The facts do not justify the fear

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Btw. I take NO Responsability for this post. My iPad did it Originally Posted by Tsmokies

my ipad did it? that's a good one, lol!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Said it and proved it.

No matter what came before or came after, Fox news said Mueller couldn't prove conspiracy because there never was a conspiracy.

No matter what came before or after, Fox news said there was FISA abuse and there was.

2 fact based stories and no amount of deflection can alter those 2 facts try as one might. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I'm just sayin'. Why make a big deal out of this?

Justice Department files motion to dismiss charges against firms accused of funding Russian troll farm

Prosecutors argued that the companies, Concord Management and Consulting LLC and Concord Catering, were taking advantage of the discovery process to obtain material about U.S. efforts to combat election interference and that a court proceeding was not necessary because it wouldn't lead to "meaningful punishment in the event of conviction."

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm just sayin'. Why make a big deal out of this?

Justice Department files motion to dismiss charges against firms accused of funding Russian troll farm

MOTION TO DISMISS Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

because dim bulb in the light bulb factory it was a meaningless indictment to begin with. Mueller the senile idiot knew that when he did it (his staff did it Mueller doesn't know what day it is). it was all political showmanship. there was never a chance any of those nasty Russkies would ever be extradited to the US and senile Mueller "knew" it. well not really.

now don't be an idiot (or be an idiot your choice) and say nasty Vlad Putin wouldn't extradite those nasty russkie internet trolls to protect Evil Lord Trump! he wouldn't because he wouldn't. like the US wouldn't extradite HildeWhore for interfering with Russian elections in 2012? like ObamaFAGGOT interfering with Israeli elections against Bibi?

BUTT .. there is no basis in fact for that ... is there???


not one source is WIKI .. don't need them .. this time.

Why Putin hates Hillary

Vladimir Putin accuses Hillary Clinton of encouraging Russian protests

Putin Contends Clinton Incited Unrest Over Vote

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

Levin: The Obama admin interfered in TWO elections, and crickets


Oh Snap! like Thanos and his Infinity Gauntlet TWK bends reality and double likes his own post! again! how does he do that???

eccieuser9500's Avatar
because dim bulb in the light bulb factory it was a meaningless indictment to begin with.

now don't be an idiot (or be an idiot your choice) and say nasty Vlad Putin wouldn't extradite those nasty russkie internet trolls to protect Evil Lord Trump! he wouldn't because he wouldn't. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I wasn't even taking it that far, psycho. All I meant was Federal prosecutors and lawyers for the elite think they are above the law. As if it shouldn't apply to them.

Your corrupt DOJ lackey Barr wants the case dropped becaue the punishment wouldn't mean anything. It's all politics. And some here think it's a big deal when their side is picked on.


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I wasn't even taking it that far, psycho. All I meant was Federal prosecutors and lawyers for the elite think they are above the law. As if it shouldn't apply to them.

Your corrupt DOJ lackey Barr wants the case dropped becaue the punishment wouldn't mean anything. It's all politics. And some here think it's a big deal when their side is picked on.


Dork. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

as usual i'm five posts ahead of what you were going to post. all politics? like Obama and Hillary? like this?

i see you before you wake up. i see you before you post. i live in your racist libtard mind. if yous were really smart you'd stop posting because i live in your mind.

i read the thoughts in your brain.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
rexdutchman's Avatar
There is a fear and hysteria driven by the media is the real issue , the numbers don't support the hysteria idiocy , lets see maybe 50 cases is TX population 25,000,000 ?????????????????????????????? ????
There is a fear and hysteria driven by the media is the real issue , the numbers don't support the hysteria idiocy , lets see maybe 50 cases is TX population 25,000,000 ?????????????????????????????? ???? Originally Posted by rexdutchman
...that we know of. We are still too early in all of this.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I'm just sayin'. Why make a big deal out of this?

Justice Department files motion to dismiss charges against firms accused of funding Russian troll farm
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Damn, that may be your worst attempt at deflection to date! What in the world does dropping charges against troll farms have to do with whether the FBI and DOJ conspired to stop Trump from being elected and to bring him down when he was elected? This has never been about Russia troll farms. Where do you even come up with this crap? I'm beginning to wonder if you even understand what we are discussing here or or merely attempting to deflect.

What does your article have to do with FISA abuse by the FBI?

What do firms accused of funding Russian troll farms have to do with anything? I'm really starting to wonder about you.

This is about the fact that the lame stream media said there was a conspircy between the Trump administration and Russia, Mueller said there was not.

The lame stream media said there was no FISA abuse, there was.

The lame stream media bought into "there were just "mistakes" in the FISA application process". The judges said no, they were not mistakes, it appeared to be a criminal act.

Nothing what so ever to do with Russian troll farms. My God man! Stay on topic or start your own incoherent thread.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
...that we know of. We are still too early in all of this. Originally Posted by SecretE
From 100 known cases just 2 weeks ago to almost 5,000 as of yesterday. 5,723 as of today. If that rate of increase remained the same, that would mean about 250,000 cases by March 30th. And so on.

Some interesting charts in the following:
Numbers...numbers...did some dipshit mention numbers? What foreign country should I visit to get real numbers? We know dipshit in charge doesn't want numbers. He wants to make Putin look like the genius and America look stupid
Numbers...numbers...did some dipshit mention numbers? What foreign country should I visit to get real numbers? Originally Posted by Tsmokies
I'd recommend a visit straight to the source. Wuhan. You can report back when(if) you return.
No thinks Pittsburg (guessing you will deny that lol. It's a movie thang) I'm living in the real world and just luv to stir up the trump huggers shit. I do it so well �� Lol
lustylad's Avatar
All I meant was Federal prosecutors and lawyers for the elite think they are above the law. As if it shouldn't apply to them.

Your corrupt DOJ lackey Barr.... And some here think it's a big deal when their side is picked on. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Sometimes you make it really hard to follow whatever your point is.

I think everyone, especially HF and myself, agrees with you that federal prosecutors and others (FBI g-men) should be held accountable. They are NOT above the law. That's exactly why we need to go after Comey, Brennan et al. for abusing the FISA process to spy on a political campaign.

But then you go off in the opposite direction calling AG Barr "corrupt". Far from being corrupt, Barr is the Eliot Ness of the DOJ. He's the one who was brought in to root out corruption and make sure nothing of this sort ever happens again. And that means to EITHER side. Not just my side or your side.

AG Barr, aka Eliot Ness, told Congress "I think spying on a political campaign is a BIG DEAL."

He didn't say I think spying on one side's political campaign is a big deal, but spying on the other side's political campaign isn't a big deal.

The infamous 1972 Watergate break-in was an attempt to spy on the Democrats campaign. It was such a BIG DEAL that it led to Nixon's resignation from the Presidency two years later. The 2016 FISA scandal was an attempt to spy on the Republican campaign. In some ways it was an even BIGGER DEAL than Watergate, considering how the perpetrators directly enlisted the machinery of the federal government and subverted the judiciary to do their dirty work, instead of just hiring the job out to a crew of outside "plumbers" for plausible deniability.

Get it now?

No thinks Pittsburg Originally Posted by Tsmokies
More Stoopid words of wisdom? The only ones not thinking are those on the left, stuck on their TDS.