Are you happy now?

You just don't get it do ya?
Originally Posted by WTF

WTF, are you banging your head against the wall while you type or what?!?

The great Ron White says "You cain't fix stupid!!"

Why bother.......
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  • WTF
  • 06-03-2011, 02:05 PM
WTF, are you banging your head against the wall while you type or what?!?

The great Ron White says "You cain't fix stupid!!"

Why bother....... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
LMAO, maybe I was thinking if I beat my head aganist the wall long enough, I could see things from her POV!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
WTF, are you banging your head against the wall while you type or what?!?

The great Ron White says "You cain't fix stupid!!"

Why bother....... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
That's over the top Ed Highlight.

You just don't go around insulting people you don't agree with like that.
That's over the top Ed Highlight.

You just don't go around insulting people you don't agree with like that. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Over the top??? Of what?? I didn't say it!! The great commedian Ron White said it!!

Mr. WTF were you insulted by what the great commedian Ron White said??

dearhunter's Avatar
That's over the top Ed Highlight.

You just don't go around insulting people you don't agree with like that. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
I find this whole train of thought quite interesting.........

My very existance insults some of the tards I disagree with........can WTF or EH insult if they do it in a way that skips right past the insulted about for every insult they give up two praises.......kind of like two "Hail Mary's" and one "Our Father".......I am just asking.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-03-2011, 02:24 PM
That's over the top Ed Highlight.

You just don't go around insulting people you don't agree with like that. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Hot Damn Marcus....When did you become so rightious?

Who was you insulting with this one!?

"That mother fucker can't leave enough alone!" You think.
"F you and the horse you rode in on!" Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
What is it with you guys?

You know very well you were calling Ansley stupid. don't hide behind a Googled inference.
I find this whole train of thought quite interesting.........

.......I am just asking. Originally Posted by dearhunter

Even more insulting than 2 more people re-posting what was deemed insulting in the first place?? If I remove my insulting post and WTF and MA leave theirs, am I still the insulter?? Exactly who was insulted.....Ron White??
dearhunter's Avatar
I find that I am insulted at the idea of you being asked to tone down your insults.......where does that leave us?

Furthermore.....the idea that you would quote me and leave out an insult (as if I am not worth the effort) is insulting......and I demand an apology.

If EH insults me again, can we ban WTF.......I'm just asking.
atlcomedy's Avatar
JB asked us to treat one another like we were in a Mall and someone suggested more rules then someone suggested it is odd a bunch of (mostly) libertarians want more rules.....I havemany times suggested the rules aren't the problem but the consistency in their application...That is there is a lengthy list of rules but many are never enforced and some without consistency....Since the "Mall" reminds me of childhood, how about we adopt another method used when I was a kid. In grammar school if a student broke a rule the teacher would write his name on the board, followed by a check mark, and another, at some point resulting in his being sent to the principal/dean of students' office.

How about we do the same here? If there is an infraction a mod can [in brackets] note points (or a warning) issued next to the infraction and brief rationale. It would allow for transparency, provide the membership with clear examples of what type of behavior is truly not tolerated, promote consistency, and increase the accountability required of the moderators.

Right now we have a black box and a bunch of vague terms like "civility" tossed around to describe the behaviors desired here.

This transparency should result in more community/membership-based self-moderation. Some want a kinder, gentler board...others a little more in your face...ultimately the community will decide what type of board we have.

As for LS or any other member leaving...oh happens...turnover is very common on message boards of all types...and I doubt it was any one thread or person that ran her off...and it may have just been burnout...frankly I'm pretty burnt out here....not because of the decorum but it seems the heavy repetition of topics....I mean is like "asked and answered," "use the search button,"....some ask why aren't there more threads about pussy....well most of them have been done so often it feels like Groundhog Day....
What is it with you guys?

You know very well you were calling Ansley stupid. don't hide behind a Googled inference. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Didn't you just do that?!?!

I don't even know what a Googled inference is!!!
atlcomedy's Avatar

How about we do the same here? If there is an infraction a mod can [in brackets] note points (or a warning) issued next to the infraction and brief rationale. It would allow for transparency, provide the membership with clear examples of what type of behavior is truly not tolerated, promote consistency, and increase the accountability required of the moderators.

.. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Hey any of you out there HR/Organizational Development types ??

I got a new organizational mantra for you...even comes with a catchy acronym:

A.... Accountability
C.... Consistency
T.... Transparency

All you got to do is put a bow on it and you got something
dearhunter's Avatar
I am insulted that atl quoted himself......can he have a check mark, please?
atlcomedy's Avatar
I get my name on the board first
What is it with you guys?

You know very well you were calling Ansley stupid. don't hide behind a Googled inference. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Stupid??????? I would never say such about a "lady"!!!!
Past her prime????? Now that she is. Don't get me wrong.. lots of lovely
mature ladies on this board but for someone that claims to be drama-free???
She sure as hell always somehow ends up in the middle of it! C'mon you have got to agree. Now Elana is a lady that carries herself with class no matter what.

Another thing:

Diamonds and Tuxedos Glamour, elegance, and sophistication. That's what it's all about here in ECCIE's newest forum which caters to those with expensive tastes, lavish lifestyles, and an appetite for upscale entertainment.

What the hell happened here????
Whoever wrote this mess deserves points!!!!!!!!!!!