Sars_CoV2 In Retreat

The factcheck point is:

Here’s a rundown of the Biden and Harris statements cited in the video. The video included only the parts that are in bold, but we’ve provided the fuller context around them.(in red)

"Well, I think that's going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump. And it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he's talking about. I will not take his word for it. He wants us to inject bleach. I — no, I will not take his word."

"If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely.But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it."

"The way he (Trump) talks about the vaccine is not particularly rational. He’s talking about it being ready, he’s going to talk about moving it quicker than the scientists think it should be moved … . People don’t believe that he’s telling the truth, therefore they’re not at all certain they’re going to take the vaccine. And one more thing: If and when the vaccine comes, it’s not likely to go through all the tests that need to be done, and the trials that are needed to be done.

"Look at what’s happened. Enormous pressure put on the CDC not to put out the detailed guidelines. The enormous pressure being put on the FDA to say they’re going, that the following protocol will in fact reduce, it will have a giant impact on COVID. All these things turn out not to be true, and when a president continues to mislead and lie, when we finally do, God willing, get a vaccine, who’s going to take the shot? Who’s going to take the shot? You going to be the first one to say, ‘Put me — sign me up, they now say it’s OK’? I’m not being facetious."

"How are you going to distribute the vaccine when it arrives, when it arrives, when it’s there? And the question of whether it’s real, when it’s there, that requires enormous transparency. You’ve got to make all of it available to other experts across the nation, so they can look and see, so there’s consensus this is a safe vaccine. Because already you have, what percent is American people saying if the vaccine were there tomorrow, they wouldn’t take it? And it’s not the usual anti-vaccine crowd. It’s beyond that because people are losing faith in what the president says. Think about it."

"Charting a clear path of science-based vaccines, free from politics. I get asked the question: ‘If the president announced tomorrow we have a vaccine, would you take it?’ Only if it was completely transparent, that other experts in the country could look at it, only if we knew all of what went into it.
Because so far, nothing he’s told us has been true."

"Americans have had to endure President Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, when it comes to testing and personal protective equipment. We can’t afford to repeat those fiascos when it comes to a vaccine. … Let me be clear: I trust vaccines, I trust scientists, but I don’t trust Donald Trump, and at this moment, the American people can’t either. Last week, Senator Harris and I laid out three questions this administration’s going to have to answer to assure the American people that politics will not play a role whatsoever in the vaccine process. If Donald Trump can’t give answers and the administration can’t give answers to these three questions, the American people should not have confidence.

Any bold above was the only part used by tiktok. The red text was edited out.

Our ruling
A video on social media suggests that Biden and Harris distrusted COVID-19 vaccines. The video was selectively edited to leave out the context of their statements. Their full statements show they were raising doubts about Trump’s trustworthiness, his ability to roll out the vaccines safely and the risk of political influence over vaccine development.

We rate the video False.

Did you catch the part about the video being selectively edited?
It is a good fact check. I've noticed the trump gang frequently has problems understanding information that undercuts their narrative.
The people who put out the video edited out everything in red. Your explanation of what you read is definitely not brilliant.
Y'all have a habit of not reading the entire article.

Biden and Harris didn't say they didn't trust the vaccine.

That’s some fact check. They quote what he said and claim it’s not what what he said. Brilliant, is that the place run by a hoe and her client? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
  • Tiny
  • 07-21-2023, 01:58 PM
The factcheck point is:

Here’s a rundown of the Biden and Harris statements cited in the video. The video included only the parts that are in bold, but we’ve provided the fuller context around them.(in red)

"Well, I think that's going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump. And it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he's talking about. I will not take his word for it. He wants us to inject bleach. I — no, I will not take his word."

"If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely.But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it."

"The way he (Trump) talks about the vaccine is not particularly rational. He’s talking about it being ready, he’s going to talk about moving it quicker than the scientists think it should be moved … . People don’t believe that he’s telling the truth, therefore they’re not at all certain they’re going to take the vaccine. And one more thing: If and when the vaccine comes, it’s not likely to go through all the tests that need to be done, and the trials that are needed to be done.

