SB is not a market where I have any plans to participate. That said, as someone who has experience in both arenas I do feel that I can participate in DISCUSSION of this topic.

As for sentiments "pros are bashing SBs out of fear of competition", that is absolutely baseless. The only women in this business who are afraid of any kind of competition are those who should up their own game.

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina

I can agree but I still think it is quite funny how some escorts get their thongs in a bunch over us guys finding some really killer deals out there in the SB market.

Is it because they are cheaper? Younger? Have way less miles on them? And I don't see SB's marketing themselves (at least not in the Alabama market) so I fail to see any competition on that footing. And if you go to some of the websites dedicated to SB's and look what is on there in Alabama you will pretty much just shake your head. Yeah some of them are that fricking bad. Seriously who wants an overweight late 30's woman as a SB? And if someone does they seriously need some quality time with a straight jacket and a rubber padded room.

But then again if most guys are like me I enjoy variety. Sure I have 3 SB's on rotation but I also dip into the touring lady pool when one strikes my fancy. Hell in one year I kept track of escorts I had seen and added it up after that year. 179 which included a couple of trips to Europe, Central America, and Mexico. So I think I spread the wealth in an even just fashion. Plus I like the no emotions type of relationship. Sure I can give an Oscar winning preformance that will make some woman think I actually care but facts are a "normal" relationship like that is just not in me. At all...
bladtinzu's Avatar

As for sex, sex with this crop of SBs is better than any I have had with HDHs. Sorry. Sex is better when you really care about someone as opposed to pretending to care. And I don't care who you are, but the level of sexual desire wanes when you have an excessive number of partners. Originally Posted by woodyboyd

I tend to disagree with this. When you allow emotions to creep in you give the woman the upper hand and end up getting fucked. In more ways than one. And the level of desire does not go down the more partners you have (least not for me it doesn't). And why muttle up sex by getting worthless emotions and feelings involved? I was in love with wife number 1 and the sex I am have now (2 more ex wives removed from her and too many other women to keep count of) is the same if not better than it was when I was in love with someone.

But then again everyone is different. Which is a good thing because this would be a boring world with everyone the exact same..
Gotyour6's Avatar
Anytime you spend time with someone you develop feelings.
Unless you are a sociopath
ShysterJon's Avatar
When you allow emotions to creep in you give the woman the upper hand and end up getting fucked. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
If you truly believe that, you're probably not gonna be happy as a SD because if you choose well, you're gonna be around an extremely loveable young girl. If your personality is of the type that you are bedazzled by beauty, and if the girl lacks character, she may use her power over you to your disadvantage. It's also possible that you won't be happy in any type of relationship with a woman beyond just casual contact if you're that cynical about women. I assume you feel this way because you've been burned before.

I can assure you that my experience is that having healthy, limited feelings for my SBs has made for more intimacy in the friendship and more passion in the bedroom. I've had seven long-term SB relationships over the past 19 years, each of them lasting at least two years, and two lasting more than three years. I see my SB at least twice a week. We got to museums, plays, the theater, the opera, festivals, movies, aquariums -- you name it. We also eat, drink, and play a lot. Haha. Sometimes I'll take my SB on a business trip. A person with normal emotions can't spend that much happy time with another person without developing intimacy.

But both the SD and the SB must maintain boundaries because one characteristic of a SD-SB relationship is that it's temporary, and many humans by nature open themselves up emotionally in the hope that a relationship lasts forever. With one exception, each of my SBs told me she was 'in love' with me. (The one who didn't was the most loveable of all. Haha.) They each fell 'in love' with me because I treated them better than any guy ever had. (That's probably true regarding their experiences after our relationship ended, too.) As the more mature member of the relationship, the SD has a responsibility to be truthful and direct with his SB so as to not lead her on by suggesting the relationship is anything but temporary. He should not tell he's 'in love' with her, however tempting that may be.
I'm looking for a sugar momma myself. Where can I go to find one of those?
bladtinzu's Avatar
If you truly believe that, you're probably not gonna be happy as a SD because if you choose well, you're gonna be around an extremely loveable young girl. If your personality is of the type that you are bedazzled by beauty, and if the girl lacks character, she may use her power over you to your disadvantage. It's also possible that you won't be happy in any type of relationship with a woman beyond just casual contact if you're that cynical about women. I assume you feel this way because you've been burned before. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Oh I am quite happy and not one bit emotionally attached at all. Now granted two of the three are not the smartest out there and care more about materialistic things than anything else so those are easy to deal with. The one in med school is a little more difficult as she is more of a thinker and tends to associate emotions with the situation.

