I need brain surgery

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Somethings are beyond repair.
LexusLover's Avatar
Somethings are beyond repair. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
That's what is great ... just do an "air flush" to clear his head.
Well, the imaging has to be high-tech for magnification requirements. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Reckon they'll have to borrow the Hubble telescope or similar, high tech, high resolution device that can "make out " tiny objects with clarity ?
LexusLover's Avatar
Reckon they'll have to borrow the Hubble telescope or similar, high tech, high resolution device that can "make out " tiny objects with clarity ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Shaking it like a maraca with just one little mushy bb isn't good enough!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

I would love to hear who they think the VP is.

The scary thing is that some of these people have gold cards and drive cars.
lustylad's Avatar
Sissy Chap's gibberish is in red; my replies are in blue.

Whether she was prosecuted or not, based on her reckless behavior and willingness to put her personal political interests ahead of the nation's security, she is obviously unfit to run for President.

And it's not the first time either. It's not just the server and the emails. -*then this should be fun.*Let's be candid. She has shown a HISTORICAL PATTERN OF PUTTING HERSELF AND HER PERSONAL POLITICAL AMBITIONS AHEAD OF OUR NATIONAL SECURITY:

1. She admitted she voted against the 2007 surge in Iraq (which succeeded in ending the war and stabilizing the country for Odumbo) entirely for political reasons (as disclosed by Bob Gates in his memoir "Duty"). - that's nothing and is literally not an issue for those of us who are Progressive. So progressives are in favor of abandoning Iraq to ISIS? Good to know! The more troubling decision would be when she supported the War in Iraq which proved to be a war false false (sic) on it's (sic) face, a way (sic) initiated by Bush to avenge the threat Saddam made against his father during Desert Storm. Nothing more nothing less. We went to war for multiple reasons. The incident you are referring to took place AFTER Desert Storm. Saddam tried to assassinate Bush Sr. while he was visiting Kuwait in 1993. Are you cool with letting bad guys launch plots to assassinate a US POTUS with no consequences? So the flip side to your question is does she get credit for supporting Bush's war? She gets no credit for EITHER vote. They were BOTH entirely political and BOTH prove my point. She voted for the Iraq War in 2003 after she tested the political winds and was afraid of bucking popular opinion in the wake of 9/11. BOTH votes – for the war initially, then against the surge when it looked to be a hard slog – prove my point that she is a dangerous, self-centered, flip-flopping bitch who makes decisions purely on the basis of politics, with no regard for national security.

2. She falsely and deliberately blamed the 2012 Benghazi attack on a youtube video in order to minimize the negative political fallout to her and Odumbo. -*Again it doesn't matter several people died whether it was a result of dam (sic) youtube or not it's immaterial. Gee Sissy Chap, why don't you just parrot hildebeest's finest hour and splurt out “What difference, at this point, does it make?” Minimizing negative political fallout as a result of what caused it is STUPID ON IT'S (sic) FACE. Umm... yes it is stupid, especially when you blame it on a lie! Did you explain this to hildebeest? This is why we dismiss people like you. Huh? You just agreed with me, you idiot! You should be fighting to protect all Embassy's (sic) with US Military backed up by air forces but instead your (sic) hilariously focusing on a YouTube video discrepancy. Where did I say I don't want to protect all American embassies and diplomatic outposts? Oh wait – I didn't! It's laughable on it's (sic) face. What's laughable is your hapless defense of hildebeest. I'm sure the dead Americans don't give a fuck if it was a youtube video or not – is that why Pat Woods and Charles Tyler are suing the hildebeest for wrongful death, while you sit in front of your computer and cruelly and callously minimize their parental pain and grief? - and surely Obama or Hilary had no idea as to the initial cause so if they came out early with an explanation woop-te-doo that means nothing – is that why hildebeest told her daughter Chelsea, the Libyan President and the Egyptian Prime Minister within 48 hours that it was clearly a terrorist attack? - compared to the rationale behind not providing military aid in a timely fashion which can be technical and complicated. How about if next time we let YOU get on the phone and tell our guys who are under fire that you can't send help because it's “technical and complicated”?

3. She allowed Vladimir Putin to gain control of much of the world's uranium supply in return for contributions to the Clinton Foundation.FactCHECK.org throughly debunked this Fox News talking point.*
Treasury Department, Dec. 8, 2008: Only the President has the authority to suspend or prohibit a covered transaction. Pursuant to section 6(c) of Executive Order 11858, CFIUS refers a covered transaction to the President if CFIUS or any member of CFIUS recommends suspension or prohibition of the transaction, or if CFIUS otherwise seeks a Presidential determination on the transaction.

Even the president cannot prohibit a transaction without “credible evidence” that the “foreign interest exercising control might take action that threatens to impair the national security,” according to the regulation.

Through a spokeswoman, author Peter Schweizer told us he meant that Clinton could have forced the issue to the president’s desk. But that’s not what he said when he appeared on “Fox News Sunday,” where he discussed the uranium deal and his upcoming book*to be released on May 5.

But Schweizer and the*Times*presented no evidence that the donations influenced Clinton’s official actions.

There is no smoking gun because – like any first-year law student - hildebeest knows better than to explicitly acknowledge the existence of a quid pro quo.

The fact is, Clinton was*one of nine voting members*on the foreign investments committee, which also includes the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy, the attorney general, and representatives from two White House offices — the United States Trade Representative and the Office of Science and Technology Policy. (Separately, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission needed to approve (and did approve) the transfer of two uranium recovery licenses as part of the sale.)

Chris Wallace, host of “Fox News Sunday,” made that point when he questioned Schweizer about his lack of evidence connecting the donations to the uranium deal


The evidence is clear - This is a woman who has ZERO SCRUPLES about trading our national security for money and power! And yet, she is a major party candidate for the Presidency of the United States? -*again nothing but Speculation from right wing pundits. As secretary her power and power to corrupt and influence is linited (sic). If anything if you want someone to take the blame then blame Obama not Hilary because as Commader (sic) in Chief the bucks stop with him. So Bengahzi (sic) and anything else under his watch should be blamed on him and not Hilary that is if you want to get technical with it. ;-)

You stupidly overlook the fact that hildebeest violated the agreement she signed when she took the SOS position, whereby she pledged to avoid conflicts of interest involving the Clinton Foundation. She should have recused herself from any vote by the CFIUS. Instead, she participated in the decision and influenced other committee members to approve Putin's take-over.

Now why don't you make the case for how and why the Uranium One transaction DOESN'T threaten or impair our national security in any way?

It's enough to make grown men weep for this country!*you better start weeping old timer ;-) because it will be Maddam (sic) President Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I can't believe I actually took the time to reply to someone as stupid and illiterate as you. Do you see all those "(sic)" inserts? I counted a dozen spelling and/or grammar errors in your post. Did I miss any, Sissy Chap? You can't spell and you can't write normal English. And you obviously can't think clearly. But that's not surprising. Everyone already knows hildebeest has a lock on the high-school dropout vote!