"Look at what’s happened. Enormous pressure put on the CDC not to put out the detailed guidelines. The enormous pressure being put on the FDA to say they’re going, that the following protocol will in fact reduce, it will have a giant impact on COVID. All these things turn out not to be true, and when a president continues to mislead and lie, when we finally do, God willing, get a vaccine, who’s going to take the shot? Who’s going to take the shot? You going to be the first one to say, ‘Put me — sign me up, they now say it’s OK’? I’m not being facetious."

"How are you going to distribute the vaccine when it arrives, when it arrives, when it’s there? And the question of whether it’s real, when it’s there, that requires enormous transparency. You’ve got to make all of it available to other experts across the nation, so they can look and see, so there’s consensus this is a safe vaccine. Because already you have, what percent is American people saying if the vaccine were there tomorrow, they wouldn’t take it? And it’s not the usual anti-vaccine crowd. It’s beyond that because people are losing faith in what the president says. Think about it."

"Charting a clear path of science-based vaccines, free from politics. I get asked the question: ‘If the president announced tomorrow we have a vaccine, would you take it?’ Only if it was completely transparent, that other experts in the country could look at it, only if we knew all of what went into it.
Because so far, nothing he’s told us has been true."

"Americans have had to endure President Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, when it comes to testing and personal protective equipment. We can’t afford to repeat those fiascos when it comes to a vaccine. … Let me be clear: I trust vaccines, I trust scientists, but I don’t trust Donald Trump, and at this moment, the American people can’t either. Last week, Senator Harris and I laid out three questions this administration’s going to have to answer to assure the American people that politics will not play a role whatsoever in the vaccine process. If Donald Trump can’t give answers and the administration can’t give answers to these three questions, the American people should not have confidence.

Any bold above was the only part used by tiktok. The red text was edited out.

Our ruling
A video on social media suggests that Biden and Harris distrusted COVID-19 vaccines. The video was selectively edited to leave out the context of their statements. Their full statements show they were raising doubts about Trump’s trustworthiness, his ability to roll out the vaccines safely and the risk of political influence over vaccine development.

We rate the video False.

Did you catch the part about the video being selectively edited?
It is a good fact check. I've noticed the trump gang frequently has problems understanding information that undercuts their narrative.
The people who put out the video edited out everything in red. Your explanation of what you read is definitely not brilliant.
Y'all have a habit of not reading the entire article.

Biden and Harris didn't say they didn't trust the vaccine. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
Let's get real Tigbitties. Trump was eternally optimistic about COVID during 2020. It was always just about to disappear. Why? He thought that was in his best interests politically.

Similarly, if a vaccine had come around in, say, October of 2020 or earlier, Biden and Harris wanted it to be a flop. They probably would have been happy if the vaccines killed a lot of people. Trump pushed the vaccines through the FDA in record time. If as a result they were not safe or effective, that would reflect badly on him. And Trump's greatest legacy to our nation, Operation Warp Speed, would have gone up in smoke. That was the Biden Campaign's wet dream.

Now it may have been a little late for that wet dream to have been realized when Biden and Harris commented. But if they could have convinced the voting public that any vaccines produced during the Trump administration weren't going to be safe and effective, that would have been the next best thing. You think they really wouldn't trust the recommendations of the CDC, FDA, Fauci and all the rest to take a vaccine developed during the Trump administration, because of some alleged absence of transparency? Balderdash. The would and they did.
A bow tie wearer like carlson? It wasn't advice. He was lying his ass off. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
Hotez is certainly a liar. Can't disagree with that.
From the link.
While the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is not generally considered to be airborne, there may be some situations Trusted Source in which the virus can act like an airborne disease. These include certain clinical settings in which people are receiving intensive medical treatment. In usual situations, SARS-CoV-2 is spread through respiratory droplets after a person coughs or sneezes, but these droplets are larger than what is considered airborne.

