How much does quality writing matter?

Actually, its the "Diva Exception"
I luked at the pitchur in Ansley's avatar and disided that I don't cair weather she's any gud at gramer or spelin.

Or sin tax, eethur!
No CM, a sin tax is what you have to pay to see her.

That must be real troubling to WTF -- you know how he feels about taxes on the little people.
I feel like as ladies here it is important to put together our add with proper grammer and to use a spell check. i am inteligent but not a brainiac. and i can still have my personality show in a post without using slang or abreviating words simply beacuse i am to lazy to type them out... i do not sound professional by any means as i am not this super seriouse lady i am young and fun and easy going... so i guess what i am getting at is there is a middle ground but spelling and grammer are a must... Originally Posted by Sarah Owens

I feel it is important to put together my ad with proper grammar and to use spell check. I am intelligent, but not a brainiac. I can still have my personality show in a post without using slang or abbreviating words simply because I am too lazy to type them out. I do not sound professional by any means, as I am not this super serious lady. I am young, fun, and easy going. So, I guess what I am getting at is there is a middle ground, but spelling and grammar are a must.
discreetgent's Avatar
Actually, its the "Diva Exception" Originally Posted by pjorourke
I thought only the rodent and Ed qualified for that.
Yeah, pisses me off. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
It pisses you off? Why don't you just take that as a sign that they're not the right person for you and be glad they made your decision so easy? I don't list rates on my ad because I list them on my website, and I want potential clients to visit it before they contact me. If someone doesn't have the time or inclination to do so, then we wouldn't be a good fit—but I would never be angry that they weren't willing to put forth the extra effort.
Originally Posted by brittanylennox
I can understand the need for good grammar in your ad , and site ,but to seriously correct her post on a message board is just nitpicking.

( see PJ I spelled it right this time )
I can understand the need for good grammar in your ad , and site ,but to seriously correct her post on a message board is just nitpicking.

( see PJ I spelled it right this time ) Originally Posted by Becky
She was purposefully making those errors. She normally is very articulate. I was just playing along.

Jeez. Sorry.
It pisses you off? Why don't you just take that as a sign that they're not the right person for you and be glad they made your decision so easy? I don't list rates on my ad because I list them on my website, and I want potential clients to visit it before they contact me. If someone doesn't have the time or inclination to do so, then we wouldn't be a good fit—but I would never be angry that they weren't willing to put forth the extra effort. Originally Posted by AveryMoore
Hi Avery, I do the same thing on my ad. I do not post my rates , but prefer to direct them to my site where they can get a better idea of who I am. I think what Marcus,and some of the others are complaining about are the women who have no sites,or links to further information. The only way they can find out what her rates are is to contact her directly.

I can understand why some men would have a problem with this because it probably means she is adjusting her rate based on how bad the client sounds like he wants to see her.As an escort it bothers me when women do not post their rates , or a link to them, because it sends a signal to some clients that we are all open to negotiation when most of us are not.
She was purposefully making those errors. She normally is very articulate. I was just playing along.

Jeez. Sorry. Originally Posted by brittanylennox
oops sorry, I thought you were serious. Now I am the one who is nitpicking.
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  • WTF
  • 07-28-2010, 08:47 PM
No CM, a sin tax is what you have to pay to see her.

That must be real troubling to WTF -- you know how he feels about taxes on the little people. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Anybody under 4 foot should never have to pay a dime in God they can't even ride the good rides at Six Flags!

oops sorry, I thought you were serious. Now I am the one who is nitpicking. Originally Posted by Becky

Off with your panties and come bend over my lap

Off with your panties and come bend over my lap Originally Posted by WTF
I know I know,I have been very bad
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  • WTF
  • 07-28-2010, 09:30 PM
I know I know,I have been very bad Originally Posted by Becky
I get those panties off you and all will be good
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
It pisses you off? Why don't you just take that as a sign that they're not the right person for you and be glad they made your decision so easy? I don't list rates on my ad because I list them on my website, and I want potential clients to visit it before they contact me. If someone doesn't have the time or inclination to do so, then we wouldn't be a good fit—but I would never be angry that they weren't willing to put forth the extra effort. Originally Posted by AveryMoore
The Eros ads I'm talking about don't have a link to a web site.
Why would you assume I'm so callous as to not do research?

It's not just friction and imagination you know.
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  • 07-29-2010, 03:18 AM
No CM, a sin tax is what you have to pay to see her.

That must be real troubling to WTF -- you know how he feels about taxes on the little people. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Ahh, no. If it's love, it ain't sin. It's a sin tax, not a love tax.

I'd guess even you, PJ would rather be lover than sinner, if it's tax-free