And I wouldn't say I am cynical about women. I just am able to see what most men fail to see because they allow emotions to cloud their judgement. And as for being burned.. Yes I did have an ex wife who was a major golddigging bitch. But I figured a couple hundred thousand lost was more than ok as long as she was completely out of my life. That was one investment which was well spent.

Anytime you spend time with someone you develop feelings.
Unless you are a sociopath Originally Posted by Gotyour6
No.. At least I don't. And I haven't started some killing spree either nor does that even appeal to me so guess that theory is moot.
Gotyour6's Avatar
It is different for everyone.
Do what makes you happy

If a provider wants to call herself a sugar baby who cares.
If you want the feelings of a relationship, go for it.

If not, fine.

The relationship is to be worked out between the two.

eight pages of blah blah blah includiing this post.
  • thx
  • 04-19-2012, 05:02 PM
Interesting read... Thinking of the posts above...
I wonder how a sd can not say the”love” word back to their sb.
How to determine what motivates the sb's attitude/emotion.. Between $ and etc.

I think alot of people do get into relationships without the intention of marrying.
I don't see these being that different.
Anytime you spend time with someone you develop feelings.
Unless you are a sociopath Originally Posted by Gotyour6
I really don't believe this is true...I understand what you said in a later post as each person is different...but spending time with a person doesn't necessarily mean you will develop any kind of feelings at all. Some will remain neutral. In fact I find that, and I hope nobody takes offense to this, the truly normal/sane people will get into a SD/SB relationship understanding very well that it is just a mutual understanding rather than a relationship at all.

People who get emotional and fall in love in such type relationships...sort of frighten me. Which is one reasons I have turned down or stepped out of a few SD/SB relationships, because they were looking for someone to "Love," they were looking for someone to spend the rest of their lives with. That idea frightens me a bit, as I'm very anti-marriage. It has nothing to do with fearing emotions or fearing intimacy, it's the fact that the people who search for love in all the wrong places pose a threat and a danger to many people, including themselves.

I'm not quite sure if I'm just rambling here, or if I'm making any sense at all.
I have to get in on this!

When I was 21 years old, I had an excellent SD. We actually moved in together and lived that way for 2 1/2 years. I know you're thinking that's not a SD, but of course it was. I met said gent playing in a chat room because I was bored and my current bf wouldn't do anything with me. I wasn't expecting it to go that far and he didn't tell me he was CEO of a TV network and affiliated with the Grammys until after we'd met and had sex. So the fact that you, so call, hide your money means nothing. Most women and at the time I was a girl are not stupid.

I hear some guys saying, they (SB) are looking for a stable parent figure. If you believe that than you are using them. Anybody can get an emotionally messed up person, especially a female, to fall for them. Why don't we just be real, you like dyfucntional young girls you can fuck for cheap!

That said, SB/SD relationships are different then providing in ways. Yes, I didn't expect him to pay me each time we got together (Provider) and he wasn't expecting every date to end with exordinary sex (John). As a provider I look out for my health (no bbfs) because lawd knows if he has been taken by the crackhead price war bait and decided daty. I felt a much more secure with my SD (may be naive) but I think if he walked into a room filled with crack smoke he wouldn't just toftt and review. LOL!!!

Don't start flaming; we've seen your reviews for $60 bbbj Mary staying at the flap house. Then you review and say she wasn't in a good part of town and the room was dirty. You don't have to lie! I know the reality of this game and rightly take more precautions.

On the flip side, I know a lot of NON provider ladies with no vaginal walls sucking strange bb dick weekly and bbfs with all. Talking about a nasty flity bitches. Not being a (PROVIDER) and labeling yourself a SB doesn't mean you are not a whore! If you suck mutiple dicks and fuck strange often for pay or without you a whore!

Just a past SB turn provider point of view!