If you read the article it says the virus can be transmitted by respiratory droplets through the air in certain situations (see bold above). The droplets can travel several feet when sneezed,
The masks help keep the droplets from being ingested by health workers and others. That's why a mask should be worn

Saying the common cold is bacterial is misinformation. It is a virus.

2 things.

1 How can you not know what masks do by now? They won't stop particles the size of the virus' but they catch and trap droplet size particles (they have to be used correctly to be effective).

2 How can you not have checked out these basic facts and why would you think fear was intended to be promoted?

You're whining about misinformation while your post is laden with it.

Yeah right misinformation. First of all most common colds are Bacterial. TB is Airborne and is also a Bacteria. Secondly there is no proof of any test or procedure done to isolate the SarsCov2 virus in a column of air to prove air borne transmission. So your silly little article was put out there to promote fear that Covid is Air Born and people will wear masks. Originally Posted by Levianon17
The article was put out there because of people like you, even after all this time, don't understand why masks are needed in certain situations. The droplets can be in the air from a sneeze. The article says the virus is not airborne under most conditions. The article has good information to pass on. It doesn't promote fear.

You on the other hand don't know why masks can be needed. The article explains that.

You also don't know that colds come from a virus.
Blah, blah, blah.

My post points out that the claim was false and heavily edited. Which it was.
If what you say is true (it's just your opinion)does that justify lying in the video? The vaccine came out after the election so why would anybody want it to flop?

Let's get real Tigbitties. Trump was eternally optimistic about COVID during 2020. It was always just about to disappear. Why? He thought that was in his best interests politically.

Similarly, if a vaccine had come around in, say, October of 2020 or earlier, Biden and Harris wanted it to be a flop. They probably would have been happy if the vaccines killed a lot of people. Trump pushed the vaccines through the FDA in record time. If as a result they were not safe or effective, that would reflect badly on him. And Trump's greatest legacy to our nation, Operation Warp Speed, would have gone up in smoke. That was the Biden Campaign's wet dream.

Now it may have been a little late for that wet dream to have been realized when Biden and Harris commented. But if they could have convinced the voting public that any vaccines produced during the Trump administration weren't going to be safe and effective, that would have been the next best thing. Read much? They said they would trust others. "If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it." You think they really wouldn't trust the recommendations of the CDC, FDA, Fauci and all the rest Read much?
"Well, I think that's going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump. And it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he's talking about. I will not take his word for it. He wants us to inject bleach. I — no, I will not take his word."
to take a vaccine developed during the Trump administration, because of some alleged absence of transparency? Transparency? Trump was suppressing information.
Look at what’s happened. Enormous pressure put on the CDC not to put out the detailed guidelines. The enormous pressure being put on the FDA to say they’re going, that the following protocol will in fact reduce, it will have a giant impact on COVID. All these things turn out not to be true, and when a president continues to mislead and lie,
Balderdash. The would and they did.Bullshit. They took it based on the recommendations of the health care people, the Doctors, and others (CDC, FDA)not trump's word Originally Posted by Tiny
You haven't read what was edited out. The whole context was, because it was nothing but political to trump and because his many lies about it, they wouldn't accept trump's word only. If you had read the part they removed we wouldn't be going over this again. They clearly stated they would take the vaccine if recommended by the health care professionals, Dr. Fauci, other Doctors. Trump spewed a constant stream of bullshit

Everything needed to refute you was in the post you replied to.
You had time to blather but not read the post.
This was about the fact check. And you proved the point. Just about everything you brought up was covered in the material excluded by the video. All you remembered was the bullshit video.
Every point you brought up was either your opinion or unrelated to the fact check. Which served its purpose and mine.
Sorry charlie.

The vaccine is not gene therapy.

"An executive at the German pharmaceutical company Bayer referred to mRNA vaccines used against COVID-19 as an example of innovation in biotech at the World Health Summit 2021. But a website post takes the executive’s words out of context to falsely claim he said the vaccines are gene therapy.

