Japan reactors pose no risk?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-22-2011, 11:00 AM
[In my best John McCain voice] Well, my friend, let me point out your illogic........the caveman fought over running out of resources? Are you sure it wasn't just a question of access to resources and technology? Originally Posted by Marshall
They fought over the low hanging fruit....I'm sure you are aware of that concept. Even a giraffe understands that. Again, you have no concept of herd management.

Jarrod Diamond vs. John McCain in a debate on the earth's resources. Only caveman (or a Reaganite) would fall for you logic Marshall.
Mazomaniac's Avatar
If nothing else, Marshall provides someone to argue with and exchange links with WTF Originally Posted by pjorourke
One word: Thunderdome
One word: Thunderdome Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
"Two men enter, one man leaves"
Maniac, you should hook-up with "her"......I think "she" would like that......I'm sure "she" has a surprise something-something for you that you won't mind........ Originally Posted by Marshall

Oh God...you caught me! The other day before I signed up for this site I got out of bed, tucked my penis, and said you know what...I wanna pose as a guy on an escort site so I can debate the ideals of nuclear energy. Whatever will I do now that I'm outed?

Last I checked I've had a vagina from day one. The only time I ever played on the other team was my freshman year of high school because they didn't have a girls soccer team so I had to play on the guys. (We got a girls team the next season )

I do find it amusing that simply because I can present intelligent debate, I must be a man. In reality, my mind is and always has been a sponge. I have an incredible memory (both a blessing and a curse).

I spend much of my day researching. I got my first chem set at age 7. I can tell you why the kangaroo is an evolutionary wonder, speak some of several languages, have an extensive knowledge of the medical field and can do some impressive pole tricks...all with my vagina in tow. Did I mention that I can have multiple orgasms? Cause that part's pretty sweet!

Sooooooooooooooo yeah. If you'd prefer to discuss what brand of tampons I use, what my preferred birth control is, and the nuances of my monthy cycle, we can start a new thread. But I'm thinking you really don't want to go down that road...and I really won't waste my time with that when the evidence will speak for itself once my site is completed.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar

Oh God...you caught me! The other day before I signed up for this site I got out of bed, tucked my penis, and said you know what...I wanna pose as a guy on an escort site so I can debate the ideals of nuclear energy. Whatever will I do now that I'm outed?

Last I checked I've had a vagina from day one. The only time I ever played on the other team was my freshman year of high school because they didn't have a girls soccer team so I had to play on the guys. (We got a girls team the next season )

I do find it amusing that simply because I can present intelligent debate, I must be a man. In reality, my mind is and always has been a sponge. I have an incredible memory (both a blessing and a curse).

I spend much of my day researching. I got my first chem set at age 7. I can tell you why the kangaroo is an evolutionary wonder, speak some of several languages, have an extensive knowledge of the medical field and can do some impressive pole tricks...all with my vagina in tow. Did I mention that I can have multiple orgasms? Cause that part's pretty sweet!

Sooooooooooooooo yeah. If you'd prefer to discuss what brand of tampons I use, what my preferred birth control is, and the nuances of my monthy cycle, we can start a new thread. But I'm thinking you really don't want to go down that road...and I really won't waste my time with that when the evidence will speak for itself once my site is completed. Originally Posted by Grad Girl Next Door
You have no need to prove anything lady.
However, this is Tittie Tuesday, and you could settle all discussion of your gender by flashing an avatar of the girls.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
However, this is Tittie Tuesday, and you could settle all discussion of your gender by flashing an avatar of the girls. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Oh yeah!
Mazomaniac's Avatar
Men are such pigs.

Trust me. I know.
However, this is Tittie Tuesday, and you could settle all discussion of your gender by flashing an avatar of the girls. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Hahaha ...can't do that this second, but I can oblige before Tuesday is over.

For the time being I'll throw up a color altered version quick pic for Tues. As the regular version is on my personal sites, I'll be changing it back to my original avatar or a new photo at the end of the day.
hwygnome's Avatar
As to the original subject, it is obvious that there is danger. Stuff breaks. Things that should not happen do happen. Granted they are so called 1st generation design plenty of time has gone by they should have been upgrading things to make it harder for things to run away like they have. The assumption that since there is plenty of water right next to the plant to cool things down things so everything will be fine is faulty. They should have had a gravity feed water system available as a back up. And of course a way to use a fire hose type system as backup that uses hoses and pumps brought in from the outside.

Yes we are exposed to radiation all of the time but it is a normal amount that we can live with. When the extra radiation from disasters like this and those in the past that we have not been told about. Also with the weapons tests (above/under ground) conducted in the US did expose people to harmful levels. There is a road or two in the US that while you can drive on you are encouraged to not stop and get out until you get to the other end of the road. Harmless? Ya right. But then so is gasoline when used properly.

Why? Consumption is consumption. Adding monetary value doesn't put the resource back in the ground. Once it's gone it's gone. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
Guess what happened when all the tress on Easter Island where gone. And if your thinking what trees on Easter Island, well there is your answer. No fire wood, no boats, no huts, no more animals and then no people.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Yep. Nobody believed Antios when he said Mars's dynamo would cool and stop either. Now who's laughing.

Oh God...you caught me! The other day before I signed up for this site I got out of bed, tucked my penis, and said you know what...I wanna pose as a guy on an escort site so I can debate the ideals of nuclear energy. Whatever will I do now that I'm outed?

Last I checked I've had a vagina from day one. The only time I ever played on the other team was my freshman year of high school because they didn't have a girls soccer team so I had to play on the guys. (We got a girls team the next season )

I do find it amusing that simply because I can present intelligent debate, I must be a man. In reality, my mind is and always has been a sponge. I have an incredible memory (both a blessing and a curse).

I spend much of my day researching. I got my first chem set at age 7. I can tell you why the kangaroo is an evolutionary wonder, speak some of several languages, have an extensive knowledge of the medical field and can do some impressive pole tricks...all with my vagina in tow. Did I mention that I can have multiple orgasms? Cause that part's pretty sweet!

Sooooooooooooooo yeah. If you'd prefer to discuss what brand of tampons I use, what my preferred birth control is, and the nuances of my monthy cycle, we can start a new thread. But I'm thinking you really don't want to go down that road...and I really won't waste my time with that when the evidence will speak for itself once my site is completed. Originally Posted by Grad Girl Next Door
consider them envious :-) and enjoy the attention . ... See it as a medal of honour...... and yes i believe you are a woman and you are incredibly smart. I hope you stay here long! I like to learn from you, you seem to be a fountain of intellectual capacity in the areas i seem to lack that, and i hope there can be a lot of mutual fulfilling exchange :-)
TexTushHog's Avatar
At the risk of actually injecting something intelligent into this mud wallow of a "discussion," Judge Richard Posner has an interesting discussion (in response to a blog post by Professor Gary Becker) on low probability, extremely high damage incidents and the role of government in those sorts of situations on the Becker-Posner Blog.


As usual, I don't agree with everything he says, but it's food for thought.
OMG Tush!! We read the same blog.
Mazomaniac's Avatar
Dammit. I read it too. Guilty pleasure.

@TTH. At least you didn't have to argue in front of Posner. He missed nothing. There wasn't a curveball in the bag you could throw by that guy. Toughest judge I ever seen.

Mrs. Mazo had Becker as her econ prof (way) back when we were in college. Another damn smart guy, but that's obvious from his history.

Why the hell can't we get guys like this to run for office?