HAHAHAHA.....How is it you are such a dumbed down Gruber?

Your CBO scoring report is over 2 years old, BEFORE obamacare was rolled out; the more recent CBO report says:
CBO throws in the towel on scoring ObamaCare
Congressional budget scorekeepers said they can no longer measure the fiscal impact of many provisions of ObamaCare because the task is impossible.

The ACA will increase the percentage insured from 82% to 93%. The projections by the CBO are in the link. Go to table 3.

http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/fil...0Estimates.pdf Originally Posted by flghtr65
lustylad's Avatar
Did MacGruber promote his book on Sesame Street?

flghtr65's Avatar

Your CBO scoring report is over 2 years old, BEFORE obamacare was rolled out; the more recent CBO report says:
CBO throws in the towel on scoring ObamaCare
Congressional budget scorekeepers said they can no longer measure the fiscal impact of many provisions of ObamaCare because the task is impossible.
[/INDENT]http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare...o-care-effects Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Hey Moron, yes the report is two years old, it's a PROJECTION out into the future. The report is valid for how many people they think will be insured by 2017.

The scoring that they don't want to do now is regarding whether or not the cost of the ACA will increase or decrease the deficit. You are an IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No one wants to defend the lies and corruption. Figures. And then we wonder why the country is going to hell. The lies, corruption, hidden deals, bullying, and coercion don't matter, as long as the government is restricting freedom because "it's good for us." Welcome to Amerika.
flghtr65's Avatar
No one wants to defend the lies and corruption. Figures. And then we wonder why the country is going to hell. The lies, corruption, hidden deals, bullying, and coercion don't matter, as long as the government is restricting freedom because "it's good for us." Welcome to Amerika. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
How much freedom does an uninsured person have when they get a long term illness? The reason that person was uninsured was they had pre-existing condition and no one in the free market would them insure them. The old system individual market was NOT WORKING. Doctors and Hospitals don't work for FREE.
LexusLover's Avatar
How much freedom does an uninsured person have when they get a long term illness? Originally Posted by flghtr65
Your "assumption" is that the insurance qualified for "Obamacare" will cover a "long term illness"! How many insurance policies have you read that COVER a "long term illness"?

If you reread (I assume you've read it at least once) the ACA you will find a "counseling" section that mandates medical personnel to "counsel' families on the IMPACT of "long term illnesses" and gives them "advice" on end of life decisions and the economics involved in maintaining someone for an extended period of time in a "long term illness."

Enter the "death panels." Like medicaid and medicare treatment and the payment for the treatment TO SUSTAIN someone must be approved for the charges to be paid. The regulations provide for a "board" to review the request for care and treatment and the "board" (aka "panel") approves or rejects the coverage. That's in the ACA and the regs. It is also in the medicaid/medicare regulations.

Enjoy your fantasy.
The CBO says those projections are no longer valid. Too many changes to the legislation........

What part of "we can't measure fiscal impact of Obamacare" don't you understand moron?

Hey Moron, yes the report is two years old, it's a PROJECTION out into the future. The report is valid for how many people they think will be insured by 2017.

The scoring that they don't want to do now is regarding whether or not the cost of the ACA will increase or decrease the deficit. You are an IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! Originally Posted by flghtr65
LexusLover's Avatar
What part of "we can't measure fiscal impact of Obamacare" don't you understand moron? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Apparently you believe that he, "Flighty," accepts that he was LIED to back when he was making up his mind about the ACA ....

.. IT APPEARS that he thinks the revelations today about Blubber-Gobber ARE ALL LIES perpetrated by the "right-wing fanatics" (have a familiar ring?).
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who is Clarksville?
flghtr65's Avatar
The CBO says those projections are no longer valid. Too many changes to the legislation........

What part of "we can't measure fiscal impact of Obamacare" don't you understand moron? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Moron, from your link.

In a little-noticed footnote from April, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said it will continue to assess the effects of the law's exchange subsidies and the Medicaid expansion, while not tracking others.

The estimate regarding how many will be insured is still valid. The CBO does not want to score if the cost of the ACA will increase or decrease the deficit. Did you listen to the girl in video? IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
flghtr65's Avatar
Your "assumption" is that the insurance qualified for "Obamacare" will cover a "long term illness"! How many insurance policies have you read that COVER a "long term illness"?

If you reread (I assume you've read it at least once) the ACA you will find a "counseling" section that mandates medical personnel to "counsel' families on the IMPACT of "long term illnesses" and gives them "advice" on end of life decisions and the economics involved in maintaining someone for an extended period of time in a "long term illness."

Enter the "death panels." Like medicaid and medicare treatment and the payment for the treatment TO SUSTAIN someone must be approved for the charges to be paid. The regulations provide for a "board" to review the request for care and treatment and the "board" (aka "panel") approves or rejects the coverage. That's in the ACA and the regs. It is also in the medicaid/medicare regulations.

Enjoy your fantasy. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If your max benefit of your policy is 6 million dollars, and you go past that, yea they will make some decisions on you. The old system has the same thing.

With the Regan law of 1986 and uninsured person can go to a hospital that sees medicare patients and they can't be turned down. Your condition is stabilized and they send you home.

If you have NO health insurance, you won't be talking to any panel, you won't be getting treated for a long term illness( i.e. an illness that takes longer than 90 days to cure).

Bottom line: Having some type of health insurance, Employer based, Obamacare is better that being uninsured.

I know you don't like the ACA. So, vote for republican of your choice in next election.
LexusLover's Avatar
Having some type of health insurance, Employer based, Obamacare is better that being uninsured. Originally Posted by flghtr65
For the most part the people who were "uninsured" were voluntarily so.

Prior to Obamacare (and after Obamacare) folks who could not afford health insurance from private sources were able to obtain medicaid.

This part right here doesn't sound like "coverage for long term illnesses"!!!!

"Your condition is stabilized and they send you home."

That's what is done TODAY!

There is no "panel" decision until you file an objection and seek an administrative review of the decision not to treat or not to provide meds.

While you are at HOME .. you can fill out the paper work for an appeal.

Kinda like getting fired, no pay, and filing an unemployment complaint.

You still got no income. You still got no care.

All that you have done is prove my point: You think they didn't lie!