The mRNA vaccines work by instructing the recipient’s cells on how to make spike proteins, prompting the body to generate an immune response that protects against the virus that causes COVID-19. The messenger RNA — the “m” in mRNA stands for messenger — cannot enter the nucleus of a cell, where DNA is located, and it doesn’t have the enzymes that would let it communicate with or integrate into DNA, Dr. Paul Offit, a vaccine expert at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, explained in a video posted shortly after the vaccines became available.

“It is not possible for messenger RNA to alter DNA,” he said. “The chance of that happening is not small, it’s zero.”

Health departments in several other countries — including the U.K., Canada and Australia — have also explained that mRNA vaccines do not change a person’s DNA. We’ve also written about the false claim that the vaccines are “gene therapy” that can change DNA, as have many others."

The clot shots are a gene therapy. The first ever mRNA gene therapy to be distributed to the public - ever. It is entirely incongruent to compare it's behavior in the wild (entirely unknown) to classic vaccines which have been around for decades. But when you do compare observed adverse reactions, the gene therapy is off the charts known deadly in certain lots (batches). Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Trump pushed the vaccines through the FDA in record time... Originally Posted by Tiny
I'm not entirely convinced the FDA steered the boat. Seems the DoD had a pretty heavy hand in the pie. Might check out the Brook Jackson’s False Claims Act case. Also the Jackson v. Pfizer case...
...“There is a case against Pfizer by a whistleblower named Brooke Jackson. She ran one of the clinical trials for Ventavia, one of Pfizer’s contractors. Jackson reported a spectrum of violations to FDA and was fired. She and her attorneys sued Pfizer under the False Claims Act.

In Pfizer’s motion to dismiss, Pfizer’s lawyers explain that Pfizer was free to do whatever they wanted - that they didn't even have to do clinical trials because they were acting under a contract with the DoD, an “Other Transaction Authority” which only requires Pfizer to produce prototypes.

They also state that they conducted trials with respect to the efficacy of the “vaccine” but this is untrue as as a Pfizer exec testified to the European parliament that they had not done studies to determine whether the shots stopped transmission.” ...

...The US Department of Defense, Food and Drug Administration, Department of Justice and a federal judge are now all on record backing each other up on a single story that makes sense of observed, recorded injuries, sterilizations and deaths occurring alongside continued product promotion, manufacturing, distribution and use on targets.

The legal precedents set by Judge Truncale’s Jackson v. Ventavia decision can be summarized (paraphrasing):

Held: Department of Defense contractors, when manufacturing military countermeasures under declared public health emergency (PHE) conditions using contracts in which compliance with clinical trial, manufacturing and other drug regulations are explicitly “out of scope,” are exempt from legal obligations to comply with FDA drug development and manufacturing regulations such as cGCP (Current Good Clinical Practices) and cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices).

Held: FDA regulators, when reviewing, authorizing or approving military countermeasures produced under DoD contracts, are exempt from legal obligations to apply drug safety regulations (cGCP, cGMP etc.) during product review, authorization and approval procedures, and lack legal authority to take enforcement action or compel compliance even if non-compliance is identified and reported to FDA.

Held: Contract manufacturers of medical countermeasures and FDA regulators are exempt from compliance obligations, even if other contract provisions require cGCP-compliance, cGMP-compliance and compliance with other FDA drug regulations. “Out of scope” provisions supersede, nullify and/or void contradictory compliance provisions, and contractors properly rely on the “out-of-scope” nullification of compliance provisions in failing to comply with such regulations, which are inapplicable and unenforceable. ...
  • Tiny
  • 07-21-2023, 05:02 PM
Blah, blah, blah.

My post points out that the claim was false and heavily edited. Which it was.
If what you say is true (it's just your opinion)does that justify lying in the video? The vaccine came out after the election so why would anybody want it to flop?

