Biden picks Kamala Harris, his former 2020 rival, to be his vice presidential running mate

Is it me or does Harris' speech sound slurred? Originally Posted by gnadfly
I think she rehearsed a slight cry for that line as well - so she could fake authenticity.
The good thing about Kamala Harris is that she doesn't much believe anything, except furthering her own self interest. You can see this in how she flips around on policies depending on which way the wind is blowing. Remember her many positions on health care reform. Or her bull shit story that was completely irrelevant about waiting for a bus when she was a little girl at the same time Biden was opposing busing. Maybe if Biden had gotten his way she wouldn't have been waiting around on the bus. What kind of morons fell for that story.

Anyway, I'd much prefer her over an ideologue like Elizabeth Warren. Hell, Trump donated $6,000 to her campaigns, and that was after he became a Republican.

Chung Tran was a huge fan of Kamala Harris, even though she was on a mission for a while to shut down AMP's in California. She even wanted to confiscate the customers' cars. Considering Chung Tran is the Asian Massage Parlor king of Dallas, this was strange. But perhaps he realized she has no guiding light, she's just going to do what she thinks will help her get elected. And maybe, just maybe, if that means appealing to the center in a general election and in the way she governs, instead of going to the hard left like she did to try to get the nomination, that's a good thing for the rest of us.

Anyway I'd much prefer an honest, intelligent, market friendly Libertarian or Republican with a track record of governing effectively, like Gary Johnson, John Kasich, or Mitt Romney. Or someone who I agree with ideologically, like Rand Paul or Jeff Flake. But if the choice is between a semi-corrupt, power hungry Democrat or a Socialist, I'll pick the Democrat any day. Originally Posted by Tiny
I thought Biden framing it as a local issue was smart of him.

Does anyone really like busing?

I rode in a bus a couple of times for the shuttle and didn't like it.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Cleary you know nothing about her , or I think politics in general

Anyway I'd much prefer an honest, intelligent, market friendly Libertarian or Republican ........., like Gary Johnson, Originally Posted by Tiny
cant get past his tongue ballet performance

something was going on there
  • Tiny
  • 08-12-2020, 05:23 PM
cant get past his tongue ballet performance

something was going on there Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Aleppo? That's the only example I know of where he put his foot in his mouth. Trump and Biden do it on a daily basis.
  • Tiny
  • 08-12-2020, 05:27 PM
As some have already noted here, Kamala has not been friendly to our hobby. Or for R.M., Grace and others, your profession:

Harris's political rise has been propelled by a yearslong, high-profile campaign against alleged sex traffickers. What she's actually done is help throw women in jail for having consensual sex, while trampling on the rule of law to advance her own political ambitions.

Ignoring the pleas of sex workers and human rights advocates for over a decade, she fought campaigns to decriminalize consensual adult prostitution in California. As California's attorney general, she helped lead a statewide program to get truckers to report suspected sex workers to police. These policies didn't stop traffickers, but they did land plenty of sex workers behind bars.

Harris fought to destroy, a classified ads site that sex workers used to find and screen clients, even though she publicly admitted that the site's founders, Michael Lacey and James Larkin, were protected from prosecution under federal speech law. But a month before Election Day while running for Senate, Harris went ahead and had them arrested anyway, parading them before cameras on pimping charges, which were then promptly dismissed by a judge.

When Harris got to Congress, she kept up her crusade, becoming a big proponent of the 2018 law known as FOSTA-SESTA. The result was that many sex workers had no choice but to return to the streets, where soliciting clients is considerably more dangerous.

Meanwhile, Harris declined to intervene in a real underage sex-trafficking scandal that involved dozens of police and other local authorities in the Bay Area
  • Tiny
  • 08-12-2020, 05:30 PM
I thought Biden framing it as a local issue was smart of him.

Does anyone really like busing?

I rode in a bus a couple of times for the shuttle and didn't like it. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Yeah, she tries to paint this picture in your mind of a poor little girl standing by the side of the road waiting on the bus, who has to spend a couple of hours every day getting to and from school. And this is while she's criticizing Biden for opposing busing. He's damned if he does and he's damned if he doesn't. Hell, she probably went to private school.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Sniff and Blow 2020!

its pronounced



yall a bunch of joanies?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I thought Biden framing it as a local issue was smart of him.

Does anyone really like busing?

