On the abuse in the Houston board and Eccie's reluctance to deal with it

Raphael's Avatar
If Raphy is so upset about having been outed back in 2008, why did he use the same handle when he registered here in 2010? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Did I say 2008? No. How would Chicagoboy, who belongs to the same blog group as Wayward (wmvw.net), unless he was involved or at least knows full well his buddy Wayward did it?

you reported a hijack? To who and why? She has 967 posts about 960 of them aren't about you sugar britches Originally Posted by Wayward
Funny that this person, who hasn't posted in a long time but who was obsessed with harassing Sofia, would pop up in the middle of the night when Wayward is also awake in the middle of the night - and that Wayward would feel the need to defend (him)her early the next morning

How would he know what is in his/her (many) posts?

"onehitwonder" probably is a second handle of Waywards.

So many breaches of rules...

Now that Wayward has been exposed, he and his buddies are going to wage an insane slander and insult campaign against me.

Like the sleezier among criminal defendants and their lawyers, trashing comlaining witnesses.

Saint-Chris, never keep out of your mind why ASPD fell. The same clique that outed me - outing Amer's parents to their bosses.
Wayward's Avatar
onehitwonder is a really funny poster from Dallas or somewhere north of conroe, Raphael take a deep breath and try to relax, we have a long day ahead, you are going to need to pace yourself. Have we had our morning meds?
Raphael's Avatar
Again, a nation wide alert is what is needed.

But no responsible hobbyest goes to wmvw-patronized socials lest the likes of Wayward note down their licence plates and no responsible hobbyest uses their personal phones lest one of the providers they see turns out to be a friend of theirs and prides them with the info.
With this being on the main board, it really is gaining National attention. The search feature
has been my best friend both here and on what was ASPD. Most of what has been posted in this thread has been posted out in the open here and on other boards. I cant see anything being outted, other than by the OP as to where to find all of his personal info and pics of his house. The OP even mentioned his family situation, not the other way around.

I live in the Midwest am I going to now be attacked by the OP for posting in "his" thread or having an opinion?

Im sure if I look hard enough, I will have the blog link by noon. Thanks for drawing undue attention to your personal matters. You get back what you put out. Kudos Raph.

Wayward's Avatar
Again, a nation wide alert is what is needed.

But no responsible hobbyest goes to wmvw-patronized socials lest the likes of Wayward note down their licence plates and no responsible hobbyest uses their personal phones lest one of the providers they see turns out to be a friend of theirs and prides them with the info. Originally Posted by Raphael
Why then do I actually have friends in this thing of ours and you only have your mistress sofia. All of your ASPD friends have in your own words turned on you. We could ask at this point who nominated you as ASPDs best reviewer because if it sure as hell wasn't Mr Clever. The horny dawgs banned you, your BFF butt buddy Losair actually does the crap you are talking about, as does sofia and why do I have a PM box full of personal info wrapped in threats from sofia? From that piece of work running the plates on my car when I met one of her clients for lunch?

Raphael I have proof you have insane in the brain babble.
Killersalt's Avatar
All the dramatics for asking a very simple question... Originally Posted by Ansley
Well, I guess Ansley is now part of Raphael's "lynch mob". Now I can finally be proud to be part of such an organization, she is freaking HOT HOT HOT!!!!

This thread has turned out to be a beautiful train wreck. Thanks Raphael!!! You have picked up right where the banned drama queens left things a few nights ago.

Just remember when you go on a rule quoting spree, then break all the rules you quote in a thread like this, you really don't help your cause to take on the world. You'd be much better off with sharks with freaking lasers on their heads to obtain your world board domination.

Vive La France! Go Peugeot!!!
chicagoboy's Avatar
If Raphy is so upset about having been outed back in 2008, why did he use the same handle when he registered here in 2010? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Did I say 2008? No. How would Chicagoboy, who belongs to the same blog group as Wayward (wmvw.net), unless he was involved or at least knows full well his buddy Wayward did it? Originally Posted by Raphael
2008 was when the nefarious blog Raphy keeps ranting about - which I found last night via the simple expedient of googling Raphael AND Kosair (the clues provided by Raphy in post #45, above) - was active.

Father Wayward, I thinck I see why Raphy hasn't accepted your invitations to visit the Island - he thincks it's wmvw.net.
Wayward's Avatar
Well cb Raphael isn't exactly the sharpest crayon in the box and maybe he missed my avatar? But you are correct it's ymwv.net not what ever the learned finder of guttersnipes posted.

mojojo214 got mad at me for pimping this masterpiece of a train wreck in the Houston literbox and was SHOCKED to hear that Father Wayward had beem threatened via eccie PM, so all that got forwarded to the powers at be and while I haven't been banging on the RTM it seemed only fair to let Raphael know. He does get kind of worked up about the rules and stuff.