You haven't read what was edited out. The whole context was, because it was nothing but political to trump and because his many lies about it, they wouldn't accept trump's word only. If you had read the part they removed we wouldn't be going over this again. They clearly stated they would take the vaccine if recommended by the health care professionals, Dr. Fauci, other Doctors. Trump spewed a constant stream of bullshit

Everything needed to refute you was in the post you replied to.
You had time to blather but not read the post.
This was about the fact check. And you proved the point. Just about everything you brought up was covered in the material excluded by the video. All you remembered was the bullshit video.
Every point you brought up was either your opinion or unrelated to the fact check. Which served its purpose and mine. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
I have no idea whether it's Joe Biden or Kamala Harris doing the talking, so I'll refer to them collectively as "BiKamala" and use the pronoun "it".

BiKamala appears confused. It says it will take the vaccine if Fauci tells it to and then in the next breath says it will not if Trump says to take it.

"If and when the vaccine comes, it’s not likely to go through all the tests that need to be done, and the trials that are needed to be done" stands on its own. That's just plain fear mongering, the kind that discouraged many Black Americans and Republicans from getting vaccinated. Unvaccinated board members here have cited that many times in this forum.

The following, which includes the text highlighted in red, also stands on its own. More fearmongering, I think. It's hard to say because BiKamala, who is menopausal and senile, is incoherent. However, BiKamala appears to say you can't trust the FDA when it says the vaccine is effective or the CDC when it provides guidelines, because Trump's pressuring them and he's a liar. You sure as hell don't want to be first in line. Wait a while to get vaccinated. "Look at what’s happened. Enormous pressure put on the CDC not to put out the detailed guidelines. The enormous pressure being put on the FDA to say they’re going, that the following protocol will in fact reduce, it will have a giant impact on COVID. All these things turn out not to be true, and when a president continues to mislead and lie, when we finally do, God willing, get a vaccine, who’s going to take the shot? Who’s going to take the shot? You going to be the first one to say, ‘Put me — sign me up, they now say it’s OK’? I’m not being facetious."

This next part, again including your red text, was tailor made for some of our anti COVID-vaccine contributors. Well, maybe not the ones that are still here, but some who've disappeared from the board. We don't know what went into the COVID vaccine until the other experts in the country look at it. Maybe we should get Democrat Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to line up some experts for us. So what does BiKamala think went into it? Microchips? Nanotransducers? Something that's going to kill Democrats? "Charting a clear path of science-based vaccines, free from politics. I get asked the question: ‘If the president announced tomorrow we have a vaccine, would you take it?’ Only if it was completely transparent, that other experts in the country could look at it, only if we knew all of what went into it. Because so far, nothing he’s told us has been true." But then there are experts at the CDC, FDA, NIH, university researchers, etc. They would obviously look at the vaccine. Maybe BiKamala thought the vaccine was something Trump cooked up in the White House kitchen.
  • Tiny
  • 07-21-2023, 05:10 PM
I'm not entirely convinced the FDA steered the boat. Seems the DoD had a pretty heavy hand in the pie. Might check out the Brook Jackson’s False Claims Act case. Also the Jackson v. Pfizer case... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I can't reply right now Why_Yes_I_Do. It would interfere with my schtick, while I'm showing TigBitties that BiKamala was responsible for vaccine hesitancy in the USA.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I can't reply right now Why_Yes_I_Do. It would interfere with my schtick, while I'm showing TigBitties that BiKamala was responsible for vaccine hesitancy in the USA. Originally Posted by Tiny
No worries. I hope you are able to convince the bloviator-in-chief, that the clot shots are not a vaccine and that terms relative to vaccines are incongruent, i.e. not applicable.

Not that I think politics had anything to do with it (but I do!), but they sure were agin it before they were for it and honestly, it's probably just a wild and freakish coincidence, but isn't it funny that the gene therapy was released after BiKameltoe was declared the winner?

In the mean time, I'll ferret more out about court cases in the pipeline. I'm hoping to see Reinrich (sp?) Fullmer, et all get some traction soon.
No worries. I hope you are able to convince the bloviator-in-chief, that the clot shots are not a vaccine and that terms relative to vaccines are incongruent, i.e. not applicable.