I rode in a bus a couple of times for the shuttle and didn't like it. Originally Posted by friendly fred

mandatory school integration i.e. busing was a disaster everywhere it was implemented. i know because it eventually crippled both the City of Louisville and Jefferson County school systems, which were separate at the time.

i went to the City school system. in an affluent area where people would move to for the better schools in the area. i went to this high school less than 5 minutes from my parent's house. like little CAMAla i rode my bike to school .. all 1.5 miles. bahaaaa. then of course as a junior my dad bought me a car. and my brother one too. yes, TWK and TWK's brother did not have to share a car. we each had one. they were chevy vega's. they were crap but they were "starter cars" where if we showed we could be responsible with them we might get better cars (pluaral) for our senior year. more on that later ..

Atherton High School

anyway .. busing was a disaster in Louisville. the costs were enormous .. and ultimately self-defeating to the original purpose .. as it began to drag down the quality of all schools rather than improve the schools in lessor affluent areas .. the very thing it was "supposed" to do.

there were protests .. even some riots over this. it sparked lawsuits .. political movements .. and even political careers ..

Gerta Bendl

Within two years in 1969, Gerta Bendl organized her fellow housewives as the Dames of Dundee to protest school boundary lines; though there was a "highly regarded public high school four blocks from her home,"[1] odd boundaries meant their children had to attend a school several miles away. After their first success, the Dames focused on another community problem of frequent flooding; in 1970, Bendl was a major force in creating the community's Water Management Committee.[1]

that highly regarded high school ... Atherton of course. the Bendl's lived one street over from us .. in that same affluent neighborhood.

now enter TWK Sr. .. my dad. who also opposed forced school busing. so much so .. that he used his ginormous senior executive salary to help fund Gerta Bendl's "dames of dundee" movement. gladly. he supported their cause completely. fortunately for TWK and TWK's brother, all the lawsuits and Mrs. Bendl's grassroots movement postponed implementation of busing until 1975. which meant when the "list" came out .. who would be bused and where .. we missed the whole deal by one year. as did the Bendl's son's. mission accomplished.

now what would have been the fate of TWK and TWK's brother? TWK Sr. so opposed busing that he told us .. "yer asses are going to St. X if you are going to be bused even one year out of three for high school." (The City had a 3 year Junior high and 3 year senior high where the County had 2 year middle school and 4 year high school).

OMG!!! Saint Xavier!?!?!?! NOOOOOOO!!!!!


yep i nearly went to Catholic high school. goodby long hair! goodbye "Led Zep" t-shirts and blue jeans. Hello ties and slacks and oxford button-downs. and ... NO GIRLS!!!!


St. Xavier High School (Louisville)

never mind we weren't Catholic .. all ya need to go to St. X is money! that we had. and the Catholic archdiocese in Louisville actually ran an entire private school system. including no less than EIGHT high schools. 4 boy's .. St. X, Trinity, DeSales and Bishop David, 4 girls .. Assumption, Mercy, Sacred Heart and one other i can't fucking right now. bahaaaa

anyway .. those 8 high schools easily rivaled if not surpassed any of the so-called "Silver spoon" city and county public high schools (Atherton, Ballard, Seneca, Wagner and a few others). there were over 30 city and county high schools at the time. there were only about 8 that could match any one of the 8 Catholic schools in terms of quality education.

now .. in my opinion .. busing in Louisville ultimately failed .. the NY Times disagrees. in fact, they held up Louisville as a "model". okay .. whatever. it did ultimately fail no matter what the NY Times claims .. in 2019 ..

Busing Worked in Louisville. So Why Are Its Schools Becoming More Segregated?

for those who don't have access to the NY Times (yeah i do and no not to read their many biased screeds i subscribed to post an article some time back about the Bingham family who once owned the Courier Journal .. remember that article YssupHummer?) and haven't bothered to cancel it .. yet) i will post the whole thing ...

so here is one view ..

  • Louisville Male High School is part of the Jefferson County Public Schools system, among the most racially integrated in the nation.Credit...Maddie McGarvey for The New York Times

    By John Eligon

    LOUISVILLE, Ky. — When she saw the news images of angry white mobs pelting school buses with rocks and bottles, Sherlonda Lewis was glad that she was not among the black students being bused to a school in a white neighborhood.

