Why Texans are freezing their asses off

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  • 02-22-2021, 01:03 PM
The women in my family were squabbling last night about "huge electric bills" on the way. They KNEW of someone in their neighborhood who got a $12,000 bill. It was matter of extreme urgency. They were in total freak out mode.

Got on my TXU account. The bill for the last 5 days, most of which the electricity was down, was $13. I showed them and they were totally disappointed that I wasn't joining the $13K club. I'm surprised they weren't going to give up their Suburbans, Tahoes and Land Rovers to help everyone out so they could join the misery.

This epitomizes the "Green New Deal." Elite woman with more money than time wanting to take money out of other peoples pockets to "save the planet." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Is LexusLover part of your woman folk?
A $16,000 electric bill for no electricity would be okay. Because if you hadn't received any power you could challenge the bill and not owe anything.

No, the size of the bill is because the price per kwh isn't fixed and is tied to the fluctuating wholesale price in a largely unregulated energy market.
Co-ops have price caps (the vast majority) that prevent the huge spikes. The $16000 dollar bill came from a $9 per kwh instead of the $.10- .30 per kwh most people see.
This is exactly why certain regulations are needed.
This is pure capitalism.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
No its not. Did I know the price of electricity skyrocketed? Did they call me to "renegotiate?" To say "they can charge me "the market price"" for a situation they created is unfair especially when they are the cause of the price increases.
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  • WTF
  • 02-22-2021, 01:07 PM
No its not. Did I know the price of electricity skyrocketed? Did they call me to "renegotiate?" To say "they can charge me "the market price"" for a situation they created is unfair especially when they are the cause of the price increases. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The folks that would have gotten the high electric Bill's are the ones with the "floating " or spot market pricing.

You most certainly have a contract.
No its not. Did I know the price of electricity skyrocketed? Did they call me to "renegotiate?" To say "they can charge me "the market price"" for a situation they created is unfair especially when they are the cause of the price increases. Originally Posted by gnadfly
It's called a "contract" and it's obvious you didn't read yours. Fair or unfair, you signed it.
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  • WTF
  • 02-22-2021, 02:45 PM
It's called a "contract" and it's obvious you didn't read yours. Fair or unfair, you signed it. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Now he and LexusLover are big government liberals!
Perhaps you should do some research. 90% of Texas's energy comes from fossil fuel, coal, and nuclear. THAT is what is failing. There are cold weather locations that do rely heavily on renewable energy and guess what their shit works. Why? Because their infrastructure is weathered unlike ours. Texas is the only state that is completely self reliant and we are seeing just how well that works when you have a bunch of incompetent conservatives running the state.

"Green" policies have not even been implemented yet and you are already trying to blame them. Nice try, not gonna work. Originally Posted by Little Monster
I would have said white people running the system fucked it up.
LexusLover's Avatar
The women in my family were squabbling last night about "huge electric bills" on the way. They KNEW of someone in their neighborhood who got a $12,000 bill. It was matter of extreme urgency. They were in total freak out mode.
Originally Posted by gnadfly
I suspect the same people who got a "$16,000 bill" also received their "stimulus" check before they were sent/paid. The internet is a wonderful place for "also victims" and "lotto winners" ....

... did I forget "commercial airline pilots" in "chat rooms" back in the late 90's?

Today we have a Governor in a significant state who lied about the deaths from Covid in nursing homes to save his ass and hospitals lying about Covid illness & deaths to increase their income from the Government .... which transmits the lies of reduced and enhanced stats to their lying media to justify their reduction of previously ASSUMED Bill of Rights freedoms.

Why shouldn't internet maggots lie, also?
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  • WTF
  • 02-22-2021, 03:05 PM
I suspect the same people who got a "$16,000 bill" also received their "stimulus" check before they were sent/paid. The internet is a wonderful place for "also victims" and "lotto winners" Originally Posted by LexusLover
Oh...so you think the 16k electric bills are a lie!

Holy fuck....it is all over the local news. Take off your Tin foil hat and put your earplugs in .... turn up the volume on your TV stand you might just learn something.
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  • WTF
  • 02-22-2021, 03:07 PM
ERCOT supposedly has sovereign immunity.

This matter is now pending before the Texas Supreme Court.

Boy this will put pressure on the Justices!

Ain't that right LL!
  • Tiny
  • 02-22-2021, 08:46 PM

For anyone who may be into reading ridiculously long FERC reports, there's this:


I'm not, so I just read the "executive summary" starting on page 7, and skimmed through a couple of the other sections that piqued my curiosity.

It doesn't appear that Texas PUC members bothered to act on many of its recommendations, as has been reported by numerous sources in recent days.

. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Interesting, Thanks for posting that. It sounds like 2011 should have been good preparation for what came this year. I wonder if they had the same problems with fuel switching and black start units (power plants that can be started without support from the grid) this year that they did back then. They have a lot of very specific recommendations for weatherizing power plants, but not so many for the gas production infrastructure. It will be interesting to read the post mortem on what happened this month.
winn dixie's Avatar
Under the circumstances ERCOT did a superb job! With record temps and snow majority of Texans kept their power! Two days removed most that lost power have it back! kudos to ERCOT.
lustylad's Avatar
I think you're an educated dumbass... Originally Posted by WTF
You evidently have me confused with Mucus McLame, the dumbass in this forum who tries to cover for his ignorance by proclaiming, loudly and repeatedly, that he holds 3 Ivy League degrees.

I worked in a gas refinery and knew exactly wtf happened... It is simple math.

Your WSJ article was a political hit piece that had no relevance to this situtation (sic). That you were too dense to understand that fact then and now,....does not suprise (sic) me. Originally Posted by WTF
You keep trashing the WSJ but you are utterly incapable of critiquing it or pointing to any specific factual inaccuracies. The article I reprinted was anything BUT a political hit piece. It was 100% relevant to last week's Texas power crisis.

As far as "simple math" is concerned, the WSJ did its homework. It looked up data tracked by the EIA. You've offered nothing, nada, zilch to refute it:

Between 12 a.m. on Feb. 8 and Feb. 16, wind power plunged 93% while coal increased 47% and gas 450%, according to the EIA.
Instead of asking why did wind power (which was meeting 42% of your state's electricity demand) crash on a dime, you're all hung up on the question of why couldn't your offline gas-fired generators ramp up their Kwh output on a dime by 800% or more instead of only 450%? You want to heap all the blame on the latter, and none on the former, while you glibly and vaguely spout "weatherize!" as your brilliant catch-all solution to fix everything, without offering any details that might reflect serious knowledge of what equipment failed and why.

But yeah, it's "simple math" and you "knew exactly what happened" because you once emptied wastebaskets at the Pumpjack Oil Company 40 years ago lol.
lustylad's Avatar
You spend too much bandwidth (not to mention time) attempting to impress others with your inciteful knowledge acquired from 3rd parties. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Maybe that's because he knows you're so easily incited!!
lustylad's Avatar
I think you're... a latent homosexual. Not that there is anything wrong with that... Originally Posted by WTF
Please blow lustylad a kiss....I never realized how much of a man crush he had on you! Originally Posted by WTF
Knock it off, Seinfeld... everyone knows I only have eyes for you!

Ripmany's Avatar
It a fat in ass that cause it of freeze when you put you dick in it real painful. But fun..