Not that I think politics had anything to do with it (but I do!), but they sure were agin it before they were for it and honestly, it's probably just a wild and freakish coincidence, but isn't it funny that the gene therapy was released after BiKameltoe was declared the winner?

In the mean time, I'll ferret more out about court cases in the pipeline. I'm hoping to see Reinrich (sp?) Fullmer, et all get some traction soon. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I knew since it was an election year truth was going out the window in February when they announced Covid was in the United States. All this thread has done is confirm how many useful idiots fail basic critical thinking and never question “experts” thinking they are always right
From the link.
While the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is not generally considered to be airborne, there may be some situations Trusted Source in which the virus can act like an airborne disease. These include certain clinical settings in which people are receiving intensive medical treatment. In usual situations, SARS-CoV-2 is spread through respiratory droplets after a person coughs or sneezes, but these droplets are larger than what is considered airborne.

If you read the article it says the virus can be transmitted by respiratory droplets through the air in certain situations (see bold above). The droplets can travel several feet when sneezed,
The masks help keep the droplets from being ingested by health workers and others. That's why a mask should be worn

Saying the common cold is bacterial is misinformation. It is a virus.

2 things.

1 How can you not know what masks do by now? They won't stop particles the size of the virus' but they catch and trap droplet size particles (they have to be used correctly to be effective).

2 How can you not have checked out these basic facts and why would you think fear was intended to be promoted?

You're whining about misinformation while your post is laden with it.

The article was put out there because of people like you, even after all this time, don't understand why masks are needed in certain situations. The droplets can be in the air from a sneeze. The article says the virus is not airborne under most conditions. The article has good information to pass on. It doesn't promote fear.

You on the other hand don't know why masks can be needed. The article explains that.

You also don't know that colds come from a virus. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
There is no virus in droplet viral particles maybe, that's why masks aren't needed. There is no definitive proof that Viral Particles are contagious or even pathogenic. What we regard as having a Cold can be either Bacterial or Viral the symptoms can be quite the same the only real difference is fever is more prominent in Bacterial infections.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I knew since it was an election year truth was going out the window in February when they announced Covid was in the United States. All this thread has done is confirm how many useful idiots fail basic critical thinking and never question “experts” thinking they are always right Originally Posted by farmstud60
Yes, very interesting <stroaks goatee>, but tell me more of a corrupt deep-state, i.e. partisan hacks in the various government departmental entrenchments, and it's involvement.

As some might say: A President has limited authority to achieve actual tasks. Instead, they rely on the delegated duties of the people that are paid to do those things, i.e. partisan hacks in the various government departmental entrenchments,

Think of it this way: Does the CEO of a global multi-billion dollar company make accounting ledger invoice entries from contractor's invoices to get paid?
Blah, blah, blah.
You are confused. Because you didn't read the article. Biden/Harris said they would take the vaccine if Fauci recommended it but not if trump recommended it. How can you not understand what they mean?
I have no idea whether it's Joe Biden or Kamala Harris doing the talking, so I'll refer to them collectively as "BiKamala" and use the pronoun "it". You wear your ignorance like a badge of honor. Yeah, we know you have no idea. Because you didn't read the article this discussion is based on.
You sure are "smart" (HS)

BiKamala appears confused. It says it will take the vaccine if Fauci tells it to and then in the next breath says it will not if Trump says to take it.

"If and when the vaccine comes, it’s not likely to go through all the tests that need to be done, and the trials that are needed to be done" stands on its ownAgain, read much? The fact check was about context being edited out of the video. You just provided the part that was included in the video ad. Intentionally leaving out key information. Fear mongering? You bet your ass. You said it just the way the ad did. You left out the context the statement was made in. You just proved why the video was edited. Just because you don't understand why the video was edited means nothing.
You are one of the most disingenuous people on this site. You can't just include or admit key information was removed. That's what my original post was about. You tried to add enough of your bullshit to somehow prove I was wrong about my post. All you've done is proved you'll keep digging your hole.
That's just plain fear mongering, the kind that discouraged many Black Americans and Republicans from getting vaccinated.Republicans listen to Biden? Total bullshit. The blacks? Since they believe in systematic racism (having lived in it and seen it), many see vaccines as an attack. Unvaccinated board members here have cited that many times in this forum. More bullshit. Those same people believed the election was stolen. Trying to use them as anything positive for your argument is laughable. The statements were made well before the election. The vaccine has been administered billions of times. After we got rid of trump, their bullshit continued. They claim it is gene therapy, a multitude of misinformed people passing misinformation. People who have no clue what VAERS is or how to use it. Just be cause you say people didn't get the vax, when you and yours ignored posts on here that included good information, are their own worst enemies.
That isn't trump's fault. Y'all own that.

