the military ramps up for global warming....

LexusLover's Avatar
"Man-Made" global warming after the extinction of the dinosaurs:

From the New York Times!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Just imagine what those "aliens" believe, who are living millions of light years away, when they see the first images of Earth arriving .... "too much ice for us."

Jerry Brown needs to put a sock in it. He's embarrassing all those who voted for him, but they don't even realize it. The fires in California have more to do with their "conservation" policies of REFUSING to clear underbrush and thinning out the areas where there is thick growth of trees.
BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Wow, that was a clever reply!
LexusLover's Avatar
Wow, that was a clever reply! Originally Posted by bigtex
I suspect he was trying to help you comprehend ... lowering the bar ... "a bit."

I see he .... accomplished his mission.
LexusLover's Avatar
As things get warmer, don't they "EXPAND"?

Perhaps the "global warming" fanatics would prefer NASA stick with indoctrinating Muslim children around the world ... rather than "wasting" time on measuring its "growth"?

"The scientists estimated the average change in Earth's radius to be 0.004 inches (0.1 millimeters) per year, or about the thickness of a human hair, a rate considered statistically insignificant.

"Our study provides an independent confirmation that the solid Earth is not getting larger at present, within current measurement uncertainties," said Wu.

I mean .... "look" at BigTit's hot air posts ... expanding in multiples ...

.. only out done by Iva-Little-One's ... hot air posts!

If the "globe" were actually getting "warmer" ... where's the expansion?
As things get warmer, don't they "EXPAND"?

Perhaps the "global warming" fanatics would prefer NASA stick with indoctrinating Muslim children around the world ... rather than "wasting" time on measuring its "growth"?

"The scientists estimated the average change in Earth's radius to be 0.004 inches (0.1 millimeters) per year, or about the thickness of a human hair, a rate considered statistically insignificant.

"Our study provides an independent confirmation that the solid Earth is not getting larger at present, within current measurement uncertainties," said Wu.

I mean .... "look" at BigTit's hot air posts ... expanding in multiples ...

.. only out done by Iva-Little-One's ... hot air posts!

If the "globe" were actually getting "warmer" ... where's the expansion? Originally Posted by LexusLover

Poor Lexie standing knee deep in his own bullshit, and thinking someone else is putting out hot air. You are the laughing joke of the board only surpassed by Iffy, and his vids.
Poor Lexie standing knee deep in his own bullshit, and thinking someone else is putting out hot air. You are the laughing joke of the board only surpassed by Iffy, and his vids. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
And LexiLiar has the audacity to continually lie and call himself a Democrat!
LexusLover's Avatar
You are the laughing joke of the board .... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
... I just consider the source, and dismiss it.
LexusLover's Avatar
And LexiLiar has the audacity to continually lie and call himself a Democrat! Originally Posted by bigtex
Speaking of liars ... please direct me to a link of Bush lying about the WMD's.

(Oh, I and don't mean some blog of Op-Ed article from the Chronicle... I mean Bush speaking .. and not some cherry picked quotes like your specialty ...
"Mission Accomplished"!)

I've been waiting for 11 years ... so I am patient.
... I just consider the source, and dismiss it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
True, you are dismissed. Go play with the other children.
considering that the main argument for invading Iraq was w.m.d. I don't think you actually need a quote from george to validate his reason....
I guess you'll have to keep on waiting....
here's an article by andy's fairly long and the point he makes in the first few paragraphs are the war was a slow sell so george ramped up the lies about w.m.d.'s.
there are also about a million you tube videos of george asmitting there were no w.m.d.s.....
Speaking of liars ... please direct me to a link of Bush lying about the WMD's.

(Oh, I and don't mean some blog of Op-Ed article from the Chronicle... I mean Bush speaking .. and not some cherry picked quotes like your specialty ...
"Mission Accomplished"!)

I've been waiting for 11 years ... so I am patient. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
considering that the main argument for invading Iraq was w.m.d. I don't think you actually need a quote from george to validate his reason....
I guess you'll have to keep on waiting.... Originally Posted by stevepar
We (you and I) distinguish between being mistaken and lying. You apparently fall into the "group" who believe that stating something that is later proven wrong is "lying." I don't fall into that group. Based on the wealth of international intelligence asserting their existence prior to the invasion it would be reasonable for him to believe what he was being told.

Him saying there were WMD's prior to the invasion alone is not lying, any more than Clinton saying they were present was lying prior to his missile launchings. In other words, if one "lied" so did the other. By your definition.

One further thing: WMD's was a major factor in the decision, but the trigger mechanism was the "cease fire" treaty along with numerous U.N. resolutions that were continually ignored throughout the Clinton administration into the Bush administration right up until the green light for the 2003 invasion was given. It was fairly well documented that Saddam was not cooperating with the "inspection" teams by failing to give them access and restricting what access was given. If there are no cows in the barn, then the doors ought to be wide open for anyone to see, and if there are fresh cow patties on the new hay, then the next question is ... where did you put the cows? The doors weren't being opened and the questions were not being timely answered.

It's too bad Saddam and his henchmen sons lied about having WMDs.

Now do I need to provide the link to the U.N. reports, resolutions, and speeches building up to the RE-invasion of Iraq? Or are we going to rely on an Andy Carr cut and paste Monday-morning rethought of the decision?

It is laughable to believe that Bush single-handedly "snookered" both houses of Congress and virtually the entire "civilized" world (including the Iraqis, excepting BigTits of course who knew all along there were none) into believing there were WMDs in Iraq prior to the 2003 RE-invasion ... particularly when those same "accusers" speak in the next breath about what a dumbshit he was (is?).

Is there a coincidence that Obaminable is following Bush's force policies?

I'm still waiting.

It took 50 years for an admission by LBJ. I don't have 50 more years.