Let's Get Back to Normal

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-01-2020, 07:14 AM

You are probably too young to remember the 2000 election & Florida.

! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Is LL still bragging about how fucking old he is? He been do that for the last 20 years. That and picking hookers!

He is an old as fuck misogynist
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Yeah - the new socialist normal under the DPST's LM - your ivy league socialist indoctrination has you totally indoctrinated by teh Socialist DPST's and LSM. Originally Posted by oeb11
Dude, the only reason I don't hate Trump is because of his lack of taxation on me. Otherwise, I'd hate that moron. Don't try to put me in a box and call me a socialist because I don't share your views. Be smarter and more mature than that. Or don't. Fuck if I care either way.

You like to put people in a box if they don't share your views. That's fucking stupid and narrow minded thinking. Open up your eyes and ears. Don't be a sheep. You shouldn't live your life being so judgmental of others who do not share your views.
  • oeb11
  • 11-01-2020, 08:08 AM
you vote biden - U vote for marxist socialist control of America

Your TDS and Trump hatred inculcated by the 'Ivy league education' - shows the ideology uber alles!
All DPST's Lie .

you joined them!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
How in the fuck is this thread on page 2? Bump

I'm going for 100 posts!!!!

I don't give a fuck if I have to do it myself. I'll even make up some bullshit about the climate change in Siberia and Liberia to reach my goal.

Your TDS and Trump hatred inculcated by the 'Ivy league education' - shows the ideology uber alles!
All DPST's Lie, Originally Posted by oeb11
I have Ivy League degrees. I'm smart. Do you really want to put me in a box because of my high SAT. ACT and GMAT scores? Ivy League degrees don't mean much while I am using a fake name on a whore board though.

Stop being a clown talking about my education and trying to belittle those degrees I worked hard for. I only bring up my education when dipshits get goofy.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Open your eyes ffs. Those aren’t Trump supporters out there rioting and burning cities to the ground.

Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
The media and the education system (brain washing) along with the diminishment of traditional values and the inability of boomers to raise their children correctly created those riots, not the one who is H I M.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
LOL, white trash. I said I'd be back later. I don't recall asking your white trash ass about a resume that hardly impresses me with your degrees. What colleges were those degrees from, you old geezer, LOL?

Stop missing me so soon. You sensitive white trash blouses crack me up. I said I would be back later. Just give me a few hours you sensitive blouse.

I do love the anger from the week clowns. I just feel like I am culling the herd with those blouses.

Cool, homeboy says he has a degree in history, political science and European Studies LOL. Damn you must be broke as fuck. You should go get your money back for those bullshit degrees. You don't make any money off of those bullshit degrees. You're lucky to make $65K a year with those shit degrees. Nice try though, broke ass. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

It's called the GI Bill dumbass. The uniform is real. Thanks for your support. The MA was on me.
  • oeb11
  • 11-01-2020, 10:14 AM
SM - your post illustrates the 'New Normal under Biden - universal OBLM and antfa rioting, looting, arson murder - and all in the name of Socialist totalitarianism of the DPST party - which has enabled and fomented the riots everywhere - and thinks it can control them once the genie is out of the box.
It can't be controlled

So LM - see your New Normal illustrated above.

And when they come for your home - you will regret selling your rifles like a good little DPST disarming Oneself at the behest of the socialist narrative!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
It's called the GI Bill dumbass. The uniform is real. Thanks for your support. The MA was on me. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I don't give a shit whether the uniform is real. I got degrees to make money. You got degrees to make bullshit money. We don't think the same way. I like my money and you don't make shit with your bullshit degrees. It is what it is. If you are offended, what the fuck do I care about only speaking the truth?

oeb11, I saw Rainman the other day on HBO. Your repetitive silly ass puts Raymond (Dustin Hoffman) to shame. Seek help, clown. You're not normal. I guess that's just how angry midgets are though.
  • oeb11
  • 11-01-2020, 10:26 AM
It got your attention - but not enough to actually think about it - didn't it!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
100 posts. That was the plan after 50. It's always important to achieve your silly ass whore board thread goals. I would like to thank all who can't stand me for your support.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Yes, you have an advanced degree from a good university and you have a lot of money. I am very proud of you.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yes, you have an advanced degree .... Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Did he post "advanced"?
Lapdog's Avatar
Yes, you have an advanced degree from a good university and you have a lot of money. I am very proud of you. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

Why are y'all so jealous of him?
winn dixie's Avatar
Why are y'all so jealous of him? Originally Posted by Lapdog
I'm not! Hes full of shit! Everything he posts is b/s!
Lapdog's Avatar
Well, WD. I didn't specify exactly who y'all were, but if the shoe fits, wear it!