The following, which includes the text highlighted in red, also stands on its own. More fearmongering, I think. It's hard to say because BiKamala, who is menopausal and senile, is incoherent. However, BiKamala appears to say you can't trust the FDA when it says the vaccine is effective or the CDC when it provides guidelines, because Trump's pressuring them and he's a liar. You sure as hell don't want to be first in line. Wait a while to get vaccinated.It doesn't appear anything like that. They both said they trust the doctors,and the proscribed process. More proof you didn't read the article. "Look at what’s happened. Enormous pressure put on the CDC not to put out the detailed guidelines. The enormous pressure being put on the FDA to say they’re going, that the following protocol will in fact reduce, it will have a giant impact on COVID. All these things turn out not to be true, and when a president continues to mislead and lie, when we finally do, God willing, get a vaccine, who’s going to take the shot? Who’s going to take the shot? You going to be the first one to say, ‘Put me — sign me up, they now say it’s OK’? I’m not being facetious."
Once again, you didn'tread the article. You are completely missing the point. You're just another spin guy who is misrepresenting several statements. The video edited key information out of the ad. It was proven to have been made to induce fear by the Republicans. They produced the ad.
This next part, again including your red text, was tailor made for some of our anti COVID-vaccine contributors. Well, maybe not the ones that are still here, but some who've disappeared from the board. We don't know what went into the COVID vaccine until the other experts in the country look at it. Maybe we should get Democrat Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to line up some experts for us. So what does BiKamala think went into it? Microchips? Nanotransducers? Are you kidding me? No one ever said anything about any electronics of any kind except you and yours. How can anyone believe such a thing could be done? Did you expect someone to say there are no chips in solution? People who believe something like that won't believe it's not in there. Something that's going to kill Democrats? "Charting a clear path of science-based vaccines, free from politics. I get asked the question: ‘If the president announced tomorrow we have a vaccine, would you take it?’ Only if it was completely transparent, that other experts in the country could look at it, only if we knew all of what went into it. Because so far, nothing he’s told us has been true." But then there are experts at the CDC, FDA, NIH, university researchers, etc. They would obviously look at the vaccine. Maybe BiKamala thought the vaccine was something Trump cooked up in the White House kitchen. Originally Posted by Tiny
Like I said, blah, blah,blah.
This bullshit is just your opinion. You include no links to prove any of your "facts", you don't understand why the context matters, you don't understand straight forward statements. Biden didn't hide the facts. Only a moron blames his own ignorance on someone else. You want to know what's in it? Go look. No one in the Biden administration blocked the comntents.
It's just like the election deniers claiming they don't feel confident in the results. Because of their own actions.

You might be smart for a trumpy but that doesn't mean shit in the real world.

Trump's lies won't mean shit in court other than they are lies. It didn't even bother you the video had been completely and totally used to misrepresent all statements.
And nothing I say can get past your Dunning-Kruger intellect.
All I can say is we'll have to wait and see.
I changed my mind.
You aren't very smart for a trumpy.
You use a proven lie/misinformation as the basis for a desperate attempt at covering other lies.
This is one of the things trump and his gang of the undereducated are going to believe. Again, blaming your own ignorance on others shows you will always be you.

I can't reply right now Why_Yes_I_Do. It would interfere with my schtick, while I'm showing TigBitties that BiKamala was responsible for vaccine hesitancy in the USA. Originally Posted by Tiny