    It was 1975, and Louisville had initiated a court-ordered effort to integrate its public schools by busing students out of their racially segregated communities. As a high school senior that year, Ms. Lewis was exempt from being bused from her predominantly black neighborhood of Smoketown in central Louisville. Having seen the violent resistance, she considered herself lucky.

    “I didn’t think it would last,” Ms. Lewis, 60, said of the busing plan.

    Little did she know, that same integration program would go on to be widely embraced by members of the community, educating three generations of her family.

    While some desegregation plans faltered in the face of white resistance, Louisville’s has proved remarkably resilient. It has survived riots and court rulings, skeptical superintendents and conservative lawmakers, making Jefferson County Public Schools, which includes Louisville, one of the nation’s most racially integrated districts.

    But if Louisville is proof that busing can work when there is the political will to have an integrated school system, its community is now grappling with what happens when that political will starts to dry up.

    These tensions — coming at a time when the nation is once again battling over the effectiveness of school integration — are the latest development in a series of changes that, in recent decades, have steadily chipped away at Louisville’s original integration plan.

    A recent survey commissioned by the district showed dwindling support for the plan and a decreased interest in diversity among parents. Struggling schools and a yawning achievement gap between black and white students are drawing more attention these days than the benefits of maintaining racially integrated classrooms.

    As the district’s schools slowly become more segregated, officials are considering more reforms that will almost certainly increase segregation.

    The state’s Department of Education proposed taking over the district last year after finding myriad problems, from financial mismanagement to flaws in the desegregation program, known as the student assignment plan. State officials agreed to give district leaders until next year to carry out reforms.

    “Right now, we’re doing our best to fight back Jim Crow and Jane Crow Jr.,” said Delquan Dorsey, Ms. Lewis’s son, who works as the district’s community engagement coordinator. “We know separate but equal doesn’t work.”

    Demonstrators outside the National Democratic Issues Convention in Louisville, Ky., carried signs against court-ordered busing in 1975.Credit...Mariette Pathy Allen/Getty Images

    There are dozens of school districts across the country like Louisville that continue to follow desegregation plans, whether court ordered or not, with supporters often pointing to research that suggests the black-white achievement gap narrows where integration is fully accepted. And yet opposition has never been very far behind.

    In the past two decades, dozens of affluent, mostly white communities have tried to secede from diverse school districts to form their own. A conservative law firm filed a lawsuit last year to challenge a decades-old system that helped desegregate public schools in Hartford. A current lawsuit in Minnesota argues that the state’s school system is unconstitutionally segregated.

    Louisville’s integration program has existed since the 1975 court order merged city schools with suburban ones. The year before, a similar plan in Detroit was struck down by the United States Supreme Court.

    Both Louisville and Detroit were about 20 percent black and equally racially segregated at the time, according to a report by Myron Orfield Jr., the director of the Institute on Metropolitan Opportunity at the University of Minnesota. But in the decades that followed, Detroit’s schools became overwhelmingly black and underperforming as white residents fled for suburban enclaves.

    Louisville is now part of a countywide school system of roughly 100,000 students that is 42 percent white, 37 percent black and 12 percent Hispanic. About half of its black students, and two-thirds of all students, attend integrated schools, according to Will Stancil, a research fellow at the institute who defined integrated as having a population between 20 percent and 60 percent nonwhite.

    By 2011, black students in Louisville were twice as likely to score “proficient” on math and reading tests as those in Detroit, Mr. Orfield found.

    Janet Pinkston, who is white, was bused to duPont Manual High School, which performed better academically than the school she otherwise would have attended. It was her first meaningful exposure to black people.

    “The people who went through it, like I did, saw that it has some value,” said Ms. Pinkston, 57, a freelance writer. “They saw that it has a halo effect. It does change your life.”

    Critics say an integrated learning environment is not enough, especially when black students continue to lag behind their white peers, and often shoulder a greater burden in desegregation, with longer bus rides.

    Ricky Owens was about 9 when busing started. He ended up at a high school several miles from his home, where he said he suffered academically because he often felt isolated as the lone black student in his honors classes.

    “In high school, I laid my head down and didn’t do any work,” he said. “I never felt comfortable. I never felt like I wanted to be there.”

    Decades later, his daughter, Jade, also found herself as one of the few black students in honors classes at her high school in Jefferson County. While the experience presented challenges, she said it taught her how to fight bigotry, and to empathize with black students from different socioeconomic backgrounds.

