
I dabbled into the sugar daddy thing awhile back. I was as surprised how much I was wrong about my preconceptions vs reality as I was about this hobby when I first started. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
You want to expand on that thought?
I knew there were gonna be issues w/that choice of words.

Okay for clarification, my answer was to THIS:
FTR, the OP didn't seem to be referring to the hobby and my answer wasn't referencing those who participate in the hobby
B. Originally Posted by Bella_HHD
I kind of let it morph into where it went (I'm not the OP). I get it, I am sweet and charming to my wife, my sugarbaby and the ladies I see in a professional format. No I do NOT want to hurt my wife and our extended family (though risk is involved, computers are an example ), and I *try* to be nice to others (but if you go under the speed limit you DO test my patience [hey buddy that pedal on the right makes the car go!] ). Again thoughtful thread no matter where it wandered. I'll start the sugarbaby thread later. Wanna go make love to the wife!
Best Y'all!
You want to expand on that thought? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Lemme start a thread for that.
Here ya go:
[ame="http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?p=36860#post368 60"]Sugarbaby Sugardaddy: your thoughts? - ECCIE - Your source for escort reviews[/ame]

So what happened MA tell us there?
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
My original topic was not provider/client exclusive but I'm fine with evolutionary threads.
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  • 01-10-2010, 08:52 AM
FTR, the OP didn't seem to be referring to the hobby and my answer wasn't referencing those who participate in the hobby

B. Originally Posted by Bella_HHD
But is it not relevant to the hobby world? Does not your ''Three Fold Law" apply here?

Wanna go make love to the wife!
Best Y'all! Originally Posted by SR Only
LOL. . . No hopefully that can always be construed as Good Karma!
My original topic was not provider/client exclusive but I'm fine with evolutionary threads. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius

I LOVE threads that morph into something completely different or even just veer a bit off their original intent. That's how I learn.

I just wanted to be clear that I wasn't referring to hobbiests and making sure that none of the gentlemen in the thread assumed I was pointing fingers at their life choices.

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  • WTF
  • 01-10-2010, 09:16 AM
I think we got it, we point fingers except when it might not be in our best intrest to point fingers!
LOL. . . No hopefully that can always be construed as Good Karma! Originally Posted by WTF
The wife thought it was good..... karma.
While it does not make you a bad person it could still be argued that you did a bad thing. Originally Posted by discreetgent
Or the lesser of two evils. It depends on what side of the mountain you're standing on.

From where the wife stands, of course he did an awful thing.

Lets put the scenarios of a man married to a house wife. He can't get the marriage to work, he's physically and emotionally unsatisfied. Sure you can get a divorce - but she's not going to have the same living standards anymore, likely to be just as emotionally devastated, the kids won't have the financial comfort they're used to, it's hard to support two households. So... they choose the afffair.

Often enough, what keeps the man in the house is the kids, because he feels that the personality of his wife has become so poisoned, that she'll have a terrible effect on their emotional development. So they stay in a marriage with a woman that makes them miserable, just so that the kids have someone to step in at home.

The responsible thing to do, isn't always to let your soul curl up and die in the name of being faithful, or tear lives apart though a divorce. I don't think it's selfish to try and find way to make life feel like it's worth living. Sometimes you seek a personal route that tries to leave as much intact for other people as possible. It's often not a case of someone being self absorbed and obsessed with their own desires, but being in a situation where they cannot detach themselves.

A side thought: I've known women who cheated and never got caught. Their boyfriend/husband does so, and she finds out, she still puts the guy through hell, acting righteous, knowing deep down inside what horrible hypocrites they are. Then you have the countless Companions who claim to enjoy the company and intimacy of their gentlemen, but expect their SO to stay faithful while they refuse to retire and look for mainstream work. As they go gallivant about the country with other men, he's to sit home and do what? Knit? A massive double standard, I don't care if you call it "work". I see nothing wrong with it if he's happy with her choices and being faithful to her, but generally, I think it's not very kind to the man.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I definitely believe in Karma and the whole what goes around comes around deal. The no good deed goes unpunished philosophy is crap. That's just away to make yourself feel better about not wanting to help out where you can. You do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
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poppy can u please change ur avatar
poppy can u please change ur avatar Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Where's a mod when you need one?
... The no good deed goes unpunished philosophy is crap. That's just away to make yourself feel better about not wanting to help out where you can... Originally Posted by PoppyToyota
I've never viewed it that way. I've always heard the quote "no good deed goes unpunished" only AFTER someone does a good deed and it bites them in the ass. I've never heard it used as a reason NOT to help.
Interestingly, a conversation with someone in the midst of a torrid non-demimonde affair was having a conversation with me regarding his choices. To have the affair, and whether or not to leave his wife for this lady.

He said:

How and when to do the right thing ... not the good thing ... just the right thing.