LexusLover's Avatar

But the subject here is no more the military history of the French than it is the glorious outcome of the FRENCH involvement in Viet-Nam.
Originally Posted by Raphael

Military History

.... all belong in the same sentence!
Raphael's Avatar
I must thank the Chicago/Wayward group for exposing their responsibility in creating the blog. It makes it that much easier to flesh them out.

Mods already know Wayward's insinuations regarding PM's are slanderous.
TexasGator's Avatar
I had a great night's sleep. How about the rest of you?

I've yet to see an answer to my inquiry about WHO ran WHO off, so I wouldn't get my hopes up, Ansley. But it was a damn good question.

One thing's for sure! The OP believes that this mythical "lynch mob" (BTW, isn't that term slanderous, and in violation of one of those Rules you cited, Raphie?) runs people off the board with insults, flames and the like. I agree that behavior should NOT be tolerated.

Go back to Atlanta, Ansley. And do us all a favor, bring the lynch-mob back with you, if that's what you like. Many Houstonites would be much obliged to you if you did. Originally Posted by Raphael
Thread highjack reported. I am sick and tired of people like thr so-called onehitwonder, who come here only for purposes of harassment. Originally Posted by Raphael
Justanotherdude, get lost. After our recent e-mail exchange I thought you might not be so bad as the others - then you resume your attacks on me, with your buddies from the Houston mob. What more, it is not you who will be competent to determine the validity of my allegation, it is the lawyers and the cyberauthorities - the police - if I am right to believe (as friends of mine also believe) that Wayward's behavior is also criminal. Originally Posted by Raphael
Keep up the good work, Raphie - I'm nominating you for Hospitality Director

FWIW, Raphie, thanks for running Ansley off. Now maybe I can escape those last 2 payments on the Pacer.

And lest I forget, I'll spare you the trouble, Judy...I mean, Raphie.

Thread hijack reported to mods! Violation of Rule ___ (fill in the blank for me, please)
onehitwonder's Avatar
......"and now Pinky, we can rule the world..." excerpt from Pinky and the Brain" UGH! Thancks Wayhard for putting soooo much pressure on me to be "the funny one from Dallas" that's the best I could do on such short notice. Raph, Hon there is no shame in taking anti-psycotic meds. Trust me. Where do you thinCk I get this winning personality from? *wink* 2 a day keeps the voices away.....
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
With this being on the main board, it really is gaining National attention. The search feature
has been my best friend both here and on what was ASPD. Most of what has been posted in this thread has been posted out in the open here and on other boards. I cant see anything being outted, other than by the OP as to where to find all of his personal info and pics of his house. The OP even mentioned his family situation, not the other way around.

I live in the Midwest am I going to now be attacked by the OP for posting in "his" thread or having an opinion?

Im sure if I look hard enough, I will have the blog link by noon. Thanks for drawing undue attention to your personal matters. You get back what you put out. Kudos Raph.

Carlie Originally Posted by Carlie

Thank you for your input here Carlie...... I hope he does not in fact tell you to "get Lost" or "go back to ______"..... outside perspective is exactly what I was trying to interject much to the dismay of the OP.... which I can understand in part because I live in Houston and have been around alot of the drama lately asking too many questions I suppose.........

Again.... having nearly no knowledge of the "outings" previously.... I don't see where cb has shown "Proof" it was him in the blog by simply knowing the year in which the "outings" took place...... again as a bystander late to the game, I was aware of the year of such atrocities........

Rafe.... you DO have people TRYING to see your side of things and trying to be on your side..... but your first instinct is to be overly defensive and attack those who seek knowledge....... We all know Wayward is mean.... It says so in his Avatar..... We all know you two don't like each other.......some of us just seek truth so as to see who is actually in need of support and who is actually in need of distain...... that is all........ and you telling everyone to "beat it" does not help champion your cause here which for all intents and purposes seems as tho it could be a worthy one........ I have said time and time again that NO ONE should suffer outings and having your home address posted and other atrocities as such....... deplorable to say the least! But you have to help others help you if that is what you want! As it stands now it seems as tho you are doing your best to kick everyone out and wage war on only certain members....... and that doesn't look good on anyone........ just some food for thought......

dearhunter's Avatar
You guys stop it....this is getting so good, the owners are going to start charging admission to this train wreck......none of us want that.