    “I think Louisville, compared to a lot of other places in Kentucky, is just more open-minded,” said Ms. Owens, 20. “Over all, we’re a diverse city, and we are proud of that.”

    Black residents in Louisville have complained over the years that schools in their communities have received inadequate investment. In some cases, black students are forced to go to faraway schools because they fail to win slots in coveted, nearby magnet schools.

    In the late 1990s, several black families sued the district to allow their children to go to a predominantly black high school in their neighborhood. That led a federal judge to lift the desegregation order in 2000.

    In 2007, the plan faced another major setback after the United States Supreme Court officially struck it down in response to a lawsuit by a white parent. The court ruled that race could not be the sole factor in assigning students to schools. So district officials created a new system that used a family’s economic status, education and race to assign students, and it maintained a variety of magnet school options.

    District officials are now considering additional changes that would allow more black students to attend schools closer to home — a move that many argue would further segregation.

    “I believe the goal of wanting to achieve diversity and have rich, diverse experiences for kids is a great goal,” said Wayne D. Lewis Jr., the Kentucky commissioner of education who recommended the state takeover. “I think there needs to be much greater attention to ensuring that low-income kids and kids of color have access to great educational experience.”

    Dr. Lewis’s opponents say that the achievement gap would be much larger had Louisville area schools not fought to maintain an integrated system.

    In the recent survey, only half of parents said they believed enrollment guidelines should ensure that students learn with classmates of different races and backgrounds, down from 89 percent in a different 2011 survey that posed a similar question.

    Still, integration remains a priority for district officials and parents who have been willing to alter the program over the years but have refused to scrap it. In 2012, a slate of school board candidates ran on ending the plan and going to a system of neighborhood schools. They all lost to candidates who vowed to keep the student assignment plan in place.

    “Having the political will is really important, and sometimes you don’t always see that in places where there aren’t court orders,” said Erica Frankenberg, a professor of education at Penn State University who has studied desegregation in Louisville and other communities. “It’s really something that some districts have taken on as part of their identity.”

    Delquan Dorsey with his mother, Sherlonda Lewis, and son, D.J., outside of duPont Manual High School in Louisville. Ms. Lewis was a senior in the district when its desegregation plan started.Credit...Maddie McGarvey for The New York Times

    Mr. Dorsey, the district’s community engagement coordinator, said he did not realize he was poor until he started taking a bus to Atherton High School in 1988. His mother, Ms. Lewis, was scared for his safety, being bused to a predominantly white area in the East End.

    There, Mr. Dorsey said, someone called him a racial slur for the first time. There were also racially charged scuffles at the school, about 20 minutes from Mr. Dorsey’s public housing complex in Smoketown.

    But the integrated environment helped him to see that he was just as smart as white students, and prepared him to work in spaces where not many people looked like him, said Mr. Dorsey, 44.

    When his son, D.J. Dorsey, started in the district more than a decade ago, Mr. Dorsey worried not about safety, but whether his son would be treated fairly in the classroom.

    D.J. is now entering his senior year at duPont Manual, one of the state’s top-performing schools. Mr. Dorsey, who said he had no white friends growing up, has marveled at his son’s relationships across racial lines.

    “When people of various backgrounds are culturally aware of others and have a willingness to learn, then we can make education work,” Mr. Dorsey said. “That is education.”

    A version of this article appears in print on July 28, 2019
    , Section A, Page 14 of the New York edition with the headline: Busing Worked, So Why Is Louisville Getting More Segregated?. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
interesting article on the louisville school system of integration.

the problem with busing is that demographics is a moving target. people vote with their feet. forced busing takes away the parents autonomy on where to send their child to.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
This hairy cunt is a BLM activist and Antifa supporter who will incite riots while defunding police and taking away your ability to legally own a gun.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Except - when San Fan didn't go after any church peds sex traffic yup look it up she's just another lying cunt

Before you believe the bs media read Profiles in Corruption she only out for herself
HoeHummer's Avatar
Is seems as though Harris was a greats pick for Biden and the Trump Klan, eh? The Republicans are so frightened now that we gets eight more years of unbridled xenophobia In this forum.

Angry white men of the world unite! Yous have nothing to lose but your privilege!

Awesome execution boys! Blames Canada!
rexdutchman's Avatar
I guess ignorance s bliss , thinking is hard