House panel finds Obama and Clinton responsible for Benghazi errors

NiceGuy53's Avatar
Let's not forget that the concept of "Gun Running Programs" executed by the ATF field office in Phoenix, Az was started under Bush. NG53 are you happy now? Originally Posted by flghtr65
LMAO! You obviously do not have the integrity to admit to your false statements. You are the typical Obamatron who always says it was Bush's fault.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-30-2013, 12:26 PM
WTF (what does this have to do with the OP?), now you're telling some real big lies. If the democrats were not afraid of Sarah Palin then why do YOU fall over yourselves trying to get something on her? Why not go after Elizabeth Dole? She has no impact on republican policies or who gets nominated. No, you're all afraid of Sarah Palin because she is getting things done and like little girls you want to kill what you're afraid of. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
They hate her lying ass but the election has proven they have nothing to be afraid of from her. She is not electable. You mix up two different schools of thought JD. And speaking of killing what you are afraid of, you were the one that shit your pants after 9/11, I have maintained from the start that as a military operation it was nothing. We in fact over reacted to it, just as they wanted. You chickenhawks fell into the ''shit your pants'' terrorist trap. You are more likely to die of a snake bite than a terrorist , yet we don't go out and blow 3-4 TRILLION dollars rounding up snakes....
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-30-2013, 12:29 PM
all I can say is what Ive said before on the gun running subject

the rightwingers better hope like hell some guns or A GUN doesn't show up at a crime scene that can be linked back to W
I B Hankering's Avatar
all I can say is what Ive said before on the gun running subject

the rightwingers better hope like hell some guns or A GUN doesn't show up at a crime scene that can be linked back to W Originally Posted by CJ7
How so? All it will prove is the wisdom behind ending a failed program in 2007 and not handing it off to encumber a new administration.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
all I can say is what Ive said before on the gun running subject

the rightwingers better hope like hell some guns or A GUN doesn't show up at a crime scene that can be linked back to W Originally Posted by CJ7
Just chomping at the bit for an "I told you so" huh?
As soon as someone thinks of that idea, they can always gin-up something. Maybe they already have and are just holding it in reserve in case F&F starts blowing up again.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-30-2013, 01:31 PM
Just chomping at the bit for an "I told you so" huh?
As soon as someone thinks of that idea, they can always gin-up something. Maybe they already have and are just holding it in reserve in case F&F starts blowing up again. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

"I told you so" ?

not even close

but Im pretty sure See et al can "gin something up" if the conspiracy business slows down
Chica Chaser's Avatar
flghtr65's Avatar
If you remove the word "exact", then you are still saying that it was the same program. It was not the same program. Yes, there were some similarities but there were significant differences too. See my post #52 for some of the differences between the 2 programs. You yourself even referenced 1 of the differences between the 2 programs, being that Fast and Furious did not use tracking devices. In fact, there was no attempt to track these weapons under Fast and Furious. So, how is that "the same program"? And there were other differences as I pointed out in post #52.

You still haven't retracted your false statement in post #36, that Fast and Furious was started under Bush. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
How are they the same programs? If you look up the word SAME in Websters dictionary you get the following:
1A - Resembling in every relevant respect. Note the word resembling.

Websters definition for Resemblence: Point of likeness similiarty.

If you go by Websters dictionary. Operation Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious are the same. They were both GUN RUNNING PROGRAMS. Fast and Furious had more guns. The fact that they did not use a defective tracking device does not make the program different.(Why use something a second time if you already know that it does not work). The resemblence and the similarties make them the same, not identical. I removed the word exact. The word same still applies, unless you don't like Websters Dictionary. You can't hold the Atty. General for Obama (Holder) to a different standard than the Atty General for Bush when they ran the SAME/SIMILAR program.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It is amazing how these people will defend Obama, regardless of what the facts clearly state. Frightening, yes, but amazing as well.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result is Einstein's definition of insanity. Bush's and Obama's operation both had different results so they are not the same. Like a military style semi-automatic rifle to a gun grabber, it looks just like something else and they cannot see the difference.
flghtr65's Avatar
It is amazing how these people will defend Obama, regardless of what the facts clearly state. Frightening, yes, but amazing as well.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It's amazing how IBH and others will defend Bush or give Bush and his adminstration a free pass.

There were differences, so the programs are not identical, but according to Websters definition of same, Operation Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious can be considered the same. IBH asked how are they the same. I provided an explanation.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You admit that they are not but then you say that they are the same. Ann Coulter was right about you.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
How are they the same programs? If you look up the word SAME in Websters dictionary you get the following:
1A - Resembling in every relevant respect. Note the word resembling.

Websters definition for Resemblence: Point of likeness similiarty.

If you go by Websters dictionary. Operation Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious are the same. They were both GUN RUNNING PROGRAMS. Fast and Furious had more guns. The fact that they did not use a defective tracking device does not make the program different.(Why use something a second time if you already know that it does not work). The resemblence and the similarties make them the same, not identical. I removed the word exact. The word same still applies, unless you don't like Websters Dictionary. You can't hold the Atty. General for Obama (Holder) to a different standard than the Atty General for Bush when they ran the SAME/SIMILAR program. Originally Posted by flghtr65
The definition of the word "same" as taken from Merriam-Webster:

a: resembling in every relevant respect
b: conforming in every respect —used with as

a: being one without addition, change, or discontinuance : identical
b: being the one under discussion or already referred to

: corresponding so closely as to be indistinguishable

: equal in size, shape, value, or importance —usually used with the or a demonstrative (as that, those) in all senses

You left out the other definitions: 1b; 2a; 2b; 3; 4. Instead, you thought you would try your luck by cherry picking 1a as your defintion of the word "same". Well guess what, you are still shit out of luck. The 2 programs are not "resembling in every relevant respect". There were major differences between the 2 programs as has been pointed out in previous posts. You yourself have again referenced some of the differences. You need to go back to the drawing board chump.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
It's amazing how IBH and others will defend Bush or give Bush and his adminstration a free pass.

There were differences, so the programs are not identical, but according to Websters definition of same, Operation Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious can be considered the same. IBH asked how are they the same. I provided an explanation. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Is this guy for real?!!!! I thought CBJ7, Eva and Little Stevie were the dunces of this board. But this guy is in a class all by himself. LMFAO!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A late aside for WTF; I served, I went to war twice, you cannot call me a chickenhawk you little piece of shit.