Tucker Carlson reports

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Are lock downs working and will it be worth it in the end?


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lustylad's Avatar
How do you guys know this stuff? Is there a list of banned posters that I am unaware of? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
When you are cast into the realm of the "BANNED" that word pops up beneath your handle (in lieu of "Valued Poster" or "Premium Access".)

Like wearing a scarlet letter.
HedonistForever's Avatar
When you are cast into the realm of the "BANNED" that word pops up beneath your handle (in lieu of "Valued Poster" or "Premium Access".)

Like wearing a scarlet letter. Originally Posted by lustylad

Thank you, I did not know that.

Anybody know which post it was that did him in?
Thank you, I did not know that.

Anybody know which post it was that did him in? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I saw at least one with a staff edit in it so it could have been that that pushed it over the top.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I saw at least one with a staff edit in it so it could have been that that pushed it over the top. Originally Posted by eccielover

Do you remember the thread? I'm curious because I would truly like to know with all the crazy, vile words thrown back and forth, what it is that will get someone banned. Call it morbid curiosity.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Do you remember the thread? I'm curious because I would truly like to know with all the crazy, vile words thrown back and forth, what it is that will get someone banned. Call it morbid curiosity. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I don't know what word gets what, and from which Mod, but I can tell you "Bitch" got me 5 points recently

I referred to an old cat I used to have, as a Bitch just 90 minutes ago. hopefully that's not 5 more points.
HedonistForever's Avatar
More on Hydroxychloroquine From Carlson, takes about 1:27 to get to it but it is informative, well, unless you are like Jaxson who for what ever reason is so invested in proving that Hydroxychloroquine not only doesn't work but it might kill you which interestingly enough when a CNN reporter tries to illicit that from a doctor, she doesn't get the answer she was hopping for. To many but surely not Jaxson, this is some informative provable information. It's followed by another interesting video on the matter.


Remember the Michigan Democrat lawmaker that thanked Trump for bringing Hydroxychloroquine to her attention which she credits for saving her life? Well, the Democrats were so upset at that, they expelled her from the Democrat party. Proof positive that no one can speak against the orthodoxy of the Democrat party especially if it favors Donald Trump.

HedonistForever's Avatar
I don't know what word gets what, and from which Mod, but I can tell you "Bitch" got me 5 points recently

I referred to an old cat I used to have, as a Bitch just 90 minutes ago. hopefully that's not 5 more points. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

I could take a guess but for obvious reasons I won't because I got 5 points when I didn't even know points would be assessed for disrespecting a mod ( which for obvious reasons I will not repeat ) when I didn't know I was being disrespectful because I absolutely did call anybody any names but this is why I'm so curious. It would be good to know what will get one points and what will get one banned because I fully understand this is a private board and whether I like the rules or not, I must obey and I will but it would be nice to know what the rules are.

And how many points can you get before the ban kicks in? Not that I want to test the rules again!
Chung Tran's Avatar

Remember the Michigan Democrat lawmaker that thanked Trump for bringing Hydroxychloroquine to her attention which she credits for saving her life? Well, the Democrats were so upset at that, they expelled her from the Democrat party. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
why can't you present it truthfully?

she was not expelled, she MAY be censured. far different.. not decided yet, vote tomorrow.

if she is, it only means the Party won't push for her re-election. she stays in the Party. and the censure may be (if it happens) because of her endorsement of a false treatment of the virus.

seems like 80% of the Posters here deliberately lie or obfuscate to make points.. why?
Chung Tran's Avatar

And how many points can you get before the ban kicks in? Not that I want to test the rules again! Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I believe 25 points gets you 30 days.. you have to be a real Scalawag to get that many points, because 4 out of 5 times when you post something "objectionable", it goes un-pointed.. especially in this Forum.. don't cross Peggy Sue, though, he will RTM in a heartbeat.. Lucas McCain as well.
matchingmole's Avatar
The best reporting available IMHO.

https://video.foxnews.com/v/61501236...#sp=show-clips Originally Posted by HedonistForever

:mf_tong ue:
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
More on Hydroxychloroquine From Carlson, takes about 1:27 to get to it but it is informative, well, unless you are like Jaxson who for what ever reason is so invested in proving that Hydroxychloroquine not only doesn't work but it might kill you which interestingly enough when a CNN reporter tries to illicit that from a doctor, she doesn't get the answer she was hopping for. To many but surely not Jaxson, this is some informative provable information. It's followed by another interesting video on the matter.


Remember the Michigan Democrat lawmaker that thanked Trump for bringing Hydroxychloroquine to her attention which she credits for saving her life? Well, the Democrats were so upset at that, they expelled her from the Democrat party. Proof positive that no one can speak against the orthodoxy of the Democrat party especially if it favors Donald Trump.

https://video.foxnews.com/v/61519806...#sp=show-clips Originally Posted by HedonistForever
here's a better video of the michigan rep who's being censured for thanking trump

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I believe 25 points gets you 30 days.. you have to be a real Scalawag to get that many points, because 4 out of 5 times when you post something "objectionable", it goes un-pointed.. especially in this Forum.. don't cross Peggy Sue, though, he will RTM in a heartbeat.. Lucas McCain as well. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

it's 90 days. i don't think you've ever been "point banned" just given some 2 week maybe 1 month "cool out" bans .. for your interactions with BobbyMann and others in Amp World.

of course i only got a 2 week "cool out" ban when i got banned. so i've never been "pointed out". Yet.

HedonistForever's Avatar
why can't you present it truthfully?

she was not expelled, she MAY be censured. far different.. not decided yet, vote tomorrow.

if she is, it only means the Party won't push for her re-election. she stays in the Party. and the censure may be (if it happens) because of her endorsement of a false treatment of the virus.

seems like 80% of the Posters here deliberately lie or obfuscate to make points.. why? Originally Posted by Chung Tran


"Why they would expel me is beyond words for me".

Merely quoting the lady, But yeah, to only be censured and told you will no longer be supported in the Democrat party is W A Y! different than being expelled.

This what you call "false treatment" is being used all over the world and in New York city.


Gov. Andrew Cuomo is still hopeful that a combination of a common antibiotic and an anti-malarial drug could be effective in treating patients with the coronavirus.

New York asked the federal government in March to approve clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine and Zithromax. Hydroxychloroquine is used to treat malaria and other health conditions, including lupus. Zithromax is prescribed to treat bacterial infections.

The Food and Drug Administration approved Cuomo's request and sent thousands of doses of the drugs to New York. The drug trials began in late March.

Cuomo said there was a 14-day limit on the trial, but more doses will be provided to New York. With a larger supply of drugs available, the state could lift the 14-day limit.

Want to try and parse how "requesting the drug" is different than "endorsing the drug"? Should Cuomo now be censured by the Democrat party for making this request which surely some people will see as an endorsement? The bigger question is "why can't CT be honest about what is happening with this drug and that THE ONLY reason for "promoting" damaging, false information about this drug is because of Trump's involvement". Do you think there would ever have been a word about this drug from Democrats and the media if Trump hadn't mentioned it? Be honest my ass, you would know honesty if it bit you in the ass.