The Real Slave Guinevere

Victoriajolie's Avatar
I'll speak as clear as I can to you. You was that friend to Ginger last year. Then you had that blowup with her. Originally Posted by Baconman
I actually didn’t have a blow out.. I acknowledged things that are against my believe done to members I realized been associated was like bony and Clyde and for the one that know me I don’t do that

As Biomed will redirect us to subject it should be close Sg will eventually figure it out as i did people see me because they want ,not in fear I’ll do something to them
If you have questions on how I was a friend to not be I’ll glad to clarify privately
I could do public but it’s bait
Precious_b's Avatar
Victoria that would be incorrect! One has my number to taunt me. But my point I was trying to make I have a certain amount of admiration for a friend defending a friend right or wrong. Originally Posted by Baconman
I'll speak as clear as I can to you. You was that friend to Ginger last year. Then you had that blowup with her. Originally Posted by Baconman

It is admirable when people stick up for you. You could be in the wrong, but it is nice to know you still have friends when you muck things up.

Now this "blowup" is something I have only heard about. Seems it might be the root to current events. Only those two parties know what went on and who bears the fault for it.

Otherwise to *my* knowledge, closing threads is not a regular thing here. "You post it, you own it" is the motto i've heard. But it is usually the person who creates the thread who has bearing on it being closed. Just because a thread goes into territory that others don't like is not a reason for closing. Alot of dirty laundry hung out like that.
Victoriajolie's Avatar
Really ? Texas is that boring you have to say?
Do you tour Arkansas?
I actually didn’t have a blow out.. I acknowledged things that are against my believe done to members I realized been associated was like bony and Clyde and for the one that know me I don’t do that

As Biomed will redirect us to subject it should be close Sg will eventually figure it out as i did people see me because they want ,not in fear I’ll do something to them
If you have questions on how I was a friend to not be I’ll glad to clarify privately
I could do public but it’s bait Originally Posted by Victoriajolie
It's ok you don't have to clarify with me. I remember the post you defended her then the post after the dust up. To get back to the original point. I found it admirable for Spanky to stick up for Zen. Let others judge the other characters on the other side of the post. I'm not going any further in the rabbit hole.
Look at the post I posted days ago in the questions for staff trying to clarify the rules RE Twitter. Biomed already spelled this out there
Precious_b's Avatar
Wow. Glad to see things have finally quieted down here.
Though i'm late to see things boil over, there sure must be some undercurrents on this part of the board to have brought things to a stir.

biomed1's Avatar
Exchequer's Avatar
Though i'm late to see things boil over... Originally Posted by Precious_b
I don't think anyone would accuse you of being late. I' m sure the Arkansas boards appreciate the extra attention since it's usually bored AF here!

Originally Posted by biomed1
Made me think of Haunted House when I saw that!

Precious_b's Avatar
Victoriajolie's Avatar
Baconman than stop been Alice in the rabbit hole
Alice it’s fairly creepy that you reported my posts stalk my twitter
I’m not RUDE OR DISRESPECTFUL you don’t want to know yet trying to stir shit like a pig in mud
I explained clearly that I was manipulated and yes I defended I was asked to chime in as some others members did .Are you that sore butt about me making a mistake look your buddies a lot fall into it look some puppets that are anseThank goodness I didn’t insult or body shame any companionsI think the Op was right to do what he within knowing the consequences …I can’t wait to meet Zenovia which I think is absolutely gorgeous & seem to have a kind personality she can hold her tounge better than me which I lift my hat for that
Precious B yah I don’t know what heck I was thinking …they don’t close tread
Hope everyone have great holidays & happy new year!
Why would I report your posts. I'm sure there's others more likely than me to do it. I don't stalk your Twitter. No need to. Quit trying to use me to generate business for your upcoming trip to NWA. I hope your very successful on trips to Arkansas that increases my chances to see the ladies I want to see because guys will spend money on you. And please don't insinuate that I'm teaming up with the Real Slave Guinevere and friend Ginger. Furthest thing from the truth. I would take Zen's side all day everyday and twice on Sunday.
CatMan4u's Avatar
Wow I thought the drama had
Here's want I know Baconman are
has been nothing but helpful that I have picked up on
Zenovia is extremely sweet
she has always asked me to clarify my meaning if she didn't understand
As far as Twitter conversation this talk about he said she said is exactly why I stay awyfrom that site
I don't see many ladies because of several reasons and 90% of the time it's not about there donation
Just my opinion

Bacomman your absolutely right about Zen
She is very kind and sweet
Victoriajolie's Avatar
Why would I report your posts. I'm sure there's others more likely than me to do it. I don't stalk your Twitter. No need to. Quit trying to use me to generate business for your upcoming trip to NWA. I hope your very successful on trips to Arkansas that increases my chances to see the ladies I want to see because guys will spend money on you. And please don't insinuate that I'm teaming up with the Real Slave and friend Ginger. Furthest thing from the truth. I would take Zen's side all day everyday and twice on Sunday. Originally Posted by Baconman
Dude I’m using you to generate business?Thats definitely a funny one are you same planet than GD?How important to you self proclaimed to be ?Because fyi I do fairly well for myself …Actually most tell me to not engage in your tirade …Whatever that is …your beef against her is one against me no reason … Yes dude you are stalking my tweets it’s weird… I was amazed as WtF
Now if I get your words you are hoping I’m super busy so can see girls hmm why they won’t see unless financially have to? explain
You have been less than kind with me for no reason you first were abrasive toward a mistake of one my ad on pd after you continue stirring it … I never done anything to you ..I don’t understand what is your problem